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For today I am a flower
I am the birth of spring
I am a palette of colours
A richness of taste
An exuisite glory of perfume
That fills the air your lover

I am representative
Of admiration and love and immortality of your experiences
I am the bittersweet memory
Of a past you dont want to change
Like a faded photograph and smudged ink
I am the symbolism of your ever  fading eternity

But For Today
If only for
Today I am a flower
I feel no pain
I am adorned in thy lovers wrearh
And there I wither away
Or I am planted in someone's
And over my grave flourishes new life
Where the busy birds sing
And the fruits are plucked away
And when everything is gone
Remains the hearth I helped create

We all have to fade


We just choose how we live

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