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I held on to you
But it wasn't you really
It was who I wanted it to be
But I held on to you
Though I know not a thing
Like what's your favourite color
Or what makes you want to sing
With that horrible voice of yours

But I hold onto you
I remember the distant memory of the curve of your smile
Its fading, being replaced
But dont you worry
For you never will be replaced
I will keep counting the soft syllables of your name
I will keep reading the magic in your eyes
Or how your hair curled
Snarled like the boisterous waves
I will keep remembering each word that you say
Even if I cant remember
I will try anyway

I will love you
With each breath I take
When I make a mistake
When my ground shakes
Or my heartbreaks

I will keep your memory alive in the words I write
Or those I will never be able to say
Words which continue to haunt me everyday

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