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I want to be with you
On days that the sun shines
On days that rain
I want to be the one
You tell all your good things first
The one who hears you complain

I want all of you
The part that fixes
The part that needs fixing

I want to be
Your critique
And also the one who never
Never stops complimenting you

I want to be your shoulder to cry on
The one you can tell your darkest deepest secrets

I want to be the roots to your tree
The one and only
To let you grow and set you free
As you rise gracefully

Dont call me great yet
Cause you see
I want to be with someone
Who only needs me

Being unwanted and lonely
Is a punishment really
And I cant let your light
Fade so easily
So let your spark
Burn this world
While the darkness in me
Will let it glow fiercely
One of me is enough
I cant reignite my faded light
But I'll go to depths of hell
To save yours

Yours truly
Aspiring friend
Or more than that
If you wish so

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