Chapter 4

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We had history next period and were seated before the history teacher came in. That was a surprise.  He asked us to get out our notes and start copying somethings he was going to write on the board. 

I took out my notes and started copying it. Pausing to stare at the back of Mia' s head. Someone kicked my chair from behind.  I turned to see Joel, giving me one of his signature idiotic smiles.

"Idiot." Sandra said under her breath.
Joel turned to her. "Who was talking to you?"

"And was I talking to you? Is your name 'Idiot' all of a sudden?"

"Yes, my name is i-idiot . D-Do you have a problem?"

The poor guy. He was also a stammerer.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them.

"You guys are disturbing. " Beatrice said from where she was seated behind Sandra. "Let them be. It's  called love-" "who was talking to you?" Beatrice asked icily. Seyram and Mia turned to laugh at me.

I blushed and looked down on my notes.  This was going to be a tough year.

The teacher paused writing on the board and turned to look at us. We all resumed copying our notes at once. No one wanted another detention.

I soon realised that only a handful of us were actually copying the notes. Brooke's best friend, Persis, was doodling at the back of her notebook.  Seyram was slumped in his chair and laughing at people and their various poses of distress.  Roosevelt was conversing with Michael and Leroy.  Calvin turned to wiggle his eyebrows at Brooke when he caught her stuffing a biscuit in her mouth. She glared daggers at him and went back to drawing. Edmund was busy making spitwads and shooting them randomly. I grimaced when one hit me in the cheek.

As soon as the bell rang, everyone slung their bags over their shoulders. The principal walked in. "Detention. " she said and walked away.

I totally forgot.

Everyone groaned and slumped into their seats. Jerry put his head on the table. Brooke dragged her chair across to Roosevelt's desk ,making everyone wince at the sound and glare at her. She sat down and put her head on his lap. He smiled and stroked her hair.

Seyram let out a loud sigh.

I stood and spoke up.

"Let's have a quiz." I said.

They responded with a groan.

"Storytelling?" I asked hopefully.

There was a chorus of "pffts" and grunts.

"Okay, pick and act?" I asked.

Mia have me a look that said, "Are you kidding me?"

I blushed and looked down.

"Um, drama?" I asked hopefully.

"SHUT UP!" Everyone shouted at me, like they had rehearsed it.

I say down in embarrassment and Emmanuel turned to grin at me.
"Dude, stop doing that." He said.  "You're just making everyone mad at you." Jerry chipped in. "Well, this sucks." I said.  "Not your fault  though." I heard Brooke say.

Her head was resting on Roosevelt's shoulder.  He had comfortably draped an arm over her shoulder  and was stroking her arm. Neither of them seemed to realise what they were doing. Either that or they didn't care.

I raised my eyebrows.

Were these two more than siblings?

I was yet to find out.

Trina started humming the tune to a very familiar song all of us knew. The boys started drumming a beat on the table.  We were like high school musical.

"Give it to me I'm worth it." Brooke  sang. "Come on baby I'm worth it."
She got up and so did a couple of girls who knew the dance. Soon, the entire class was singing Fifth Harmony's 'Worth it.' The principal walked by a couple of times. 

If she was going to detain us in her school, she might as well put up with us.

After we finished the song, everybody cheered. It was good to be back with my mates again. When we had a few seconds left of detention, everyone started looking at their watches, drumming their fingers impatiently on their desks. Those who didn't have watches stared at their wrists.

I rolled my eyes but said nothing.

As soon as the minute hand rested exactly on twelve, we all shouldered our bags and shuffled out of the classroom.

I breathed in the air. My dad was going to be mad at me when I got home. I'm sure the principal had already called our parents to inform them. I groaned, thinking about the lecture I would receive. 

"Hi Jeremy. " I heard Brooke's voice behind me. I turned to see her walking out with Jerry and Emmanuel.  " Hi." I responded.

"You should really started praying. " she said, biting her lip. He cheeks had turned reds and there were tears in her eyes. I gave them a confused look. "What?" I asked.  My confusion grew where Jerry and Emmanuel exchanged knowing looks. Just then, Mia walked past us, her perfume conditioning the air. I unconsciously breathed in her scent.

"She's been here a day and you're falling for her already?" Jerry asked, a smirk plastered on his face. He shook his head. "I never knew Jeremy was right Jeremy." Brooke said. "You're almost as bad as Michael. " she said.  "Hey!" I threw my hands up in exasperation. 

I know the action wasn't really needed but I loved to be dramatic.

"Talk about dramatic."Brooke said, rolling her eyes. "Unlike these two, remember I'll always support you." Emmanuel said, clapping me on the back. "We support you." Brooke said, defending herself and Jerry. "I know." I said, smiling. 

Roosevelt appeared behind Brooke and patted her shoulder.  "We have to go." He said.  She nodded and watched him leave. "Well, see you cartoons tomorrow.  Bye." She said and left.

"We're not cartoons!" Jerry shouted after her. I heard her giggle as she jogged to catch up with her  'brother'.

I had to know what was really going on between these two.

I jogged up the stairs that led to the front door. I pretty much ran from the bus stop to the house and    was out of breath so I paused to take a breath. I looked over the hedge and saw Trina unlocking her door. She just stared at me and got in.

I entered the house and dumped my bag at the foot of the stairs.  I washed up and went to the kitchen. 

It was a quarter to five and dad would be home soon.

I had ordered his favourite Chinese food and poured some of hir favourite wine into a glass.  I even put a vase of red roses in the middle of the table.

When I heard a car pull up into our drive, my heart started running a 150 miles an hour. I heard his footsteps pound on the wooden floorboards.

The first thing I heard was my name.


I mean wow. Really touchy.

He entered the kitchen and glared at me.

"Hi dad." I said sheepishly.
Real smooth Jeremy.  I thought, then blushed because it was the same thought that ran through my mind when I accidentally stepped on Mia' s toe.

Dad's glare didn't soften. I'm sure he probably thought that I was blushing because he was mad at me.

Not happening, old man.

He glowered and we just stayed there staring at each other.

I could see the hurt, disappointment and anger in his eyes.

Now you are dead. I told myself and gulped.

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