Chapter 19

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Everyone was murmuring about something when I got back to class. I had to change my jeans and wear a pair of khaki shorts. Because of the little stunt Debbie pulled.


I promised myself I would get my revenge on her later on, with the help of Edmund. He's good at stuff like that.

I sat behind Emmanuel in my usual seat and  prodded his back with a pen. "What's going on?" I asked. He shrugged. "The girls have been mumbling something ever since we got back from lunch. Something about a play." He said.

A play?

I haven't been in a play since elementary.

I know what you guys are thinking. Me, the bashful Jeremy, in a play? C'est impossible.

Nah. It's very possible. You people are bubble bursters. I'm a very good actor you know.

But I'm sure you don't want to know about my acting history.

I got why the girls were so excited. They loved plays and it would increase their popularity status by a tonne. And it would give them a chance to be in the spotlight again.

I looked around to see the reactions of my friends. 

Trina and Chantelle were conversing quietly with Debbie, who winked when she saw me staring. I blushed and tried my best to glare at her.

Keyword: tried.

Brooke and her brothers were engaged in conversation, pointing out random people in the class and laughing at whatever seemed funny to them. Jerry was talking to Michael and Augustine, a plump 16 year-old, probably something about football. Emmanuel was reading and I, was staring at everyone else.

Aftet a couple of minutes, Ms. Jester entered and everyone went quiet.

"Good afternoon class. " She greeted. We mumbled our response. We were quite weary because she hadn't punished us in a long time.

"I'm sure majority of you have heard about the upcoming play. Each class is expected to present their play by the end of the semester. The date will be in soon. In the mean time, I leave the details with your class president. Brooke?" She said as she gestured for Brooke to start.

Brooke nodded her head in Comfort's direction.

Comfort was going extreme this term. Her hair was dyed bright green and turquoise. She wore dark blue jeans and a yellow blouse with a green jacket and brown boots.

She stood in front of the class and smiled. Before telling each of us our roles.

She would direct the play with Trina, naturally. Edmund, Seyram, Michael and I would handle the lights. Persis, Brooke and Chantelle would handle make-up and costumes. Augustine, Calvin, Roosevelt and Jerry would help with the set. Everyone else were basically actors or extras.

I appreciated the part I was given but, the people I was supposed to work with would pose a problem.

A huge problem since none of them liked me, yet.

Yeah yet.

After miss Jester left, everyone was talking loudly.

"Guys, can I have your attention please?" Brooke asked. The class quieted down.

"That's more like it." She grinned.

"Hurry up already!" Edmund shouted from the back. She stuck her tongue out at him like the mature 16 year-old girl she is. Mia giggled.

"We'll be meeting right here after school to discuss a plot for this story. If you have any ideas, please see Comfort or Trina. Please, sensible plots." She added as an afterthought.

The rest of the day, the entire class was distracted. Everyone mumbling and occasionally giggling, discussing various ideas for the play. In general, we succeeded in pissing off Mr. George and Miss Emelia, (Well she was already pissed. There wasn't much we could do.) And ended up with two detentions after school, which gave us two hours long to discuss our play.

I was thinking of comedy or a musical since we were very good at those two. And getting a comedian wouldn't be difficult. We had Edmund and Seyram....

Okay screw it.

Maybe we could redo High School Musical. But that would be too clichè. Or a comic Sound of Music. A modern sound of music. I could be Rolfe while Mia was Liesl....

They only kissed once in the movie, I know. But do you seriously think that's why I would want to play Rolfe?

Okay. . . Maybe a little bit.


A basketball hit me square in the forehead. I heard a couple of snickers. Cymbals clashed and the class cheered. Spitwads flew in every direction. Lip gloss splattered on the window next to Sandra. I just folded my arms and sunk lower into my seat to avoid getting hit by more basketballs. Glue spilled on Debbie's  chair and she fortunately didn't notice until after she had sat down, much to my delight. It wasn't me.

Oh hi.

You're probably wondering where we are. We're still in the classroom. And hour of detention gone and we still haven't come up with anything.

I noticed Mia put her chin in her palm and sigh, probably wondering what crime she had committed to be out in a class of lunatics. I know that's what I was thinking.

Seyram clashed the cymbals again and everyone went quiet. Sorta.

"Any ideas?" He shouted.

If I didn't get my idea out we would never do the play so I raised my hand. "Yes Jeremy?" Comfort called.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as everyone was looking at me.

"I'm thinking we should do a modern Sound of Music play. It would be really good." I said.  For a while, everyone was quiet. Then they all started muttering assent. I smiled. They loved the idea.

"Wow. Where do you usually hide your brain?" Joel asked. I glared at him.

"Comfort, I don't think Jeremy should handle the lights anymore. What do you think?" Brooke gave me a subtle wink before turning to the greenhead.

"We will give him a part. His job will go to....... Joel." She said, grinning. Joel scowled at her while Michael grumbled about how he had to work with a blown, coconut headed idiot.

I giggled.

Yes. I giggle. Problem?


This would be one heck of a play.

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