Chapter 10

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We had to do a science project in pairs after lunch. Seyram had spared Sir Bobby the harmless poison saying that his new target was Monsieur.

We rolled our eyes at that.

Brooke had been paired with Seyram and none of them looked too happy about it. Edmund was paired with Zoe which both of them seemed fine with. It was a pity though because she would have to do all the work. Enid had been paired with Jerry until it went on and on. Then my name was mentioned.

I was paired with Mia.

There were wolf-whistles and cat calls as they cheered. Why, I had no idea.

Or maybe I did. Nah, never mind.

I picked my chair up and went to sit beside her. Unfortunately, we weren't really able to do anything in the first five minutes because Brooke and Seyram were at it again.

"Look at the stomach." I heard Seyram whisper to Brooke. She giggled. "I know right? It's like he's one of those exceptional males that can get pregnant.  I wonder..." She trailed off with a mock thoughtful look on her face. He burst out laughing. "Maybe he's pregnant with twins." Seyram whispered back .

I looked up to see if Sir Bobby had noticed but he was dozing off. This only made the two laugh harder.

I rolled my eyes.

"Are they always like that?" Mia asked. I shrugged. "When they are not arguing over useless things like colours, then yeah, they're the best of friends. " I responded. She rolled her eyes and went back to the project we were given.

It was obviously no surprise when Brooke and Seyram came in first. Even they looked bored. I don't know. Sir Bobby could have fared better in a sleeping pill manufacturing company than overdosing pupils here in school with his voice.  I started to yawn and I found that I wasn't the only one.

That was a relief.

We had free period next so there was hardly anyone left in the class. Everyone had gone over to the bleachers to chat, work or play. I spotted Mia talking to Comfort' s squad. They looked so engrossed in the conversation you would think they were talking about something trivial.

No offense to you ladies out there.

"Keep staring at her like that and Calvin will break you face." Jerry's voice came from behind me. I may or may not have jumped in my seat. Emmanuel snickered as I tried to gather my books.

"I wonder what you would've done if it were a motorcycle. " He said.  I glared at him. "Don't even joke about it." I said shuddering.

"And I wonder why a motorcycle should scare a guy." This time, I did jump in my seat. "For the love of God you guys!" I exclaimed in exasperation.

Her smile was apologetic but I did see the amusement in her hazel eyes. "Sorry." She didn't sound very sorry thouğh. I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here anyway? " I asked seeing as she was with the girls seconds ago.  She shrugged. "I prefer hanging out with my first friend. " That alone was enough to make my heart skip a beat.

I looked at her face and drank in her features. Today, her hair had pink running through instead of green. It's fit her.

"But you h-have..." I trailed off. Great. Stammering mid-sentence. How awesome.

"Oh please." She rolled her eyes and sat beside me. I blushed a deep crimson. "Oh what will we do with you?" Jerry murmured from beside me, shaking his head. "Oh shut up."

Free period was almost over so we spent the time doing our homework and talking. I found out that just like me, Mia liked pineapples and she also thought bugs bunny was great. When she said that, I couldn't stop doing my victory dance.

"What's wrong with him?" I heard a voice ask from behind us. This time, I didn't jump. I slowly turned, just for dramatic effect. Calvin rolled his eyes at me. Then he turned to Mia.  He nodded once at her and she nodded back. "I have to go guys." She said. We excused her and she left with him.

Calvin and Mia were absent during the last period of the day and I couldn't get rid of the uneasy and queasy feeling in the out of my stomach. 

"Hey," Enid nudged me from where she sat on my left. I turned to her. "Are you okay? You're shaking. " She said. I turned to look at my hands. Sure enough, they were shaking. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

No, A voice inside me said. You're not. I rolled my eyes. Of course I was. I was just angry because Calvin and Mia had ditched school together to God-knows-where. I heard Joel snicker from behind me.







I didn't just say that.


I wish I had a memory swipe of some sort.  I would wipe all your memories.

Never mind.

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