Chapter 6

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No one paid any attention to the French teacher as he went on and on about pronouns. I stared blankly at the board trying to comprehend what he was saying.  Frankly, it was all Greek to me. I didn't understand anything and that was very frustrating seeing as I was out to get better grades this year so I would finally get my own car. I knew it would take a lot of work convincing my dad about getting my car but hey, a guy can dream.

I sighed and decided to look around.

Edmund had placed his head on his desk and I could hear soft snores coming from him. I looked away from him and saw that half of the class had already fallen asleep. Not that I blame them, Monsieur was pretty boring when he wanted to be.

As soon as French was over, alarms started beeping all over the class. Simultaneously, everybody raised their heads off their desks and started chattering like they had never fallen asleep in the first place. I quirked my eyebrows but said nothing.  School was over but we still had to stay thanks to Ms. Jesters detention.  At least no other teacher had detained us.

I packed my books and went to the library.  I decided to stop by Mia's desk to make small talk. As soon as she saw me she closed her diary lightening fast and put it away.

"Why? Do I feature in your diary a lot for you to hide it so quickly?" I asked. I was surprised by my sudden burst of confidence and the fact that I hadn't blushed yet. I would anyway.

"No, but there are a few people in it you know and I don't want you to see their names or you might tell them." She said, slightly blushing.

"Oh don't worry. I won't. " I said, grinning . I took me a while to see that her concentration wasn't on me. That stung a little. 

She was staring at a tall guy leaning against the door frame talking to Brooke.  He made her look like a dwarf. I could easily tell he was in his senior year. He had curly tousled black hair and a tall well built muscular frame in a lean way. His eyes were brown and he was staring intently at her. He wore a blue and white varsity jacket over a blue V-neck shirt. He chuckled at something she said and she hit his hand playfully.  Soon, they both ended up laughing.

"Who is that?" Mia asked. I turned back to her. "That is Declan." Michael said, coming to stand beside me. "He's a senior?" I asked.  "Yep. He plays basketball. " he replied, taking a bite of his apple. "Wow. He's tall." Mia said.  Declan looked six feet three. "Yeah." I said.  All this while I had been taking countless gallons of milk to grow tall not knowing someone somewhere would make me feel like a dwarf. Go figure.

Everyone milled about since we didn't have anyone supervising us for detention.

I spotted Brooke, Chantelle and Trina go out of the class. I grabbed my bag and followed them. I saw them go up the stairs to the music room.

Ooh they were going to sing .

Sorry, I was just excited.  I love it when they sing.

I stood outside and listened to what they were going to do.

"Brooke, you know the keys to play. Chantelle, you know what to do." I heard Trina tell them. I didn't hear anything afterwards.  After a few minutes, I heard the soft music from a piano. "I used to be afraid of giving up." I heard Trina sing. "The road was just too tough. Out here on my own. My path was just too long." I heard her sing. I knew at once that they were singing Rise by the McClain sisters. The sound of a guitar joined in the melody as they sang.

I heard someone behind me. A masculine voice asked behind me, " And just what do you think you're doing?" I gulped as I turned to face Declan. "H-Hi." I stuttered.  He stared at me with a completely poker face. His eyes showed no emotion in them and he was holding the straps of his backpack. "Well, I asked you a question. " He said. "Um, I thought they were going to study so I followed them." I said. "Stalker much?" He asked, a hint of a smile visible on his lips.

I rolled my eyes. "No! Ugh!" I said, exasperated. He stared at me then lifted his head to listen to the music. He smiled for real. " they're  pretty good huh." He said. I nodded. I knew he was thinking about a certain someone but I decided not to bring it up. I turned around and left.

There was nobody in the class. I went to the library but it was just Zoe and Enid there studying. I found a few people out on the park though. The boys mostly, and Beatrice. I decided to watch them.

"Where are the others?" I asked no one in particular. "Home." Emmanuel replied, coming to stand beside me. Jerry flanked my other side. My jaw dropped.  "They ditched detention?!" I asked, my tone incredulous. Emmanuel rolled his eyes. "Joel didn't want to miss Hannah Montana because of some stupid stay-in and I think the girls were tired." "Besides, the principal is gone home." Jerry added. I nodded.

On the inside, I was screaming.  Now we would definitely get a double detention tomorrow.  I wonder what my dad will be thinking.  Now I can kiss my Maserati Spyder goodbye this time.

"Hi guys." A voice said beside us. My knees immediately turned to jelly-O. We turned to see Mia grinning at us. Her black hair had been straightened and a few strands had been dyed green. She looked nice.

Wait. Pause. I did not just say that. I didn't just complement her. Oh God I'm a wreck.

"-Jeremy? Are you listening?" I heard Mia asked. I realised I was staring. At her hair. Of all the parts of the body. Jerry noticed this and snickered. Emmanuel was smirking.

"Jeremy. " She called. Jerry burst out laughing. Apparently Mia had not been very quiet because almost everyone was staring intently our direction and throwing us amused looks. Or in Seyram's case, pursing their lips with bursting cheeks. Whatever was wrong with that guy?

I blushed furiously. Heat crawled up from my neck up into my cheeks and stayed there permanently. How sweet.

"What?" I managed to croak. To top it all off, my voice had refused to work. Amazing right?

"Well, I need you to come to my house today. I really didn't understand  what Brooke was saying. " she said, smiling sweetly.

The world stopped spinning. A wide smile spread on my face. I was grinning so hard it almost hurt.

I'm going to a girl's house.

I'm going to a girl's house!

Oh boy! Oh boy!

Brooke and the girls strolled into the park. She shot me a questioning look before sauntering over to Roosevelt to give him a goodbye hug. Then she walked up to me. "We're leaving now." She said.  I nodded. "Tell Trina to tell my dad I won't make it early today. " I said.  She nodded and waved at us. "Shall we?" Mia asked. "Of C-course." I stuttered.

Darn my hormones.

We walked over to her BMW and got in. I noticed Brooke's car still in the lot. Maybe she was waiting for Roosevelt?

I didn't care. I wore a goofy smile all the way to Mia's house.

Blame my hormones.

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