Chapter 13

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"I need to tell you guys something it's extremely important. " Brooke said bouncing up and down in front of us. Maybe she didn't care that we were in the middle of the cafeteria and that the whole school was watching her or that she looked like a toddler who had been given a bag of candy.

Whatever the case, she was freaking me out.

And personally, I blame Edmund with the candy.

"Jeremy listen!" She shrieked. I flinched as Mia burst into a fit of giggles. She had decided to sit with us today at our table. I guess she was done with Calvin and his cronies.

"Sheesh woman! I'm listening." I said, rubbing my ears. She raised her eyebrows. "Oh yeah?" She said with a challenging tone in her voice. "Then tell me what I said. " She said. Her arms had been folded across her chest  and her eyebrows slightly raised. "Well?" Jerry smirked and Emmanuel coughed a laugh. Mia was failing in concealing her laugh.

"Well... I-uh-" I trailed off. She stared at me triumphantly. "Like I thought. " Then to Mia, she said, "You've got quite a good catch there, Mia." At that, both of us turned red. Brooke quirked an eyebrow but said nothing.

Wait... Mia blushed because of Brooke's comment?



"So what did you want to say?" I asked, trying to be nonchalant. With  Mia sitting right beside me, it didn't work very well.

She huffed at having to start all over again. "I was saying, that Mia and I are now neighbours. " She grinned. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who squealed.

Never mind.

My friends gave me weird looks. I shrugged them off. "I mean, yay!" I said.  They rolled their eyes and Mia smacked me upside the head. I grimaced in pain. "You need to stop hanging around Brooke. "  "Well, she can't because technically, we live next door so she can't avoid me, really. " Brooke said before Mia could even open her mouth. I turned to Emmanuel and Jerry.

"You guys... " I whined. Jerry looked at me and snickered. "Jeremy, I love you, I really do. But you see, some problems in life...." he trailed off. "You have to take care off by yourself. " Emmanuel finished for him. I scowled.  "When did you guys get so mature?" I asked.

They exchanged glances.

"Do you remember when we got so mature?" Brooke asked them.

"No I don't. Do you?" Jerry asked Emmanuel.

He shook his head vigorously causing Mia to laugh. I hid a smile.

"Idiots. I'm surrounded by idiots. " I said, shaking my head.


"You guys are really something. " Mia  said, shaking her head at us. The bell went off.

"Oooh. I've got music lessons. See you guys. " Brooke said and grabbed her bag. "And I've got French. " Jerry said. "I'm going to see Brooke. See you boys later." Mia patted my head like a puppy and left.

Well, it's just the two of us now." I said. "Well, we don't have free periods like them. We'd better get to class. " he said. I agreed with him and we left the cafeteria, which was empty by the way.

We got up and made our way to maths class.

"What are you doing?" I asked Mia. She had been texting on her phone since the bell rang. She had dragged me out here to the parking lot to take me to her house.  She wanted me to go with her to help her in an English assignment Miss Emelia gave us. I asked her why she couldn't ask her mom for help and she looked at me funny.

Mia sighed and turned to me.  "I'm talking to my little sister." She said in a 'duh' tone. I rolled my eyes. I obviously didn't know.  "Care to elaborate?" I asked. She nodded. "Pheobe's staying with my dad in Boston and she just told me she's coming over for the weekend. " She said. 

"Why couldn't you ask Brooke to help you instead?" I asked. "I mean, I thought you guys were neighbours. " I said. Not that I didn't want to be away from her. Far from that.

I was just curious.

"Well, Brooke is going to be busy unpacking. " She pointed out. "She just moved in yesterday. "

I let out a small "oh."

She instantly brightened. "But that only means we can have a cupcake party." She said, squealing and clapping her hands together like a dolphin with a ball.

I raised my eyebrows. "Cupcake party?" I asked.

"Oh yes. I learnt yesterday that Chantelle makes the best cupcakes in the world. " She said.

I was glad that her spirits had lifted since yesterday. I felt like killing Calvin when she said that but I guess now is not the time to discuss it.

"Chantelle prepares cupcakes?" I asked, surprised. "She can cook?"

Well, don't blame me. She whacked my head with a bottle. It's hard to believe anything positive about her.

"You should hear yourself. " Mia said, rolling her eyes. "You sound so stupid. And yes, she can cook you idjit." She said, slapping me upside the head like Brooke does when she's resisting the urge to slap me hard across the face.

Mia seriously needed to stop hanging around Brooke.

I raised my eyebrows slightly at the insult but said nothing. Idjit. I've been called worse.

We made it to her car and I watched as she got in. I spotted Michael and Calvin glaring at me. I glared right back. A few feet away, Brooke and Persis were grinning at me while Roosevelt and Seyram sent me amused glances.

I rolled my eyes at my friends.

I was going with my crush to her house to help her with an English assignment.

Where's the harm in that?

Humans are so weird.

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