Chapter 23

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The kitchen was silent for a while. Nobody spoke. My friends kept shooting worried glances my way when I didn't respond immediately, especially the twins. But I didn't mind them. I was too busy digesting this new piece of information. Calvin told her that? Why did he? What exactly was his plan? What was he trying to gain by that? Sure, obviously some part of me was happy that she finally knew but the other part was angry. It wasn't his call to make! I wasn't even sure if I wanted her to know. What kind of a difficult life was this? I didn't ask to crush on anyone because I didn't want the troubles it came with. I was fine being my usual dorky self, with my three best friends. Four actually. Brooke and Chantelle were sort of a package deal. But still! So know that she knew what would she do? Would she still go ahead and run back to Calvin knowing perfectly well that it would only hurt me more or would she leave him for me?

Wow this just got surprisingly corny.

"Should I leave?" She asked softly. "I think you should go." Jerry answered on my behalf.

The door clicked shut.

"Jeremy, I can take you home if you want. Fiona's around. " Brooke offered.

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm fine. I just need some time to think all this through. " I said.

She nodded.

"I just can't believe he's told her." Emmanuel muttered under his breath. "He's so going to get it from me."

That afternoon did not go well. There was a huge crowd gathered in the hallway after school. And there were shouts. I could see Mia, pinned against the lockers, tears streaming down her cheeks. A new bruise marked her chin, this one more hideous and revolting than the others. I watched in horror, rooted to the spot as he landed another punch to her cheek. She cried out and that was enough to stir me out of my reverie. I ran towards them, shoving nosy and obnoxious people out of my way and caught his wrist just as he was about to slam it down on her again.

"Don't you dare touch her." I said, holding his wrist in place. He sneered at me. I felt Mia shaking with silent tears behind me.

"What the hell are  you waiting for? Go!" I hissed to her. The crowd parted as she ran straight into Beatrice's waiting arms, who are looking at me with an expression that said: Is this guy crazy?

I might as well have been.

I didn't have time to think, or strategise properly as Calvin grabbed a fistful of my hair and slammed my head against the lockers. I winced, desperately trying to grab his short and do some damage. Of course, the fabric just had to slip through my fingers. He grabbed my hair again and punched me in the side. Ow. That would leave a really ugly bruise.   

"Mind your own business Whitfield." He snarled, kicking me in the shin. My knees buckled with pain and I almost crumpled to the ground, but he held me in place and I was a tad bit grateful for that.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brooke and her brothers round the corner. All their eyes widened as they took in the scene before them. Brooke's and Roosevelt's expressions seemed to be one of pure fury while Edmund, Seyram and Michael were just surprised. 

Before Roosevelt realised what she was about to do, Brooke ran straight for Calvin and grabbed the collar of his shirt, throwing him off me and slamming his face into the opposite wall. The sound of a broken nose seemed to jerk everyone from their temporary stupor. My knees gave out and I crumpled to the ground.

"Here, let me help you." Seyram offered me a hand and helped me up. Edmund flashed me a grin. "The two of you are certainly the most beat up couple of the year." He snickered. I rolled my eyes. Fiona would kill me if I showed up like this. "I can walk, I guess." I said, shrugging off their hands.

I turned to face where  Brooke was still pinning Calvin against the wall, beating all sense out of him. I must admit I felt a bit scared for him. He didn't seem to want to fight back. Finally, Declan arrived  and pulled her off him, giving her a small kiss on the forehead to calm her down.

"Chill, relax. Everything's fine. " He said. Then he fixed the others with a glare so hard everyone cringed. As soon as we were out of everyone's sight. Brooke left him and ran to hug me. Nearly crushing me in the process. I winced. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She said.

"What happened?" Trina demanded, jogging over to us with Chantelle on her heels. She examined my face closely.  "I'm fine. " I assured her. "Where's Mia?" Chantelle asked.

"She's probably with her mom." Jerry said.

"We have to get you home." Jerry said.

"No shit, Sherlock. " Chantelle mumbled.

Jerry rounded on  her. "Whatever is your problem?! As far as I am concerned I have done-"

"Cut it out, you two. I'm not having this." Trina growled. She took my hand and led me towards Brooke's blue Toyota. "I'll see you later." Brooke told Declan. He nodded and pecked her cheek before turning away and headed the opposite direction where he had parked her car.

"So," I started. "You guys make it official yet?" I asked her. She groaned. "Shut up Jeremy. " Everyone groaned. We burst out laughing.

"Good to know some things never change. "


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