Chapter 15

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Yes guys, a miracle happened and I  have finally updated. Be grateful and stop grumbling. So here's chapter 15, honeybuns.



A car I didn't recognize sat in our driveway when I got home. Maybe dad had bought a new car. I opened the door which happened to be unlocked and stepped in. I could smell baking from the kitchen so I headed there, grabbing a Britannica on the way in case, maybe, if the bogey man decided to pay us a visit....

Well, you'll never know.

Maybe I could brain the bogey out of him.

Instead of the bogey man, I found a tall girl with straight dark hair wearing a varsity jacket and a pair of dark blue jeans. I dropped the Britannica with a loud thud.

She whirled around to face me and broke into a grin so wide I thought her face would probably hurt or something.

"Jeremy!" She said. She threw her arms around me and squeezed so hard my lungs burst.

Not literally but maybe close to bursting.

"Yeah..... I missed you- Oh my God. Can't breathe...." I managed to croak. She let go of me and the air quickly rushed into my lungs. I sighed. "Have you been working out or something?" I asked.  She shook her head.

"I thought you were going to say you missed your sweet and caring big sister." She pouted.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sour and tyrant sister more like." I muttered.

"I heard that." She tried to look miserable but failed well......miserably. 

I laughed. "Yeah, I missed you... probably. " She rolled her eyes. "When's dad coming home?" "Around five. What are you making?"

"Brownies. I miss them. " She nodded. "Okay. I'm going to put my stuff down and come help out how about that?" I asked.

As I turned to leave, she called me. "Jeremy?" "Yeah?" "Who's the girl?"

I have never heard my heart beat so loudly in my life. Or my knees weaken so much.

She chuckled. "Dude I was just kidding. It's just that the Jeremy I know...." She trailed off, then took in my countenance. "Wait.  .  . There's a girl?" She said. I didn't need a mirror to know my face was red.

She started squealing and jumping up and down.

"Fiona. . . Tone down the squeals. We've got neighbours. " I said. She stood still but there was still that stupid smile stuck on her face.

"So it's true?" She asked.

I almost laughed. I could not ask a girl out. Not even Mia.

"Well.... I kinda like this girl. But she's my English teacher's daughter. " I said she grinned.

For the next half-hour or so, we completely forgot about the brownies and Fiona made me tell her everything about Mia. The way she stared at me kinda freaked me out. Like I was her favourite Tv show or a really really newly discovered species of the male gender. (Now I can't really tell you how many times that has happened when I 'kinda' look like Winnie the Pooh.)

Afterwards, we went back to baking the brownies and set a few pieces aside for dad. Then we settled to watch a movie together.

I missed my sister so much though I'd probably never admit it to her. She was kinda like my best friend and knew me like her palm. Anytime she came back from London, we'd do tons of things together before she went back and she was staying for a week. We'd go to the beach, visit restaurants, or go see high school basketball games. Mainly because I drag her to them. I loved my sister a lot though she could be a pain in the neck at times. And she was a great cook. (Better than dad) I simply loved her pastries and like Mia, she was addicted to them.

After the movie, we cleaned up the kitchen and I helped Fiona prepare dinner.

I know. I'm being a good boy. No need for the compliments.

Maybe it was karma. Maybe it was sheer bad luck but whatever the case, I don't think I deserved to have ice cubes in my shirt on a Saturday morning.

I groaned and sat up. I would ask Brooke or one of the guys for pranking advice later in the day, when she would least expect it.

I hurriedly took a shower and headed downstairs for breakfast.  Dad and Fiona were already in the kitchen. He was asking her bout school and how mom and Perez are doing back in London.

My parents aren't divorced, God no. It's just that my mom has this really important job back in London so she's keeping Perez there with her. Fiona recently just joined them when she applied to Cambridge university.  I miss them both so much. And I'm pretty sure my dad does too. I mean, I heard the late night calls and , " I love yous"

"Good morning guys. " I greeted, sitting down on a bar stool next to the island.  "Good morning. " Dad said. "Morning." Fiona greeted a little too cheerfully. I frowned at her. She just tossed me a wink over her shoulder as she went back to the omelettes in the frying pan.

I poured myself a cup a coffee and grabbed two slices of toast from the toaster. As I ate, my mind drifted back to Mia. Brooke did say we could both help her and her siblings pack up. I have met her parents countless number or times so it wouldn't be a problem. It just meant I would see Mia today too.

I noticed I had been grinning like an idiot as I stared back at my reflection in the coffee, distorted by the ripples.

Fiona frowned. "What's got you all so giddy?" She asked, her British accent more pronounced than I remembered it. Dad stood up. "I'm afraid I have to get going kids. I'll be back early though." He said.

We heard the front door open and close. Then his car left the driveway. 

Fiona fixed her stare on me. I sighed. "I have to go over to Brooke's house to help them unpack." I said. "So that you can see Mia?" She asked. I shrugged. "Maybe. "

I knew she could see right through my lie but I'd like to think she bought it anyway.

Just as I reached the door, my phone rang. The caller ID made my heart dance in my chest. I slid the ACCEPT button across the screen.


Yes, I see you all with pitchforks and knives and torches  at my door but news flash, I'm in the middle of the Atlantic. If you can swim all the way here then..... meh. I still don't care. That was barely a cliff hanger I don't get why you guys are so upset. I'll be updating soon...........hopefully So keep in touch.

Just hopefully.


Peace out


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