Chapter 3

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The classroom was in chaos when I entered. I could hear them from the end of the hallway and I didn't  think the principal would take kindly to this. I ducked as a notebook flew in my direction.  I saw Michael give one of his friends, Calvin, a high five.

The girls, Eunice, Comfort, Beatrice, Sandra and Bestill were seated in the middle of the classroom, talking heartily and giggled. Bestill turned to look at me and giggled, making me blush.

These girls hardly ever smiled at anyone, except for Michael and his minions and Brooke's siblings.  Not to mention Brooke herself.  Who wouldn't love them? So it was really a big deal for me if one of them looked in my direction much less smile at me let alone giggle.

Call me sappy. Maybe that's what I was was.

I didn't pay attention to what was going on around me, staring  so much.

I only managed to decipher the words Brooke had been yelling at me for who knows how long and barely managed to dodge the basketball that came flying at me. Seyram gave Edmund a fistpump.  

I honestly hated those two.

I glared at them and they glared back. I slowly let my eyes drop to the ground.  The only people who could stand up to Seyram and glare back at him like that were Brooke and Roosevelt. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Emmanuel. I grinned at the sight of my best friend.

"Hi." I said.  He grinned back at me. He hardly smiled. "Good to see you." He said and turned to face the crazy classroom.  "I'm glad somethings never change." He said and went over to his seat. I followed him and perched on my seat behind  him.

A couple of seniors passing by gave us weird looks. Not that I blamed them. They just shrugged and headed for their classes. Some just shook their heads.

I looked around at the people who at least seemed to be doing something useful with their time.

Brooke, Seyram and Edmund were all standing around a sheet of paper on Seyram's desk. She was pointing something out to them and they nodded, mumbling assent. Trina and Chantelle had their heads close together, reading a book. Roosevelt stood over Beatrice's desk, explaining something to her over her shoulder. Emmanuel was working math and Jerry was reading French. I was basically just staring at everybody around me.

Spitwads plastered the  walls and the basketball was still being tossed by Michael and his minions. A blade of the ceiling fan was bent and there were several spiderweb cracks in our windows. I bit my lip, knowing what was going to come next.

Brooke was the class president and she didn't seem to care. She was so absorbed in whatever she was doing with her brothers to care.

"Class," the icy voice of the principal sounded from the doorway. Everyone looked up from what they were doing and looked at her, bored. We all new what was coming but we probably weren't expecting what came next.

A tall dark girl stepped in behind her. Calvin smirked and Michael grinned. Idiots. I saw Seyram swallow back a laugh. Brooke rolled her eyes at the boys. "Yes Ms. Jester?" She asked as politely as she could. The principal scoffed. " I want to introduce Mia Hatfield, a new student for your class." She said and turned to leave. She paused at the door. "Oh and by the way, you all have a detention. Except Mia, of course." Without so much of a goodbye, she left.

The class went back to its normal state. We had science but apparently the science teacher had a stomach upset as soon as he took a glass of water in the teacher's lounge. (Cough*Seyram *cough).

The new girl, Mia, looked around for an empty seat. I waved and got up. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked me. I heard a snicker, a snort, a giggle and a guffaw but I didn't let that stop me.

I walked up to the girl and stood close to her. Maybe a bit too close. "Ow!" The girl shrieked in pain and stepped back. I had stepped on her toes with my sneaker and she was wearing open-toe sandals.

Wow, real smooth Jeremy.  I thought sarcastically.

I felt my cheeks reddening and didn't dare look at the faces of my friends.  They were probably biting their lips and taking in deep puffs of breath so they didn't  burst out laughing. Or in Seyram's  case, his mouth was probably in a straight line with tears in his eyes and that was because he was dying with laughter in the inside.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry. " I apologised. She smiled at me, wriggling her toes. "I'm  fine. See?" She said. I exhaled. Her smile made me blush a deep crimson.

"I just hope this doesn't get into his head. It will be such a pity if she doesn't like him back." I heard someone whisper behind me.

I cleared my throat.
"I'm Jeremy. " I said.  "Mia." She said without taking my hand. I looked down at my hand and drew it back. A small giggle managed to escape from Seyram's  lips.

I didn't dare look back.

I forced a smile on my face. "There's an empty seat over there," I said, pointing to the seat beside me. She nodded and started I'm that direction but apparently someone had other plans.  "There's one here." Leroy said, gesturing to the empty desk between himself and Michael.

Mia looked torn. She simply didn't know where to sit. The poor girl. I was going to say something when Brooke cut me off. "Mia, you'll sit here." She said, patting the desk next to Seyram. Her voice jad a commanding edge to it. He smirked at me but tears were still streaming from his eyes from holding his laughter in too long.

Mia didn't argue. She obediently sat next to Seyram, who had turned his attention to his drawing. It was pretty good. I noticed that the entire class had gone quiet and I soon found out why.

As soon as I turned with the little bit of dignity I had left, everyone one burst out laughing. Tears welled up in my eyes but I pressed  them down.

What a great way to start the year. I thought sarcastically.

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