1 "meet up"

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Clicking on the black coloured tv remote, passing channel by channel seeing what's best in show. Luckily there was nothing that took my interest. 

Sighing in bored, being cooped up in this fancy VIP ward, alone all by myself yet the so-unfashionable hospital clothesline. People who'd come to visit is either Doctor Yong, Nurse Jine, SM's agent, my friends and my butler. But somehow today, it was a total peace. 

laying my back on the pillow groaning feeling uneasy " i'm so bored! " i screamed my lungs out seeing if anyone would come in after the scream.

Never stop glancing at the door, waiting in full participate for someone to come in even if it's one person. It was quietly silent, not even a single sound from the door. Groaning again, hitting the pillows then the door opens.

Body reflexes moving fast, seeing who it was. The smile faded as i only see my bodyguard coming in.

" do you need anything sir? " he muttered with a rough voice, hands cupped together, standing tall with those black glasses covering his eyes.      

" i'm bored! " i exclaimed, shuttering at his face. He stood there frozen not a single face changes or anything. Scoffing " i'm going out for a walk in the park ! don't ever follow me " i scoffed, slightly annoyed for him being to cool.

Jumping out of bed, still he stood there standing tall showing his jawline and cool vibes. Shrugging my shoulder passing him and out to the lift.

After the lift ride, going out with my blood poll in my hands pulling them along outside the building. " Ah, the fresh air. It's so nice " i murmured, stretching my hands up in the air enjoying the nice moment and breezy wind.

Walking down the road to the park near the hospital which was build especially for the patients. Humming a song tone as i began strolling around the park like usual. 

Without realizing my way, mind totally off the road ahead suddenly bumping into a hard cover thing. A book fell onto my feet, a 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' one. Picking up the book as a hand appeared on the book too, slightly making the skin touch.

" i'm sorry " someone muttered from above.

The voice was so angelic. Has heaven send an angel to me?

picking the book since the other hand pulled as we made touch, seeing a bright girl smiling in front of me sitting on a bench.

Her smile is so bright and lively.

snapping out to reality, clearing my throat " is this yours? " holding out the book.

nodding, showing that bright smile again " yes, it is. Thank you " she mumbled, taking the book from my grip. Then continued reading the goldie book at the last page she read.

she seems new, since i've never seen her before.

scratching the back nape of my hair, feeling quite nervous" are you new here? " i asked full of curiosity.

looking up from the book, making eye contact " i don't think so. I've been warded for nearly 3 years by now " she exclaimed, making weird facials somehow made her look cute.

chuckling, snapping out to reality again with a cough. " that's weird, i have never seen you before? " i gestured, taking a sit next to her.

" umm, maybe that's because this is my third time outside " she shrugged, flapping the book covers as she thinks.

" owhh.. " i cooed, receiving another smile from her. Gulping in nervousness as it made me cringes.

her smile is to die for.

" so .. " i paused " what's your name? " i huffed, manning up asking the question. Catching her attention, closing her book laying it on her lap " mine is Park Seon " she confessed, brightly.

cute name, Park Seon.

" what's yours? "

chukling a fake laugh " i-i'm j-jaemin " i stuttered, face palming myself when she was giggling covering her mouths. 

" let's be good friends, jaemin-ah " she exclaimed smiling, holding out her hand for me.

mind went blank for a second, without hesitating shaking her hands  " alright, let's be best friend seon-ah "

i promise you we will be very close as the time passes ...

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did you enjoy the first chapter? i hope you did ! Don't forget to give some love to this book ! Stay healthy people ~~

i'm starting to stan PARK SEON, Idol School people ! she's so pretty with that pale skin and bright smile asjkulbhnp


lots of love,
renjun's wife

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