16 "i.."

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chewing on my apple bites given by seon this morning, a soulful tone tuning from my phone as i watch the cities view up front on the rooftop. Here, alone. Since yesterday seon was busy having time with her family so it hurts if i ever interrupts her golden time of laughs.

it's beautiful sky
beautiful day

he sings with the song to fill in his loneliness, full of soulful, till his lungs hurt. Eventually stopping as a ding was heard from the elevator door.


and a girl figure came to view, seon actually. He twitches with her sudden presence at this time when she should be with her family.

" why-"


we happened to murmur at the same time, making a small chuckles coming from both of us.

i miss the old times, maybe this might be a good chance.

" can- " we mumbled together again, we burst in giggles again while i played with my fingers behind to cover the nervousness actually.

" w-why don't you go first " she exclaimed, insisting me to, but the nerves are getting me.

Inhaling a big breath for starters " umm, actually i want to say this long ago... " i stopped, especially when a few sweats appeared. Eyes stuck looking at the floor with me,  playing with my fingers. " b-but maybe,  i just couldn't get the courage to say so " i looked up to her, making deep eye contact, looking deeply into her soul and obviously falling more for her beauty.

" yes? " she muttered, forehead creased in concern, hard to make the body sit still.

he went silent a few moments then suddenly walking up to her, now bodies are just a few metres away. Her eyes were stiffly facing his chest, gulping by his sudden move, he grips her shoulders too, eventually making skinship. He closes his eyes and lean forward slowly to her face, pecking a kiss on her forehead.

she went speechless and stunned with his soft peck on her forehead as he pulls away and looks soulfully through the eyes. Getting more awed by his visualize face, no one could resist.

" i like you, seon-ah " he confessed sternly, looking very serious right now.

" I- "

he interrupts, " no, you don't have to answer me if you're unsure with it" he mumbled.

tears suddenly started forming in her eyes, even though she tried hard covering it, but it was still vividly seen.

" w-why are you crying, d-did i say something wrong? O-or is this a bad timing? " i stuttered, worried with her sudden tears, she kept her head low as she wiped her tears out.

shooking her head as she lift her head softly, " actually... "

" I-i'm going back to p-poland the day after tomorrow " she managed to muttered between her sobs, her hands was busy wiping the overflowing tears.

My tummy fell, striking me like lightning bulb, softly ungripping her shoulders as it fell. Eventually being a statue there with my mouths open, just realizing what she meant in the first place.

slowly embracing her, hoping it would calm her down a bit, " don't worry, we'll stay connected somehow. Let us enjoy these last few days, so don't cry, it'll be fine " he confronted, being a man he is to hold back his tears.

A hug is all he needed now, one where he doesn't want to let go for eternity, but that isn't what's reality is for him.

Maybe just appreciating this moment while it last.

+ who's ur bias in fromis_9?

BUDDY. jaeminWhere stories live. Discover now