13 "smtown"

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it's the day, finally.

a day where i get to leave this so-called prison. Stuck inside the hospital was quite stuffy and lonely, but it changed into a happy place ever since seon appeared. Rather saddening hearing her backgrounds and how she woke up with only the doctor and nurses, not those familiar faces.

I, i mean we, are going to SM headquarters today since Lee Soo-Man called me over for some discussion with the news brought by our nct dream's manager himself.

A few sweat and nervousness was here and there, but thankfully seon is tagging along so the feels just drops abit. I invited seon on the other day, where i find myself confessing my disappointment attitude. With that, i found comfort from seon, that ease the heart from the harted.

we stepped outside the doors of the hospital and was welcome with strong blowful of wind and my manager, waiting on the side door with a soft smile and opened the door, escorting us to enter the car.

i faced seon " are you ready? "

with a soft smiled spreads on her mouth " ready if you are " murmured seon, before her eyes started shaking and a gulped down her throat.

" it's going to be fine, just stay with me " i comforted, hoping it'll lose her fear and nervous even though I'm the one with the blues.

step by step towards the car, greeted with smiles again from manager lee and entered the car. Seatbelts strapped for safety before the driver drove off to the headquarters.

since it was seon's first time outside after waking from her long coma, her eyes never left the window as she enjoys the view around in amusement. With those smiling, it makes me feel happy to know she's free now and will be a healthy and successful girl in the future that awaits her.

not too long after waiting in the car, with a shrieking sounds from the brakes, the car halted by the pavement making us moved a little forward with the seatbelt strapped. Manager lee sprites out the car just to open the door for us.

we were very thankful for that and was welcomed by the SM Ent. sign standing on the pavement with a little hint of pink-ish colour. Despite the nervous flowing, we decided to hold hands just so that one doesn't go off ad ends up lost somewhere in the buildings.

We walked upon a long hall with all the artist's pictures labeled againts the wall, walking here brings back memories of old times, only a sigh was huffed. At the the very end of the hall was the elevator, we clicked the number '3' button before the door closed. Then everything went dead silent, just looking around and not muttering even a single sound.

Till the elevator door opens, startling us with the sudden surprise from the members " surprise! " they shouted, jumping up and down, cheering crazily with smiles fully spread, a really touching welcome if i say so myself.

" welcome back jaemin " mark greeted with open arms and came for a hug, making the others stop jumping. Then one by one started greeting and hugging, especially haechan making jokes except for jisung.

he was nowhere in the group but was spotted with seon at the corner, rather far from us.

" where's jisung? " chenle muttered, confused for not seeing him with them.

" he's there " i shrugged, pointing to the far where a boy in bright blue hair was spotted with a girl, that seem rather unknown to the others except for mark.

" oh, who's that? jisung's girlfriend? " mumbled haechan, full curious popping his head on my face.

" w-what are you saying " i snapped, a bit flustered there but hardly seen. " that's seon, i brought her along guessing you guys wanted to meet her "

he coed as i sighs in relief, " well then, bye " he muttered before sprinting off to seon's side, followed by jeno and chenle. Renjun, mark and i only managed to chuckle as we witness seon handling their wild behaviour.

" are you going to visit Mr. Lee Soo Man? " renjun squeak, stopping my laugh automatically.

i nod " well he called me so " i stopped. " i also heard you guys are making a new comeback "

" yeah, we're still practicing our dance but the date is already set " mark shrugged, putting his hand over my shoulder.

" well that's good news. Congrats guys, I'm excited " i mumbled, showing my happy-excited smile with a hand over mark's shoulder this time.

" thanks jae. Don't be sad about it, we all want you to recover fast so you can join us again. Hence, our fans must be missing you desperately " mark gestured, winking off at the end, and somehow to cheer me up, and it did. I'm thankful for that.

" well then, I'm off. Take care of seon while I'm away, especially from the haechan guy " i spoke, earning laughs from the two hyungs.

" will do bro "

" maybe we could show her our 'we young' dance " renjun suggested, earning a cool high five from mark as i walks away and off towards Mr. Lee Soo Man office.


facing the door of Lee Soo Man's office, with the labled of his name written on the door with vivid, three knocks to tell of my presence.

" come in " mumbled, on the other side. The voice was rather deep and a little hoarse, sounded familiar to whom is upon.

full sweats of nervousness here and there, a strong breath of air before turning the doorknob to his office.

walking in step by step, meeting the eye gaze of the one and only person whom has a very powerful and known title. " take a seat, jaemin " he instructed, pointing to the chair in front.

it was dead silent, but he didn't seem to have the scary aura around him and we've been known for awhile now. And he started the conversation between us, " how's your treatment going? "

" my treatment is going great, the doctor told I'm getting better each day yet even growing too " i replied with a smile, using my honorific.

" jaemin-ah " he called. " as you may know, nct dream is making a new comeback next week. And since you're still recovering despite to your health, I'm sure many fans are expecting you to join in this promotion. With that, we thought you would want to write a letter to the fans about your wellbeing so they won't need too worry much. What do you think? "

After hearing those words coming, i went speechless, a bit touching to be honest. All along, i thought no one remembered nor cared much about me. But instead, it was the total opposite. I was the dummy who overreacted too much.

" umm .. it's a great idea, i guess " i murmured but it turned out as a question, scratching the back nape.

" that's good then, we'll upload it in our main website. Do you suggest we add a picture too? " he gestured, legs crossed and finger on his wide chin.

I only managed to nod.

" great! The fans will love it " he exclaimed happily, smiling with our agreement together. Imagining those happy faces of our fans, especially with the super lit comeback nct dream has in store for them.

" anyways, i heard you brought a girl along "

i gulped.

+ guys, im ending this thing. Get ready

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