11 "phone number"

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zooming through the corridor with my blood pole that's as slow as a snail, slowing me down with the wheels. Grunting and struggling to run with them by the side. Why do i even need the blood pole, i'm healthy more than ever.

curse you blood pole.

finally stopping in front of the doors where all the vip patients file is located there includes mine and seon's. Where it leaves a board with the owner's name ..

Dr. Yongguk 

Peeking a bit thru the opening, seeing there was not one figure was inside, with that i sighs in relief and stepped inside then closing the door behind without making a sound.

Tip-toeing to doctor yong's desk and directly shoving thru his drawers with full might, searching for seon's profile. The one and only reason.

" it has got to be here somewhere " she snarled, grunting in anger for not being able to find it. Still kept her words softly since she didnt want to get caught.

She went towards the cupboard, the only place she haven't looked at. Pulling open the doors with dust flying down slowly.

There she saw many files which made a smirk crept onto her face, i looked at the file labels and finally found it, the VIP Documents file.

In it, it had all the profile and informations about the V.I.P people staying. Saying out loud the names while flipping through the pages with eagerness.

Kang Moyeon

Kim Eungyeol

Kim Hyunji

Gu Junpyo

Hwang Lucas

Park Seon

A sly grin appeared. Taking a small sheet of paper, then writing down the numbers of seon's parents aggressively. Both of them, in case one doesn't answer.

putting the file back in the cupboard before anything happened and tip toed back towards the door. But suddenly, one thing caught my eye and made me halt from all the movement, on doctor yong's table. A framed one, picture to be precise.

My feet brought me upon the picture, the picture of two people. A girl and a boy. They looked like a couple, smiling together to the camera. It was a framed of doctor yong and nurse jine together. They looked happy as i felt something weird inside.

suddenly, footsteps were heard and i began to flabbergast and shake in fear.

He opened the door.

" ommaya! " he mumbled in surprise to see my presences as he closes the door behind him. I tried my best hiding my shake.

" yeora-ah, what are you doing here? " he asked, walking down to me as i stood.

" ah, i was about to see you but you weren't here so i waited for you " i muttered the first idea that came crossing in my mind that could be counted as a reason for me to run from trouble.

" well here i- " before he could even continued, i interrupted.

" nevermind. i'll come again another time when i remembered what to ask " i squeak, walking backwards toward the door and laughing a fake laugh at the end before sprinting out the door.

that was close, super close.

now, all i need to do is dial the number then she's finally going for good.

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+im backk and finally updatedd haha

+jbj fantasy got me shookedt oml

+yongguk's debut!

- xoxo eun

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