5 "downpour"

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Upon walking by the pavement roads of the hospital's park, hand intertwined between each other, gripping so it'll be unbreakable and breezy wind flowing in the air. Smiles and laughter could be seen yet heard from the environment 

" seon-ah, let's get inside. My legs are killing me " jaemin pouted, cringing by her arm doing puppy eyes and aegyos to please her. She let out a few chuckles and nodded away as they entered the lobby.

greeting the nurses and doctors as they pass by them to their room " let's go to your room today, i've never been to your room yet " he exclaimed, clicking on the elevator's up button. 

" speaking of which, you're right. You've never visited my room before " seon shrugged, thinking back as they always spend most of their time in jaemin's room or either the park.

he grinned proudly " well this is me, jaemin " he muttered, eyebrows raised quite proud of himself and giving a pat for himself.

walking by the grand vip halls towards seon's room, our hands still gripping together and jaemin making some jokes to liven up the mood especially the ones he learned from haechan. It never fails to make her laugh.

sliding open the doors to her room and finally stepping on her tiled floor. The design were quite same but they added a few touches here and there. But one for sure that it's more clean and organized than jaemin's room, which is a bit messy than here.

sitting at the couches " your room seem kinda different than mine " he muttered, glancing around the room and looking at every corner.

" yeah, i recognize some of the things added after coming to your room " she shrugged, letting out some giggles due to how funny jaemin's face is looking here and there, pacing around her room.

her smile faded as a question came to mind " jaemin-ah, when you wake up do you always sees your family? like mom and dad? " seon asked, wanting to know his answer to this since the very first time meeting him.

he went silent for a second despite him being shocked by the sudden question yet mind going blank  " umm, i haven't fainted yet. But my mom usually visits on weekend morning, bringing along some healthy breakfast " he mumbled.

sighing " what could my family look like? " she murmured under her breath but was clearly heard by jaemin.  

" i'm sure they'll come for you cause every parent loves their children " he shuttered, trying to bring the mood up a bit with some courage.

" but everyday i would glance at door praying to god, maybe my parents came but usually only jine visits " she huffed as her emotional grew, anytime her tears could burst out like a big balloon filled with water.

 " i'll come ! next time let's eat and play and talk in your room, i promise ! " he exclaimed brightly, holding out his pinky to lock their promises.

a smile was plastered on her face thank to the guy in front " promise " she nudges, holding out her pinky too and locking their promise.

huffing another sigh " i'm going to the bed a sec " she muttered, walking to the bed. Upon walking, suddenly her head became super dizzy making her stumbled then-


" seon-ah ! " jaemin shouted, running towards her body and shaking the body with a few hits as he call for her to wake up multiples time but it wasn't working.

" DOCTOR !! HELPP !! "

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+herin got 4th place in the first ep ranking, i'm so proud of her !!

+seon got 2nd place in vocal rankingg !!

+i really need to change my covers
(random things, i'm bored anyway)

-xoxo eun

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