3 "Idols?"

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" okay, this one next to chenle is named donghyuck " jaemin mumbled, pointing to the boy in blue uniform. 

" d-dongh-hyuck " seon pronounced slowly. 

" or you could just call him haechan " he shrugged, chuckling by the funny pronunciation. She nodded, joining into the laugh too.

" do you want to hear a joke? i learned it from haechan " he spoke, earning a clapping nodding seal.

" what's up? " he asked, seon was clearly confused. Is he asking her or something " up? " 

" ceiling " he exclaimed. Seon was slow to caught the point but when she did, she burst into laughs.

a doorknock was heard from the door, catching our attention as we tilted our heads to the door of jaemin's room. The door slides open, two figures walking in with a basket of fruits.

" jaemin hyung ! " someone out of the two figures squealed, running with an open arm to hug his old man. Jaemin got up from his seat and ran towards the guy to, being dramatic and all.

" i miss you " he murmured, jaemin tapped his back, missing him too. The other guy just shake hands and a small hug. 

seon seating on the sofa blank and rather confused with the guest that came, but their visual was rather similar like she had seen them somewhere. It snapped her shock, just realizing who were the two guest were.

" park jisung .. mark " she shuttered softly as she point at them, the facial expression were still stuck onto the two guys.

mark realized that they weren't alone as he saw the young maiden sitting on the couch basically pointing at them. " umm, jaemin. who's that? " he spoke to jaemin who were still stuck with the baby chick.

pulling from the hug, the two guys tilted their heads to seon who started feeling nervous by the three guys looking at her. 

" owh, that's my friend seon. Come and meet her " jaemin shrugged happily, pulling the twos to the couches, resisting his friends to sit down as he sat beside seon.

" seon, this is- " before he even got to said their name, she cutted through his words.

" jisung. mark. " she murmured quite softly, but it was heardable by us.

" you know us? " mark asked. " you remembered them " jaemin huffed at the same time as mark but her mind was still blank looking at the two celebrity in front of her right now.

" well, i showed her our chewing gum video and she insists on knowing the members " jaemin explained, mark and jisung cooed understanding.

" what's your name, noona? " jisung asked out of concern.

" park seon " she shrugged, smiling to the cutie boy in front.

" how old are you ? " mark spoke afterwards, with that jaemin thought again he didn't even know how old she was.

shooking her heads " i don't know. I just woke up from a 2 years and 7 months coma so, i lost my memory " 

" that's so sad, what about your family ? " 

shooking her heads again " i don't remember either. When i woke up, the first person i saw was- " her words was cutted by jaemin who has been starring blankly

" nurse jine " he exclaimed, still starring far far away. A smile creeps onto her face.

" that's so sad, waking up seeing your families not by your side to welcome you and bless to god for bringing back their daughter " mark huffed, feeling pitied and sorry at the same time to seon.

BUDDY. jaeminWhere stories live. Discover now