9 "story tell"

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heaving such a deep sigh while holding upon seon's door and a smile creeped, showing all the happiness there is inside as i slides open the door, which caught her attention.

she turned back to her books while i closed the door behind, walking towards her with the smile i have always shown when i'm with her. 

" hey seon " i greeted with a smile, she closed the books in-front and smiled back. It made me relieve somehow that she responded.

" ajusshi, are we close? " she uttered with her confused face tilted to the side.

eventually a cough came out " aj-ajusshi? "

" yes, we are close and i mean like, really- really close" i gestured the words with full action " btw just call me jaemin " a sly grin appeared with a wink at the end.

" did jine gave that book? " i asked, pointing towards the books in her grip.

" ohh this, yeah. to kill some time " she shrugged, making her usual face gesture, which made me laugh and she twitch in confused. " but, the words are quite hard cause i'm still revising " she added, pouting.

" want me to read it for you? " i exclaimed as she lit happy with my statement.

" can you? "

" of course " i said sarcastically " do you want to read at the park? you usually read there " i added.

" really? but i haven't tried walking yet " she pouted, showing her long face.

" i'll borrow the wheelchair for you " i shuttered and ran out the room to the vip service counter. Bringing back a wheelchair in my hand " tada " i surprised.

" come, i'll help you " i uttered as i helped lay her lap on the wheelchair, i grunt a bit by pushing her onto it, and her face was plushing red.

" fuh, lets go then " i huffed, gripping the pushing handle out the room and on the way to the park.


pushing the wheelchair past the patients and children roaming, smiles seen within, the sound of leaf rustling against the shoe , sun ray through the eyes, wind breezing around and finally arrived at our usual bench under the shady tree.

" we're here! " i squeak as she clapped happily.

" here's the book " she shrugged, passing the book onto my grip then went to take some photos in her iphone, jisung and mark gave. A smile appeared as i watched her in amazement seeing the park's scenery.

i foresee the book in my book titled ' Beauty & the Beast ' , memories pasted through the mind as the childhood times were remembered. Remembering when mom use to tell bedtime stories before tucking in. 

she grunts snapping me back to reality, flustered " what's does it tell about ? "

" this book " i nudge showing the book, she nodded. " owh, its about a coldhearted prince who refused to an old woman, whom only gave a rose for shelter. Then- " i stopped.

 " hey, no spoilers! " i shuttered as she flinched, startling by the sudden shout.

" no need to shout mister, you were the one who was spoiling " she snapped at him " just start reading "

" okay okay, i'm reading " i mumbled, turning the page at the beginning and reading it aloud. Despite her attention's on me, i got kinda nervous and sometimes flattered through the words, earning laughs from her.

while jaemin was busy reading, he didn't notice that seon was smiling all throughout the storytell " it's warm being with him " she murmured softly, which made jaemin halting from his reading.

" pardon? did you say something? " he question in clueless.

" nothingg " she shrugged, laughing it out as jaemin joins too.


" why is she with him again? cant she just get lost ?! " 

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+i love RENJUNN,
he's ma husband so dont take him oof

+herin was amazingly hot in adrenaline with jiwon and seo yeon
(totally shipping them!!)

+the 'hush' was shockingly pretty too, especially with the wind power

-xoxo eun

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