14 "halo?"

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wildly stares upon the phone number being jotted down with such horrible handwriting but is still vivid to spell out. Finally. Today is where everything comes to place, the very beginning to my amazing wicked plans. After 2 days of long hours waiting for a perfect timing to call seon's family.

Thus, just knowing that jaemin and seon went out from the hospital together with a private car was just perfect from such distraction. Or they don't even wish to disturb my time. Those two just seem so unfit for each other, like venus and mars or anything i don't know.

walking by the halls, feets stepping upon the floors of the CEO office grounds. It was completely empty due to lunch hours thus i even told the secretary that my dad called her, typical woman. Nothing will eventually stop my plans, nothing.

Alone. And now the time to call them, even though they're abroad but she fully sure it'll work eventually. Clicking each digit on the keypad carefully as it started dialing, patiently waiting for the signal to reach the other phone ...

+ % +

line connected...

seon's mom

who's there?
:안녕, 누가있어?

seon's mom
ko-korean people?

ahh yes,

are you seon's mom?
park seon?

seon's mom
seon ...

seon's mom
ahh park seon!
my beautiful daughter

seon's mom
is this the hospital
calling? what happened
to my daughter?

yes, this is the
hospital calling

fortunately im
here bringing
news about your
daughter's health

seon's mom
omg really,
what happened?

your daughter just woke
up three weeks ago
and now is very healthy
recovering each day

she says she wants
to go back home, and she
really missed
her mom and dad

seon's mom
really, that's such
good news *sob

seon's mom
i missed my sweetheart
so much

seon's mom
thank you.
thank you so so much
doctor-nim for saving
my daughter lives

yes, yes we're
glad she's alive

but when are
you coming?

seon's mom
ahh .. umm, maybe in
three days? we need to
settle in with stuff here
first before going

ahh okay,
please do hurry.
she really wants to
see you

seon's mom
yes i will,
thanks again doctor-nim

seon's mom
btw, is this a
female d-

line ended ...

+ % +

huffing a puff of air out in full relief, all her plans are coming together, succeeding in every coarse there is. Now, all she needs is time to go faster. 3 days as in 72 hours to wait for the arrival of seon's family to see their long forgotten daughter.

" what should i do by then? ' i shrugged, chin up, thinking of a fun thing to do in this boring building. Suddenly a figure came to view, startling the little girl with a heart attack as she flinched backwards, almost losing her balance.

" what was that for?! " she snapped with anger, and a feel of frustrated came rushing alongside with a death glare. Annoy with her father's secretary having such behavior which she finds in people really disgusting.

" i'm sorry to startle you miss " she apologized with a slight bow, face full of crease, feeling wronged to startle the miss, even thought she finds herself startling too but the miss presences in such place when she was suppose to be at her bed enjoying her meal.

An eye roll was given.

" by the way miss, why did Mr. Yang call me? " she slightly squeak, not wanting to happen anything to the miss since she's known for having such temper and also is a VIP in their hospital.

her eyes began to shake " how would i know?! " she snapped raising her voice abit, making a do-i-look-like-i-care face. Then grunting off leaving back to her room with the straight face, not to look obvious.

" for three days... " she stopped.

i'll let them have thier own time.

they should enjoy their last three days, while it last.

a vicious grin appeared.

+ im in love with all the to heart soundtrack, they're lit asjkchbl

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