7 "stand by you"

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the sounds of silent fills the room with emptiness, the body layed in bed without moving a muscle only the breathing could be heard, the heart machine signals the heart beats, bored filled the atmosphere as i fiddled with her fingers.

it has been 2 days after the surgery of her brain tumor, blessedly the surgery went all well and now, waiting for the moment where everything unleash her opening eyes to see the world again in a new and undiscovered world.

nurses and doctors visiting her recently for the check-ups of her condition every 12 hours while i, stayed by her side 24/7. Waiting every second, minute, hour, days passing the feeling of anxious growing yet fiddle her fingers while i'm at it keeping myself busy.

the grumbling sound of my stomach echoed through the room as i rubbed it, i was indeed hungry. Still haven't eaten breakfast yet it's already lunch time so, brunch it is.

" should i get a banana milk? " i murmured, talking to myself by asking then answering it like a weirdo. 

i shrugged my shoulders with a 'hump', walking my way to the door and stopped as i felt a soft worry of burden. Glancing back at seon's and a sigh was huffed " wait for me. i'll come back "

shutting the sliding before me and off to the cafeteria, despite the big worry i'm feeling upon leaving her alone. well, you don't know what could happen right. Maybe someone went in and kidnapped her like one of those dramas I've seen on tv or someone came in faked dressing as a doctor and insert mercury in her blood.

letting those thought fly off my burden head and opens the door to the cafeteria, where the mouthwatering aromas of food filled the air around. Food is always the best and is everyone's favourite hobby. 

instead of lining up to get food, i went to the small fridge section of various drink, i mean healthy drinks. Grabbing the banana milk carton from the below as someone patted my shoulders from behind, which almost gave me a heart attack.

tilting over the shoulders seeing gangji ahjumma, she's one of the cafeteria workers and we're quite close, she would accompany me while eating, if i were to be eating in the cafeteria and talks about random things.

" hello gangji ahjumma " i greeted, bowing a 45 degrees showing respect. 

" jaemin-ah, i haven't seen you in a while. i'm sure you've recover a bit better  " she mumbled, patting my shoulders and nodding in satisfaction with a smile. 

" of course, i'm recovering faster than ever " i gestured, making her chuckle a bit.

" where's that girl you have been close with? has she moved out or something? " she asked, looking around the place for her presences.

huffing a sigh as my smile fell " umm, she've just completed her surgery a few days ago and now she's still in bed. We're waiting for her to be awake " i shrugged, trying mt best to fake a smile when apparently my insides has already burst into sobs.

her face was full of sympathy " i'm sure she'll wake up soon, she's doing her best to wake up " 

" thank you. i better get going, she'll be waiting for me " i shuttered, excusing myself from the cafeteria and went off back to seon's room or should i say ward.

sliding the door behind me as i sip my banana milk into the tummy then ..


the sound of the carton milk slips down and hits the floor leaving a thud sound, shocked to see what has happened in front.

the bed was empty .

my face turned pale in worry " what happened? where's seon? "  i flattered, walking around the room. 

Then a flush was heard from the bathroom as it snapped me, a female figure came out from the toilet but rather than seon, it was someone else.

" who are you? and what are you doing here? " i asked, forehead twitch in confusion.

" this is my room " she exclaimed.

" w-wait, that can't be- " my words stopped as it hits me, looking at the patients name by the door.  It was another name.

laughing innocently " sorry, i must've came in by mistake " 

" no worries, jaemin " she uttered.

" you know my name? "

a smile appeared on her face as she laugh sheepishly " well ... yes "

" i better get going, nice to meet you " i muttered, bowing before leaving the room. She gave a sweet smile and bowed in returned.

hitting myself continuously " next time i better check the names first " i murmured, looking at the patient's name properly and found a door where it spells ' park seon '

looking by the window case, seeing doctor yong inside standing by seon's bed. Stepping inside as i greeted doctor yong's presence " hello doctor yong, what are you do- " my words were cutted by the girl who blinked with confused.

" s-seon "

i went speechless, quite stunned too to see the girl we have been waiting alongside these 3 long days, which felted like years awoken from her deep sleep.

" seon! you're awake " i exclaimed, jumping into a tight embrace with her, missing her dearly all these days.

pulling from the hug, still a happy mom, seeing her child awake and alive. Then a soft pushed was received from seon, backing me a bit from her, making me twitched in confused.

" who are you? "



" why is jaemin with her? he should be with me "

- : - : - : - : -

wuuu, a new character will be revealed :)) aren't you excited ? never mind what i said before, there was no responce so, i'll make the character <33

+help me ! i'm losing my writing senses

+which group revolution was your favourite ?

-xoxo eun

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