17 "my last"

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i sighs in despair.

Looking upon my desk clock, striking 9:00 in the bright sunny morning. And today, now, on this right minute, is the time she goes. The few minutes left going are the last chances i get to say, do or tell seon something.

Playing around with the keychain doll in my hand. A cute one in pink ruffle dress and hair tied in braiden style. Something that resembles seon, a cute, pretty doll that's always smiling.

the door slides open and came barging in jine, looking exhausted as if she just ran here with all her might.

" jine! great timing " i exclaimed with a joyful smile. Even though, he tried his hardest to cover all the sadness he wanted to show.

" j-jaemin .. I-i've been .. l-looking for you everywhere " jine managed to muttered while she tryibg to catch her breath. The wall was something she held as support, in between her fingers were also her doctor files.

a giggled came out looking at jine's expression while she catches her breath back.

a few moments later where she managed to calm down after all the running fitness, it was good for her body stamina, but not with those heels.

" why aren't you going to seon? She've been asking for you since this morning, but her parents didn't allow her to walk out of her room. " she stated, organizing back her doctor flies which some managed to fall out.

" ohh .. " i went in deep thoughts, before snapping back to reality after a few ticks. " i'm not going ... " i simply stated, since it was my plan all along.

I do, i desperately do want to see seon, hug her eternally, be by her side always, somehow be the reason to her smile everyday and maybe just lock her up somewhere so she won't follow her family back poland and just stay with me.

But I'm afraid, afraid that if i see her,  I wouldn't want to let her go...

She deserves happiness and freedom to explore the world, have friends, develop feelings and have fun just like everyone else.

her face fell and went pale, " but i do have this " i exclaimed, giving her the doll. Then walking off to my drawer, pulling out a rolled of vibrant beige paper tied with a brown rash rope.

" here. Something for seon " i passed it between her fingers. She twitches slightly in curious.

" it's cute " she squeaks, giving off a smile from ear to ear.

" consider it a goodbye gift. " i stated, showing a soft smile.



a few knocks came by the door, before my mom came barging in. Smile fully spread across the face as she greets, apparently holding onto a basket of fruits. Maybe the hospital gave it or someone.

" good morning, honey! " she greets, waving with some few jumps here there, the adrenaline rushes as today spots a big day.

The day i get discharge since I've been healthy and will remain as it is according to how i treat my body and keep it fit, always. Also marks the day where i'm following my family go back to their usual country, in Poland.

" you ready for today " she squeals, raising her hands up high with a super wide smile that never left her face, wonders why her cheeks doesn't hurt from all the smiling.

" totally " i stops as i get a tight hug from mum, whom really is super super duper excited about this day, maybe higher than my excitement. " ... whatever you feel mom "

knocks were heard again from the door. " let's go, honey " my dad softly mumbled as he leans against the side, with a grin appeared shortly.

pulling away with a smile " we're ready " mom exclaimed, tilting her head to dad whom was busy getting the few baggage left to put in the trunk.

" is anything wrong dear? " mom suddenly spoke, upon seeing the frown on my face immediately covered it with a happy one, where no sadness was visible.

quickly shooks " nothing. Let's go " i snapped, pushing a soft smile, pulling her as we started walking out the room.

" goodbye room. may your next patient be healthy too. " i murmured at the few last moments walking away from it.

I'm sure, I'll be missing my hospital life.

Arriving at the hospital lobby, with all the doctor in charge waiting patiently for my arrival, except for one. Jaemin was nowhere to be seen from the group, which somehow made my smile fell.

" wait here, I'm going to doctor yong for abit " mom muttered, which made me only nod in return.

a soft tap was felt on the shoulder, which made me turn my heels and seeing jine with her beautiful smile as usual.

without hesitation i jump to her embracing my tightest, since this might be the last hug i could get from her. My one and only sister i could ever want, the nicest one could get, feeling full sympathy for her background but luckily doctor yong is there for her.

she softly ruffles my hair, " you be a good girl, there's much to explore out there for you ... and always stay healthy " she squeaks in between my ears. I nod too, trying my hardest to hold the tears but sobs managed to overcome it.

i pulled away from the grip, " where's jaemin? " i quickly asked, concern to where he might be when i wanted to see him the most.

" I'm sorry dear, he's not coming "

" ohhh... " those words only managed to come out as i eyes slowly fell to the ground, sternly with a straight face.

" but he did told me to pass this to you " she huffed, snapping from my thoughts as something caught my eyes. It was the doll in jine's hand, with the beige chocolate-like scroll tied onto it.

i was too immersed with it, it never left my sight. Getting awed by the cuteness of the dolly, then finally opening the scroll paper.

" he said to consider this as a goodbye  gift " jine gestured, moving softly side to side. " he also said this dolly represent you " she added, pointing towards the dolly and ended with a cute giggle.

Eventually making me burst into laughes too with his statement, he's the best, always.

" jine " i called her. " do you mind doing a favor for me " i asked politely, its the last moment for me to make every second count, so i won't have regrets later. But I'm sure I'll have it eventually...

standing on my tip-toes, a little high but jine bended down abit so it was easy to keep myself stable standing. A few whispers were huff to jine's ears as she nods in understand.

" let's go now " mom snapped, suddenly appearing in front from nowhere which made me flinched abit. Started to pull me out the doors.

" please jine, i trust you " i managed to shout to jine, who only nod and started waving with the others before finally stepping outside the big hospital building.

entering the car with mixed feelings, sorrow, sadness, happy, excited etc. but mostly would go with sadness. A sigh was huffed as the car started driving away.

Goodbye hospital, goodbye jine, doctor yong, goodbye korea...

And something I'd miss the most, goodbye jaeminn.

+ oof the epilogue is coming!

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