10 "annoyed"

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walking upon the halls towards the cafeteria, maybe a bit food would kill some time of boring. Food is always the best choices, especially when today's special menu is bulgogi, my favourite. The best thing living in the hospital is that i won't need to go to school and ahve like a mountains of homeworks and i'm sick so all i need to do is stay in bed, watching tv, eat and i can have all the time i want for me and my things that i want.

smelling the aromas of deliciousness senses in my nose and to my body, huffing a sigh of joy. " oh shit " i huffed, looking at how long the line is. I should've just stayed in my room and called for services, dang it.

just then, a familiar figure passed by and snapping me from my thought. Went to catch up to him instead of lining up in that hella long line. " i'll just order food later " i mumbled, catching up to him.

" jaeminn! " i shouted, catching all eyes to me as i walk in embarrassment. Speed walking to jaemin's side.

" hi jaeminn! " i greeted, bursting with energy.

" hello yeora " he replied, in a tone like he's not happy to see me. It saddens me.

clinging on his arm as we continued walking, " you didn't come yesterday " i groaned for his mistake, not showing up just as he promised.

pulling from my grip " umm, i was meeting someone yesterday "

" who? " i asked, making my cute confuse face.

" doctor yong and nurse jine of course " he scoffed sarcastically with a 'duh' tone, avoiding eye contact.

i know you're lying to me jaemin, you were with seon at the park. you think i won't notices ?

" owh, who are they? " i faked asking, when i clearly knew the truth. At this rate, i won't be able to get into sm building and meet my precious yuta. Yuta oppa is my one and only, not the other screaming fans.

" they're my doctor and nurses whom are in charge of- " before he could even hear his babbling, i butted in with my words.

" let's play with me for today, please " i nudges, making my puppy eyes aegyos.

huffing a sigh " i'm sorry but not today, i promised with seon i would accompany her to the park " he shrugged, not so interested with my play-date. " maybe some other day, yeora "

" ughh " i huffed in annoyed. " okay, just be on your way then " i gestured, escorting him to walk. He greeted goodbye before leaving my presences.

my smile fell after his vision was gone " it's so hard pretending to be all bitchy nice and clingy " i snarled, annoyed by such behavior exist. " it is so not my style "

" it's better sneaking up on people, like my father. " she mumbled as a sly smirk appeared. " let's do that, shall we "

running off to my dad office room, the Chief of this bitchy Hospital. Good thing the secretary is off to lunch, since it's lunch hours. It's more easily to sneak into dad's room. Peeking through the small opening, hearing voices echoed.

there's someone inside with dad.

eavesdropping the conversation a bit while i'm at it, looks like doctor yong with dad.

" should we contact seon's family since her surgery went successfully and now she's awoken ? " doctor yong asked, flipping through his doctor files.

" let's not, just yet. Her memories aren't fully reduced right? " dad squeak, putting his arm on the waistline. Doctor Yong nodded.

" but her family really want to see her and if they do, they'd eventually bring her back to overseas. That's sad to since she just made a friend here " he uttered, by that it snapped me like a lightbulb came to me.

" well, let's give her some times with friends- " her dad words was cutted by her rushness, closing the door and sprinting off to the Record Room.

" if i called seon's family " i trailed off, catching my breath while running.

" seon will leave korea, and jaemin will be mine "

an evil smirk appeared.

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a book i published on my sec acc injuns, hope you'll come down and read it ! it's featuring my husband, renjunn !

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a book i published on my sec acc injuns, hope you'll come down and read it ! it's featuring my husband, renjunn !

+which idol school cover song was your fav?

-xoxo eun

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