8 "hope & believe"

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" it seems that seon's memory has been loss again, but i'm sure it'll come to her soon. So, don't lose hope ,jaemin " doctor yong shuttered, giving some words to cheer me up, but it didn't change anything.

" but she remembers you .. and jine too " i snarled, full furious to why she remembered them both but not him. Seon spends her time with him more than doctor yong nor jine.

" don't worry ... i'm sure she will come to her senses. Now, as a doctor, i want to request something to you. And i hope you'll help me " he paused a bit.  " as a doctor, i know you can help her, right ? " doctor yong exclaimed, looking at me dead in the eye with full of hope. 

sighing " i will sir, with all i can- " my words were cutted by the sounds of the knocking, with caught our attention.

" come in " 

the doors open, showing jine coming inside with files in her hands. " i'm sorry to interrupt your .. little chit-chat, but doctor yong ! you have a meeting to attend " she exclaimed, highing her pitch when she says his name, which made him flinched abit.

" ah, yes. we're onto it " he spoke, stood from his sit and wears his white doctor coat which looks more like a science lab's coat. " umm, jaemin " he snapped me to reality, making me flinched startled. 

" y-yes ? "

" take care of her, i believe you " he squeak, with a smile of hope. Giving back a smile and a sigh was followed.

" umm, jaemin. i've sent seon some story books, so do you mind reading them for her? " jine gestured with her pen. I nodded 

" thanks dear! " she added.

watching the two shadows walks away out of the doctor's office until there were unseen. A sighs was huffed as i stood my way to the door, closing them behind me and walking towards seon's room.

eyes wandering around the floors, pulling my blood pole beside and dodged the wheelchair patients and doctors walking his way. Until someone startled me from behind.

body flinched in startled, touching my chest and calming down as a laugh was heard from behind " you gave me a fright " i murmured, turning around.

the girl in front continued laughing as my face fell, it wasn't the one i was hoping to meet upon. " oh, you "

catching her breath from the laugh " s-sorry, your body was shaking earlier " she spoke while i scratch the back of my nape as i felt quite weird and awkward talking.

" btw, my name is yeo ra, Yang Yeo Ra " she mumbled, holding out her hand to shake with a smile spreaded on her face.

" jaemin, Na jaemin " i squeak, shaking her hand.

" pft, everybody knows that " she grumbled, i faked a laugh. " so, where are you heading to? can i join you? "

" i'm heading to seon's room " i muttered, walking step by step to her room as yeora follows behind. 

" who's seon ? " she gestured, linking her arms around me as i flinched in surprised by her sudden actions. Feeling quite uncomfortable too. 

" seon is my friend " i exclaimed. " she's more than that actually .. " i murmured softly, not wanting yeora to hear.

" pardon? what did you say? " she said

" nothing "

" umm, do you have plans this evening ? " she asked, gripping my arms more. Nudging from the grip despite the uneasy feeling but it didn't work.

" i think no " i spoke, wanting to run away.

" really?! then lets play together, this evening. We'll meet up at your room, okay " she muttered excitedly, as she grips more and layed her head on my shoulder, which made me more uncomfortable.

nudging out of the grip as she lets go " okay, see you there " i shuttered, walking away to the bathroom and waving back with a faked smile.

running towards the boys bathroom with my blood pole beside which made me slower since the wheels were turning the wrong way. Upon walking inside the bathroom, catches my breaths from all the running.

" phew " i huffed in relief, succeed upon running from her.

" it could've been worse "

- : - : - : - : -

Yang Yeo Ra 

   (A/n: just imagined your rival or someone you hate ) 

- a saesang fan of the kpop world

-  no sickness

- troublemaker

- daughter of the hospital's CEO

+NCT Dream's We_Young comeback is lit !
love them so muchh, i'm in tears.

+NCT Dream's We_Young comeback is lit ! love them so muchh, i'm in tears

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+missing jaemin

+which group evaluation in idol school was your fav?

-xoxo eun

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