6 "risky.."

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Swinging my legs forth and backwards, scrolling through my phone finding if there were anything that could take my interest upon waiting outside the X-Ray room, full of worries waiting for the result of seon's current condition of her health from Doctor Yong.

it has been 1 hour long, since the last time seon was being brought on an x-ray check of her brain, everything and was in chaos, doctors and nurses panicked running around. I have contacted the others for the meantime, since she has always thought them as a family.

The door slides open, jumping from my seat and asking jine about seon's. The facial expression on her face was not a clue of what could happen. 

" what happened? " i shuttered, tone in full worry and gripping her hand like there was no tomorrow.

sighing " why don't you ask doctor yong, it's quite confusing for me to tell you " she shrugged and went off with another sigh, leaving me dumbfounded.

snapping out and sprinting inside the x-ray room, seeing seon's body lying on the bed inside by looking on a glass frame. Doctor yong noticed my presence and instructed me to enter the room.

" how's her condition doctor? " i asked, forehead creasing with full worries.

a sighs was huffed " bad. she'll need to go for another surgery tomorrow " he shrugged, looking down on his files.

nodding and felt quite relieve that she's going on a surgery so, she'll be more better.

" but " he stopped. " it might .. be risky " he shuttered, looking at me in the eye. My body sank losing my strength to stand and mind completely gone blank. 

pinching my cheeks to wake from dreamland as it stung red, groaning. 

going totally insane right now " are you alright jaemin? "

shooking my head " i'm alright doctor. you'll treat her right? with all your might " i huffed, looking at him dead in the eye.

sighing " what do you think? "


walking throught the halls beside seon who's lying silently on the bed that's pushed by the nurses. Looking at her cozy sleeping with her eyes shut, only the heartbeats could be heard not the voice or her pretty laughs.



what do you think?

do it. doctor, please perform the surgery. she's just a young teenager who only woke up from coma last month and it hasn't been one year yet after her coma. she still has a lot of things she need to experience after the long sleep for 3 years. 

I know in my heart, her future is bright that couldn't be spoken with words.


" you can do it seon, you're strong and brave. you can out stand any obstacle that's in your way even tho i was not there for you. but i'll always stand by your side, always " i murmured as i huffed another sigh, depressed. 

what will her fate be? 

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+sorry for not updating recently,
i got to obssesed with my new book i'm planning

+who's your biases in idol school ?

-xoxo eun

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