4 "package"

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On the page of 17 of 'The Curvy Tree' fairy tale series which jine bought newly. Despite reading the 3rd book of the day, it never fails to calm me down during the boring day especially today when the rain is pouring outside.

Later, flipping onto the next page and the doors slides open. Jine coming in with a brown rectangular shaped box, which somehow looks like a package.

" annyeong jine! " seon muttered, greeting her but eyes still reading the books in my hands.

" owh, seon. Looks like you've got yourself a package " jine mumbled, looking at the box then started shaking it as it produce sounds of another box contains inside.

It snapped seon from her books, closing them instantly and putting it by the side. Adjusting her body posture sitting straight with the pillow as back support.

" can i open it? " asking with full of curious about what contains inside.

" of course, it's yours anyway " she scoffed with the 'duh' tone, completely ignoring her ascends and focusing onto the box.

" but, i've never got a package before. Do you think maybe .. it could be a bomb ? " seon shrugged, looking at the bomb with full terror.

chuckling " that's nonsense. it couldn't pass the security check if it was a bomb dear " jine nudge, laughing off at seon's terrified looking face. But with jine's statement, it somehow made seon huff relief even a tiny bit.

" let's open it " seon exclaimed and started ripping the tape slowly not wanting to ruin the package since it's her first one in her whole life.

" for god sake, just rip it. you're taking forever " jine shuttered, impatient of how slow seon's action of ripping the tape. An inch of the tape took about 15 seconds to rip.

after finally finishing ripping all the tape on the box " finally! " jine mumbled in relief. Upon opening the box, inside it contain another white box with a symbol of a black apple which has been bitten on the side and an envelope.

seon's face was full confuse of what the white box is but jine got it right after recognizing the apple symbol.

" omo seon ! you got an iphone " jine squealed, taking out the box and opening it right away. Seon was totally thrilled with happiness and open up the nicely folded letter inside the envelope.


Hello Seon-ah,

This package is a special gift just for you which was sponsored by our company since it was a special gift and you came cross our minds the first time we got the gift. I hope you liked it ! And we already added our numbers in the contact. Jisung has been going on and on talking bout you to the others, they too really wish to meet you and jaemin also. Stay healthy and if you're ever lonely just call us, i'm sure we'll have fun talking ... stay safe !

- sincerely by Mark and JISUNG !


seon felted so touched reading the letter just now, she'll always cherish them more than a family. A smile never left the face, smiling from ear to ear.

" thank you god, for meeting me with those lovely people. May i bless you " she murmured, thanking god with her hands cupped together and eyes shut.

opening her view and taking the iphone as jine holds out for her to grab " jine, can you teach me how to use this thing? "

- : - : - : - : -

+just a short side chapter for today ^^

+seon's age is 14 in korea so, those that mean as international she's 13?

huhuhu, i'm getting older T^T

lots of love,
renjun's wife

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