2 "friendzoned"

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Starring out the window of the park's scenery was seen, patients and nurses getting along with each other. A smile creeps and jaemin came to mind, remembered the momwents at the park with him. Waiting for my favourite show to start on the telly, a came was heard from the door.

Slides open, popping out Nurse Jine brightly " Hello seon-ah ! " 

" Hi eonnie, what's today's lunch menu? " i asked, pulling out my desk so it'll be easier for her to place it.

" as usual .. your favourites ! " she exclaimed happily, clapping like a seal happy bout the lunch menu but something was uneasy. An  awkward smile was seen.

" what's wrong dear? " jine squeak, seeing my awkward smiles. Since we've been very close lately, she knows when somethings wrong with me. 

sighing " i'm lonely. Eating alone as always in this fancy room " i pouted, sad expressions on my face, making sad faces.

stroking my hair " i'm sorry i can't company you eat " she groan sighing. " i have other works to do too " she added as another sigh was blown.

" i know, that's what doctors do " i shrugged, thinking positively.

" but, i bought new books today " she shuttered, thinking that would cheer me up a bit and it did but not all. Putting the books over to the side table for later. Suddenly an idea came to mind.

" Jine eonnie " i called, catching her attention after putting the books aside.

" yes? "

" i made a new friend a few days ago " i paused as a 'hmm' was heard from jine. " wait " she suddenly spoke, before i could continue my sentence.

" let me guess, you want to eat lunch with him right ? " she snickered, eyebrows raising and a small smirk.

nodding, feeling hot suddenly. Jine broke into small chuckles.

is the air-conditioner working?  

" so who is it? maybe if that person's also my patients " she mumbled, shrugging her shoulders.

" umm, his name is jaemin " 

" ah jaemin, the one with the herniated disc " she murmured, clapping since she know just the person i'm looking for. " he's room is on this level too " she added, smiling cheekily and ending with a wink.

Following jine eonnie to jaemin's room since it's around on this level and it looks like it's really close to my room, just 4 room in between.

knocking on his door smiling as she glanced at me and without hesistating, she opens the door to jaemin's room. Pushing the food trolley in front while i'm walking behind her hidden despite how shy i am.

" food! thank goodness i'm starving and just on time for my show to start " someone squeal from inside, must be jaemin.

glancing at the tv seeing the drama i was waiting for earlier, popping out from behind slightly interrupting their conversations.

" you watched that too? " i shuttered and the room went silent, just realized how embarrassed i am right now.  

" park seon " he murmured softly, face starting to burn up, not feeling for an appetite anymore.

clearing her throat " i was about to introduce you to our guest but i guess she wanted to surprise you " jine mumbled talking to jaemin who is starring non-stop at seon.  On the other hand, seon cupped her hands together in shame. " and embarrassed herself " i added softly thinking she wouldn't hear but instead she gave a glare.

" well i'll leave your foods on the table and you guys can continue getting along " she muttered, putting the food tray on the table, bidding goodbye as she left the room. Leaving us together alone in this room.

okay, this is awkward.

" umm, where should i sit? " i speak, breaking the silents of awkward. He snapped out and flattered not knowing what to say. " i'll just sit on the sofa " i exclaimed, pointing at the sofas near the telly.

" okay, i'll join you " he shrugged, jumping out of bed and taking his tray to sofas. I followed him, holding onto my trays and went to the sofas.

well, since the sofas are close to the television. i'll have a good view of the drama show since he's watching too.

" let's eat! " he squealed, taking his fork and spoons into his hands, digging into his food. A smile appeared watching him stuff the food in his mouth.

while eating we talked about random things, laughing out and ended up hurting our tummies from all the laugh. The show we wanted to watch so much was ignored then as it ended they pouted for the show which ended so fast.

" seon-ah " he called my name. 

looking up from my laugh as he grabs my attentions. " did you know, i use to be an idol " he muttered. Face expression stunned, this boy in front of me use to be a famous singer ?

" i'll show you my music video! " he squealed, taking his phone on the side bed and sitting on the sofa besides me. Later, a video started on his phone.  " this song is called chewing gum " he murmured as the song started ringing.

3 minutes later ...

" wahh ! " i gestured, clapping like a seal lion who has just been given food and love. Amaze by the video he showed. " that was amazing, i loved it so much ! "

breaking into chuckles " whose part did you like the most? " 

since it's a group and of course he want me to say it's him " i think .. the cutie one who danced solo at the end " i mumbled, choosing out my fav. His face was lost with colours, thinking he was my favourite. 

" and " i paused, which gave him some hope. " the one with pink top, especially with that snaggletooth " i muttered, fangirling mode turning on.

sighing " the one who's dancing is called, Park Jisung. he's the youngest among us all " he scoffed,  mouth shaping a long line filled with disappointment.

" the snaggletooth one? " 

" that guy is called renjun, Huang renjun " he huffed, quite annoyed and making a long face making it more obvious.

chuckling " but ... of course the boy in front of me is my most favourite among the all " i exclaimed, trying to cheer him up from the ugly long faces.

he grins widely until it reaches his ears, happy and relived to hear my statement. Pulling me to him with an open embrace, flinching a bit by the sudden action.

pulling from the hug, all faces were as red as a tomato and butterflies in their tummies. I scrolled down in the suggest section, one caught my eye. 

The ' NCT Dream_My First and Last MV ', it's the same group name as chewing gum " jaemin-ah, what's this video? " i asked, showing him the mv.

his smile faded " owhh .. that's their new comeback this year " he muttered with a sad tone while his finger clicked the mv.

Later i know why he was sad, he wasn't in the comeback with the others ... Especially when they won 1st place on the music chart ..

- : - : - : - : -

I always thought what jaemin would be feeling when they won the first trophy and dance on the stage without him. Despite of his illness, what would he be feeling right now ?

i wish for his fast recovery ..

lots of love,
renjun's wife

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