12 "news"

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" when she knew she had to very least of chance even if her health condition was in the way, she still stood tall to reach her dreams. Now her hard work payed off and she succeed in her dream- " jaemin continues, reading the paragraph of each line pleasantly as a smile never fails to creep upon my face.

the boy reading in-front, having fair skin hence a beautiful smile no one could resist such visual as the wind breezes through his soft hair. It's as if she was sitting in front an angel whom is reading a fairytale genre book.

" The End " he huffed the last two words.

The last line of every story after reaching a happily ever after, a happy ending everyone wishes for but sometimes it doesn't actually turn out that way.

then everything went silent as we looked deeply in each other's eyes, it felt like a dream already.

suddenly seon burst into little laughs as jaemin twitches in confuse " what? "

" excuse me, jaemin-ah "

someone spoke, which made us halted and turned to whoever said that.

" m-mister " jaemin flattered to see the man standing upon them, with that he stood right away as seon twitches.

" w-what are you doing here? "

he hold jaemin's shoulder " well, i have brought news for you " he paused and took a small peek at seon. Seon only watches quietly.

" can we talk in private? "

" umm sure, i guess " he shrugged, scratching the back of his nape.

" I'll give you a moment, come meet me at the cafe when you're done " he gestured as jaemin only nod. With that he walked off from them.

as his shadows was nowhere to be seen, jaemin turned back towards seon. You can clearly see she's twitched in confusion and making weird facial which he finds it cute.

" who was that? "

" oh, that's my mana- " he stops.

he used to be my manager when i was an nct dream member with the others, but now im resting and excluded from idol activities so i guess he's just an SM's manager or nct dream's manager.

" your manager? " muttered seon, snapping him back to reality from his deep thoughts.

" n-no, he's nct dream's manager "

she nodded and her lips curled into an 'o' shape " what he's doing here? "

" he bought some news from the company i guess " he squeak.

" so like, he wants to meet you right now? " she asked as he nod as a reply. Her soft smile began to fade.

" we could still walk together to the lobby, I'll send you to the elevator " jaemin spoke, thinking it was the best idea to cheer her up. And it did, a soft smile appeared.


After sending seon up the elevator, it was all me walking towards the cafe to meet my manager.

huffing a deep breath first before sitting in front, ready to accept all the news there is. Good news yet bad ones.

" so " he stops as he takes a sip of his coffee. " how are you doing? " he added, putting down his cup of coffee on the table.

" I'm fine. As always " jaemin replied short.

" I'm here because " with only those words already made jaemin gulped in nervousness. " nct dream is making another comeback "

he was already lost in thoughts as he heard his statement, nct dream is making another comeback. Without me again.

" and fans are also expecting some news from you, about your condition and well doing "

it made jaemin smiling already, at least there are fans that didn't forget about me.

" so, what do i have to do? " i asked in curiosity of what SM has in mind.

" we're sending you a car tomorrow so, come to SM building and we will tell you there after meeting Lee Soo Man " he uttered.

" ohh "

im going to meet the other members and also the CEO but what's more saddening is that i won't participate in the next promotion.

it's okay, they want me to rest. Or do they?

× × ×

haha finally updated! After a long ass of not updating,
kinda miss writing so i might update more
often now yay!

btw jaemin is back on promoting! Yay
better get ready for him to
wreck ur bias list ;))

How are you guys today?

-xoxo eun

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