Eggsy x fem!Reader

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Eggsy walked into his tailor shop, ready to go on a new mission that Merlin had assigned him. He turned to the agent looking at the front desk. He smiled winningly at you "I take it you missed me that's why you asked to look after this desk for a week."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." You flirted back at him, watching his eyes dance with laughter. He opened his mouth to say something before his phone went off. Glancing down the screen lighting his face. Eggsy turned sent a quick reply before stating "I gotta go love, but can I talk to you tonight before you leave?"

"Yea, sure Eggsy. What's up is anything wrong?" Shaking his head Eggsy left. Before closing the door to the secret entrance, he turned "I hate to ask but could ya wear a dress please?"

"Eggsy what's up? You okay?" He smiled and shut the door. Signing Y/N turned back to her computer, everyone had forgotten her birthday including her not-so-secret crush on the special agent Galahad.

---Time Skip---


After Eggsy had completed his mission unscathed thankfully. He sighed and opened the door leading back to the tailor shop. He had been planning this for weeks. He noticed the young female agent he liked? no, he loved her. Her smile, her eyes, her kindness and the fact she could and would kick his ass.

Her back was to him, wearing a sundress which was a light blue and ended just beneath her knees paired with a dark blue shawl and flats. Her H/L H/C was loose around her shoulders and when she turned to meet him, he noticed she was wearing natural makeup. "Hey, Eggsy what's up? You look like you just ran into a brick wall."

"Nothing Love. Let's get going, shall we?" He offered her his arm which blushing lightly she took. Locking the door, turning back to Eggsy she asked: "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." was the mysterious reply. Opening the passenger door Y/N turned to look at Eggsy was caught in his stormy blue eyes, both stared at each other for about 30 seconds before Eggsy coughed and broke eye contact. After getting in and driving off Y/N asked: "So where are we going?"

"Bloody hell, you're impatient aren't you love"

"That's why you love me." Turning to look out the window she missed the blush that graced his cheeks and the glance he threw at her.

Arriving at the Kingsman Mansion, he opened her door and led her to the break room. Opening the door and entering the room Eggsy led her in turning on the lights. Before a deafening....


Roxy ran up the shocked woman calling "Y/N! Eggsy! You didn't think we would forget, did you?" Smirking Roxy and Eggsy turned to the smiling girl. "No of course not. Thank you so much"

---Time Skip after the party and Eggsy's dropped you home---


Eggsy walked you to your door. Eggsy looked at the young woman he had fallen in love with the day he had met her. Turning you glanced at Eggsy and was once again caught in his stormy blue eyes. Deciding he had nothing to lose he kissed her. Their first kiss was everything each had imagined passionate, slow and breathtaking. Pulling away he allowed his lips to linger briefly before tenderly kissing her once more. "Y/N, I... I like you." Glancing back up at him, you replied: "You like me?" The young man smiled kissing her once more, "Yes, absolutely."

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