Bruce Wayne x Best Friend!Reader

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Bruce turned the invite between his fingers he had just been invited to a charity event one the required a plus one. He knew you wouldn't have been invited as your family was middle class. You were able to attend the private school he went to on a scholarship. You were teased by your classmates that you were in school because of a scholarship. Placing it down he walked out of his room and down the stairs.

Arriving at school, he moved over to your locker, as he walked up to you. He saw some of the classmates who bullied you. The books fell out of your hands as they were swatted by the head cheerleader. He moved over picking up your books and smiling at you. "Hey, you alright?"


"I have to go to this charity ball this weekend. Do you mind being my plus one?" You smiled at him. "As friends? Or something more?" He hesitated. "What do you wanted us to be?" You shrugged. "Can I think about it?" He nodded. "I wanted to think about it too."

The day of the ball arrived. You were dressed in a floor-length, deep blue dress. Bruce watched you as you made your way over to him from the drinks table. He had made his decision, he only hoped you agreed. "Hey, I've been thinking about what we are." You smiled and tilted your head. "I just want to be friends if that's alright." You sighed in relief. "Yes, that's okay. I want to figure out my feelings before I make any decisions." He smiled, agreeing with you. He watched as you moved to sit at your table, hoping that one day the pair of you would end up together

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