Abigail 'Abby' Sciuto x Teenager!Reader

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Requested by: Azureman136 

"Dad!" You shouted out as you struggled to open the door, arms overflowing with groceries. "Dad! You know that we're are in the 21st century right, men do help with the shopping." You rounded the corner into the kitchen. You turned grinning, and saw your father's body, blood seeping in the grout of the tiles. You screamed dropping the shopping in shock, an orange rolled through the blood smearing it on the previously white tile. You rushed to the phone, "Hello? Can you please send the police? Why? My dad's been murdered." You told your address and walked outside to wait. The police arrived and one dropped his coat over your shaking shoulders.

NCIS and their medical examiner turned up. You watched as they entered the house. A shy young man in the ME's uniform gave you a sympathising smile. A grumpy looking man holding a takeaway coffee cup exited a car followed by a woman with long brown hair. They walked over to the officers that had arrived first and they pointed over at you. The man walked over to you while the woman was joined by two men who then moved into your house. "Hey, I'm Agent Gibbs. What's your name?"

"Y/N Y/L." He smiled at you, "Are you okay?" You shrugged. "Do you know what happened?" You shook your head. "I was at the store grabbing some things for dinner and I can came home. I came into the kitchen and saw him lying there and I dropped everything."

"Do you know who would want to kill your father?" You shook your head again. "He is, was a Navy Admiral. He's bound to have a few enemies that I don't know about." He chuckled. As Gibbs helped you stand, shots rang out. You dropped instinctively, Gibbs fired off a few rounds as did the members of his team which had rushed out. When it was all over, Gibbs turned to you and pulled you to your feet. "You okay?" You nodded. He yelled for Ziva and got her to take you to the Navy yard for protection.

Abby entered the bullpen and saw you being led up the stairs towards the conference room by a female agent. "Who's that?"

"Victim's teenage daughter, someone tried to kill her at the crime scene today. We haven't found any family yet." McGee told the bouncy goth. Abby's face fell. "Aw, poor thing."

"Hey," You looked up a bright, smiley woman was grinning at you. "I'm Abby, I'm a forensic scientist. Do you want to come hang out with me in my lab?" You nodded. She led you down to her lab and began explaining every machine and piece of equipment, talking to you and the team whenever they entered. Abby explained everything she could and created small experiments that you could do (that didn't have anything to do with crime scenes). You enjoyed these small experiments and slowly build a friendship with Abby, Ziva and the team. 

After a few days, Gibbs came down and began to explain what had happened and who had killed your father. He also explained that your aunt was coming to pick you up so you could live with her. You thanked the team and as you were about to leave Abby rushed over. She pulled you into a hug. "Here's my number, any time you want to talk about whatever you want call me, okay?" You nodded grabbing a pen and scribbled your number on her hand. You grinned at the bouncy woman, "Thank you, all of you." The team dismissed your thanks and moved away to do their paperwork or in Tony's case throw wadded up paper at McGee. You hugged Abby again before moving off with your aunt. "Thanks Abby." With that emotional moment, Tony threw a paper ball at Ziva which due to his poor aim hit Abby. 

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