Killian 'Hook' Jones x Mermaid!Reader

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"Are you a siren, love?" You jumped, you had been sitting combing your waist length H/C swishing your tail in the water of the rock pool. Turning you saw a man, in a black leather coat dressed as a pirate. "I would agree with you but then we would both be wrong." Shocked at your statement you both stared at each other for a few seconds before you twisted away from the pool and dropped your tail into the ocean and tried to slip away. Moving quicker than you thought he had grabbed your arm pulling back and to him. Thankfully you knew how to get out these situations. Normally you would sing but you couldn't think of anything. Glancing around you noticed a ship. "That your ship?" You asked carefully. "Aye, the Jolly Roger. Beauty, isn't she?" He had let go of you to wave his hand towards the ship. You slipped away into the sea. Killian watched your blue/green tail disappear into the sun-kissed sea. "Bloody women, always know how to get away."

He wandered back to the beach failing to notice you watching from the safety of the sea. "Mermaids kill sweetly." He muttered under his breath. Killian walked aboard his ship, he looked back and he could have sworn he saw a tail flicker in the distance. He hoped that he saw you again.

The Jolly Roger dipped and crashed into the messy waves. The storm seemed to want to destroy them. Even Killian who was an experienced sailor had trouble keeping his sea legs. Suddenly one of his men was flung overboard and the storm calmed immediately. Looking over the side Killian saw his man sink below the surface. There was no way for him to dive in. As he watched the body slowly started to rise. You appeared your H/C stuck to your face. You handed the man to Killian, smiled, kissed his cheek. Swimming away you smiled to yourself. He grinned to himself, he absolutely wanted to see you again. 

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