G. Callen x Sister!Reader

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Requested by @ThomasNewt2922 

"LAURA AMY CALLEN-SHAW! Get down here you're going to be late." Your seven-year-old daughter stomped down the stairs. You moved slowly down through the house you lived in, the gunshot wound stinging slightly as you reached for your bag that held your gun and badge. Laura stomped into the car and you paused by your wedding picture where your husband's piercing blue eyes smiled out at you, Thomas Shaw was a marine and had been killed while serving. Your brother had been shot recently on a case and Hetty decided to move you and your daughter into one of her houses to protect the pair of you. The 'Chameleon' had shot your brother G. thankfully non-fatally but he had been down for a few days. You drove off with your daughter in tow to the address Hetty had given you.

Callen took in a shaky breath as he stood to look out the window. You were going to hide with Hetty, you would be safe. Laura was safe. He saw your car pull up and Laura hopped out the pair of you walked up the path. You arrived at your room. Laura carefully hugged her uncle who was the closest thing to a father she had, hers dying when she was just a year old. "Hey, troublemaker you doing okay?" Laura nodded her head, she rubbed her cheek against his shirt. Snuggling deeper into his warmth. He looked over at you. "Hey sis, you alright? How's the bullet wound?" You grinned at your brother and moved into his side hugging him, "Aching but I'm fine, could totally take you." He laughed and kissed your temple. "You better get going, Hetty hates it when you're late." You laughed and kissed his cheek. Laura gave him one last hug and the pair of you moved off. You got in the car. "It's just for a few days. Okay, angel." She nodded. "Are you okay?" She shrugged. "I don't want to lose you like I lost dad." You smiled sadly. "You won't lose me, okay? I asked Hetty to change my job, I'm an analyst now I won't be going out into the field anymore. So, I will be safe in the office now, yeah." She nodded a big smile glowing from her face. Callen watched smiling as your car drove off. You were driving the long twisty route to Hetty's making sure you weren't followed when you stopped at a red light. A car door opened and the 'Chameleon' got in beside your daughter and placed a gun to her head. "Drive." You pulled your own gun and pointed at him. "Give the gun or I shoot." You handed your gun over and began to drive off, following his directions until you reached a group of storage sheds. He got out with your daughter and motioned for you to follow. Once the shed was open he pushed your daughter into a chair and motioned for you to follow suit. He taped the pair of you to the chairs, you first then your daughter. He smiled and left. Laura burst into tears when the door clanged. "It's okay, sweetie. G. will find us and so will Sam. Hetty will absolutely find us." She took in a shaky breath, "Will Hetty shoot him?" You shrugged, "Probably, if not her than G. will." She gave a watery smile.

Callen's phone rang about an hour after you had left, "Callen." There was raspy breath and "Agent Callen." Every nerve in his body tensed. He could practically feel his blood stilling in his veins. "You forget that I know where you work and where you live and who you love." Callen stilled even though he hadn't moved, Sam walked in and off his partner's terrified look texted Eric to trace the call as well as informing Hetty, who replied that your car had been found abandoned. Callen stared at the phone after he had hung up. "Eric, Y/N was wearing the necklace I gave her and Laura was wearing the bracelet both have tracking devices in them. On my laptop, username is Charlie, Alpha, Lima, Lima, Echo, November. Password is Alpha, Golf, Juliet, Lima, one, nine, nine, eight." Hetty's voice came through the speaker, "You put a tracking device on your sister and niece?" Callen took a breath but didn't answer. "Found them." Callen grabbed his gun and moved away, Sam tried to stop him but decided against it. The team moved through the area that had the storage sheds and Sam opened the one that housed you and your daughter. Sam helped you and Callen helped Laura who threw herself into her uncle's arms. "You okay?" She nodded, "Y/N you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. You catch him?" Kensi's voice filtered through the earwigs, "Got him."

"We do now." Your daughter pouted, "No shoot out." Callen laughed, "No sweetie. No shoot out."

At the end of the day, you existed Hetty's office and watched for a moment as Sam showed your daughter how to make an origami crane and how she laughed at Callen's mangled attempts. The team moved into the bullpen. "You guys want to go get a sundae with us?" You asked. Your daughter's eyes lit up, "Can I have whatever I want on my sundae?" You nodded and she shrieked with delight. The team all nodded their agreement in going out. "Hetty are you coming?" G. asked. "Well,"

"Oh, please aunty Hetty, please." Your daughter begged. Hetty gave a laugh and agreed. You and the team sat around a table watching your daughter eat her sundae loaded with sweets. You and Callen sometimes stole bites of each-others in with brotherly sisterly rivalry. The team enjoyed the light-hearted moments they so rarely had with this job. 

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