Donald 'Don' Flack x Cop!Reader

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Don run after the suspect with you close on the tail. You were both working a murder case and it had led you to this suspect. Now you were chasing after him, well Don was, you were in the car driving around the back. Jumping out of the car you caught up with the chase. The suspect was nearing a bridge. Don went up one side and you went the other. The suspect fought with Don as you tried to get an angle for a shot. You couldn't get one, not with them fighting like that. Suddenly Don was dropped into the river that until now had been flowing serenely down its path. You ran up the bridge and held the gun on the suspect. "Freeze." Don surfaced gasping as the man put his hands up and you cuffed him. "You okay there?" He laughed, "Yes."

"I like the look." You stated walking up to Don who was shirtless and drying off in front of your car. "Good to know." He chuckled at you. "But what you did was stupid." He looked you questioningly. "Running off like that, without backup."

"I was trying to protect you." You raised your eyebrows. "You do remember I'm a cop right."

"Yeah, I know."

"Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge for what you did."

"Can I pick?"

"Why feeling like another swim?" He laughed at that comment. "Doesn't sound like a bad idea actually water wasn't all that bad."

"If you ignore all the deadly diseases sure. Though it would be safer to kiss." Don laughed and leaned down to kiss you gently. You pulled away. "Next time you do this, and I will toss you off the Brooklyn Bridge. Got it?" He nodded, chuckling. He kissed you again as if he was sealing the deal.  

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