(CSI:NY)Adam Ross x Forensic Computer Tech! Reader

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Adam watched as you moved past his workspace with a shy smile in his direction. He offered one in return. Danny, Sheldon, and Don watched the exchange from the elevator. "Man, we gotta do something about them." Don commented. Nodding the others agreed. Stella, Lindsay, and Mac noticed both exchanges as well as how Adam's eyes followed you and how you looked back at him when he moved away.

Stella watched the smiles on Danny's and his co-conspirators as the elevator doors closed as well as the look they threw towards you and Adam. "Something tells me they have something planned." Mac followed her gaze and nodded. "What if they mess it up?" Lindsay commented. "Let's make sure that doesn't happen." Was Mac's reply. Moving back to their work stations, each had their own ideas about how they could stop the others and help you and Adam.

Danny and Don planned the date while Sheldon planned the way they were going to get Adam and you together. At the end of shift. Lindsay and her team moved their plan into action. Lindsay had claimed the date for herself and Danny. Don, Jess, Sheldon moved to the elevator for drinks after work. Mac and Stella were going to join them after they had both talked to you and Adam. Adam watched you walk towards Stella's office.

Adam entered Mac's office. "Boss, did...did...I?" He stuttered fast, Mac waved his hand for Adam to stop. "Whoa Adam you're not in trouble. I just want to talk. Adam, I really don't know how to say this but I'm going to say it anyway." Adam's face flushed. "Ask her out. She likes you. Just keep it out of the lab though alright?" Nodding Adam looked relived.

---Meanwhile with you---
Stella pulled you into her office shared with Lindsay. You were looking back at Adam as he walked into Mac's office. "You like Adam." Stella was always straight to the point, wide eyed you looked at her. "Adam likes you. Just don't hurt him." Nodding you moved to the door, " I don't think I could ever hurt Adam, Stella." You walked to the elevator. "Y/N!" Turning you saw Adam running over to you. "Can...do...do you mind if I walk you home?" Smiling soft at Adam. "Sure."

Exiting the lab doors out onto the street. You and Adam discussed varying topics. When you reached your apartment you turned to Adam. "Do you want to come in for a drink?" Nodding his assent, both you and Adam walked in to your lounge and placed your bags down. "Y/N, can...I... ask you something?"

"Sure." In a sudden burst of confidence Adam asked "Do you want to go on a date with me?" You stared at him wide eyed. "I...er...sorry..."

"Yes." You interrupted him. You moved closer to him. "Yes, I will go out with you." Adam placed his drink down and in another burst of confidence. He cupped your face with both hands and kissed you with everything thing he had. Your arms moved around his neck. After breaking for air for a moment he kissed you again. One of his hands moved to rest on your lower back pulling you closer, while his other hand moved to cup the back of your head. 

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