Luke Alvez x Best Friend!Reader

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You were visiting Luke Alvez, you were a translator who mainly worked in Paris. This was because you loved the French language, the food and the architecture. You had been to college together, you had taken the same psychology courses. You had wanted to be psychologist but had fallen for the French language, upon watching an old French movie and wanted to learn everything you could get your hands on. Eventually you had become a translator, now you worked in Virginia. You were walking through the parking lot to Luke's office when he called. "Hey. Yep. Almost. Parking lot." Was the clipped conversation. You looked up and a hand descended upon your mouth, pulling your head up and back, your body was crushed against a firm, muscular body. You struggled dropping your phone, he pulled your arms close to your body. There was prick on your neck and you felt your body slacken, you were lifted up. Your phone buzzed on the ground the screen lighting up, Luke's name flashing across it.

Luke's heart rate picked up the longer you didn't answer your phone. When your voicemail answered, he practically shrieked in annoyance. He raced outside to check/find you. All he found was the dancing phone, buzzing against the gravel on the ground. He spun around but there was no sign of you or a car speeding away. He raced back inside, Matt following closely.

Garcia had found you, Luke was never more grateful for the analyst. You were tied to a chair, breathing heavy, terrified. You had been left alone for a bit while he had left the room. He returned spinning a large butchers knife between his fingers. He ran it through your hair lightly sending shivers through your body. There was a creak on the floorboards above you. But he didn't hear it. He ran the knife over your throat, your carotid jumped widely. There was another creak, and another then the door burst open. "FBI!" The knife slide around your throat. A small speak of blood bloomed on your skin. You could feel it. "Let her go." JJ yelled. He yelled something, but your heart was pounding in your ears and you didn't hear anything. He waved the knife. There was a singular gun shot and the knife dropped cluttering to the floor.

Luke moved forwards, holstering his weapon. He cut your ties and pulled you into his arms. "Hey, hey. I'm here. You're safe. You're safe." Luke tugged you out of the place and too the waiting ambulance. He waited with you, until you were given the all clear. Luke waited with you holding you close.

Luke kissed your temple as you slept, leaning into him. A movie played in the background, some handsome actor professing his love for the pretty actress. He paid no attention to the movie instead watching you sleep, content in the notion that you were safe and sound. 

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