Chapter 17

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*Mia's point of view*
       I've recently noticed that Zach doesn't comment on my Instagram pictures anymore. I think he stopped being interested in me. Maybe he found a new person. I'm really nervous to tell him who I am. I think I have an idea on how to do it but I'm not sure. I might ask one of his band members for help.

       My phone buzzed snapping me out of my thoughts.

Kylie😙: I'm in California now! I just finished decorating my room. The car I got is super nice.

Mia😍: I should be there at around 10

Kylie😙: I'm so excited for you to come

Mia😍: I'm about to board the plane

Kylie😙: See you soon bbg!

       I board the plane and take my seat. I put my head phones in my ears and listen to Why Don't We. I'm so excited to move to California. There's a lot more opportunities and it's going to be lots of fun. We found a house really fast. It has an amazing view. It also has a pool which excites me. I'm going to be closer to Zach too. If he still wants to be my friend after he knows who I am.

       I start to think of a plan on how to meet Zach. I'm going to text Jack on Instagram and ask him to take Zach to the beach. Then I'll suprise him there. I think Kylie might hit it off with one of the boys.

       A few hours later I get off the plane. "Mia!", Kylie yells. I hug her and grab my suitcase. "I'm so excited!", I squeal. "Me too!", Kylie squeals. "I seriously can't believe this is happening", I say. "It's a dream come true."

We wlk side by side to Kylie's car. Excitement is buzzing inside me. There's just one thing bothering me.

"I think I'm going to tell Zach who I am", I blurt out. "How do you think he'll react?", Kylie questions. "I think it might upset him at first then hopefully he'll get over it", I answer. "How do you plan on doing it?", She asks. On the way to our house I explain my plan to her.

       Kylie parks the car and gives me my key. "Ready?", Kylie asks. I unlock the door and slowly open it to reveal a gorgeous living room. "I love it!", I gasp. I look around trying to take everything in. I can't believe I'm going to call this home.

"Go look at your room", Kylie says. I run upstairs with Kylie behind me. "Left one", Kylie says. I walk into the room on the left. Some of my furniture is in the room. I open the closet, excited to admire the space. "For once all your shoes will fit somewhere", Kylie says. Before I can retrot she opens another door. I go inside to see my bathroom.

"I can't wait to decorate!", I exclaim. "What are you waiting for?", Kylie asks. "You're right!" Kylie brings my stuff up and helps me map out where I want everything to go. "I'm going to make a Starbucks run", Kylie says. "Bring me the usual." Kylie nods and leaves. I hear the door open and close. Before I get started I should text Jack.

miacevans: Hey, I need your help

jackaverymusic: How can I help you?

miacevans: I want to suprise Zach

jackaverymusic: You know Zach?

miacevans: I talk to him everyday

jackaverymusic: Are you THE Mia that Zach's always texting?

miacevans: I am THE Mia that Zach's always texting

jackaverymusic: Are you serious?

miacevans: I'm Mia

jackaverymusic: Yup you're Mia
jackaverymusic: What's your plan?

miacevans: I need you to take him to the beach where I will surprise him and we'll have lots of fun

jackaverymusic: How do you know he isn't going to react in a bad way?

miacevans: Because I am very fabulous and fun to talk to

jackaverymusic: What time?

miacevans: Does 3 sound good?

jackaverymusic: We will be there at 3

miacevans: Thanks noodles❤

jackaverymusic: no problem blondie

       I should probably text Zach now.
Mia👑: What are you doing tomorrow?

Zach🐊: I'm going to the beach with the guys

Mia👑: I get to hangout with my best friend tomorrow

Zach🐊: I wish you could hang out with me

Mia👑: Wait for 11:11 and make a wish for me to hang out with you

Zach🐊: Daniel thinks you're pretending to be a 16 year old girl

Mia👑: That's because I'm a 300 year old ratmpire

Zach🐊: ratmpire?

Mia👑: Rat vampire

Zach🐊: When can I see your face?

Mia👑: Soon

Zach🐊: You always say soon

Mia👑: During this week

Zach🐊: Really?!?!

Mia👑: Really

       When I finish decorating my room it's 1:30 AM. "Are you done?", Kylie yells. "Yes!", I yell back. Kylie walks in the room and gasps. "It's so you!", Kylie says. "Thanks", I laugh. "I love it", Kylie says. "Well, I'm meeting Zach tomorrow and you're meeting his hot band mates so let's not waste beauty sleep", I say. "Goodnight", Kylie says. "Goodnight."

Word count: 814
EXCITEMENT IS RADIATING OFF OF ME!! I'm going to try my best and update tomorrow.

I. Hate. This.

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