Chapter 42

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Samantha❤: Maybe I should go and visit you
Zach😍🔐: You can if you want
Samantha❤: Could I stay at your house?
Zach😍🔐: If my band mates and girlfriend are okay with it
Samantha❤: Could I sleep in your bed?
Zach😍🔐: Not with me in it
Samantha❤: Why can't you be in the bed?
Zach😍🔐: Because
Samantha:❤ Does your girlfriend live with you?
Zach😍🔐: No, she lives in a house with her best friend
Samantha❤: Do you think I could stay there?
Zach😍🔐: I don't think she'd want you there
Samantha❤: Oh okay
Zach😍🔐: But you could definitely visit
Samantha❤: I'm glad we're friends now
Zach😍🔐: Yeah you're a good friend
Samantha❤: When are you coming home?
Zach😍🔐: 2 weeks
Samantha❤: I can't wait to see you!! I've missed you
Zach😍🔐: Yeah
Samantha❤: I get to play with your hair and we can go to our hideout
Zach😍🔐: Do you still go there?
Samantha❤: Yeah I go when I miss you
Zach😍🔐: Oh cool
Samantha❤: I really fucked up Zach. I'm really sorry for what went down between us
Zach😍🔐: Yeah
Samantha❤: I'm so lucky to have you
Zach😍🔐: You were there for me when I needed you so I was lucky too
Samantha❤: I'll always be here for you.  No matter what happens I'll always love you
Zach😍🔐: I don't love you in a way that's more like a friend

Jack🐶: Stop texting Zach
Mia😘: I'm not texting him
Jack🐶: Why is he texting and smiling then?
Mia😘: Ask him
Jack🐶: I think he's talking to a girl
Mia😘: Oh
Jack🐶: Do you want me to find out?
Mia😘: I trust him
Jack🐶: Mia
Mia😘: Jack
Jack🐶: Are you really sure you do trust him?
Mia😘: I think I do
Jack🐶: It's fine if you don't trust him completely
Mia😘: It is?
Jack🐶: Yeah I mean if I were you I'd be skeptical
Mia😘: I don't want to invade his privacy or be controlling
Jack🐶: You wouldn't be controlling for wondering
Mia😘: He's probably talking to Samantha
Jack🐶: I hate her
Mia😘: why?
Jack🐶: She was rude and manipulative
Mia😘: Do you think she'll get in the way?
Jack🐶: She's a snake
Jack🐶: She might try and get Zach back
Mia😘: But Zach doesn't have feelings for her, right?
Jack🐶: He's completely in love with you
Mia😘: I'm completely in love with him
Jack🐶: It's obvious you don't have to tell me

Mia👑: I want to know something
Mia👑: Zach?
Mia👑: Hello?
Mia👑: I know you're on your phone
Mia👑: Why are you ignoring me?
Mia👑: I'm cheating on you
Zach🐊: Wtf Mia?!
Mia👑: Finally I got your attention
Zach🐊: So you're not cheating on me?
Mia👑: Have some faith in me
Zach🐊: Sorry
Mia👑: I'm not sure how I feel about you texting Samantha
Zach🐊: Why?
Mia👑: Jack told me she's a snake
Zach🐊: Are you jealous?
Mia👑: No
Zach🐊: Are you sure?
Mia👑: I'm sure but I don't trust her
Zach🐊: You've never met her
Mia👑: You've never met Harvey but you don't like him
Zach🐊: That's different
Mia👑: In what way?
Zach🐊: He likes you
Mia👑: He doesn't like me
Zach🐊: He does
Mia👑: But I don't like him
Zach🐊: And I don't like Sam. We're just friends
Mia👑: We started out as just friends
Zach🐊: Mia don't be like this
Mia👑: I need to go
Zach🐊: Mia
Zach🐊: I don't want you to be upset
Zach🐊: I know you're texting Daniel and Jack
Zach🐊: I will go to your house if I have to
Zach🐊: I'm not letting you be upset
Zach🐊: I'm on my way

Word count: 700 
Samantha is already stirring up drama. Did anyone notice the emoji change? ;) Have a great day!

I KEEP GETTING ASKED FOR MY AGE AND NAME. I AM GABBIE AND I AM 14. HELLO! NICE TO GET THAT OUT OF THE WAY! Now all of you great people know more simple things about me.

Okay but seriously have such an amazing day :)

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