Chapter 64

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*Mia's point of view*
       Harvey and I went to a hotel. We stayed there and decided that we'd start our way to Houston in the morning. I cried myself to sleep. If I could have had a wish at that moment it'd be to be in Zach's arms.
        I wake up and get ready for the day. I'm not in a good mood so I put on comfortable clothes. When I get out of the bathroom Harvey is sitting on the bed. "Let me get ready and then we'll go get food", He says planting a kiss on my forehead. I smile at him and sit on my bed. I grab my phone and text the boys and Christina. I tell them what happened between Zach and I. Christina sent me pictures of herself crying because Zia is no longer a thing.
       "I'm ready", Harvey says stepping out of the bathroom. We gather all our things and put them in his car. "Where do you want to go?", Harvey asks. "I want bacon." "Only bacon?", Harvey questions. "And other food but anything that goes with bacon." I shrug. "Your wish is my command." I giggle.
        Harvey finds a place to eat at. We get out of the car and go inside. We sit down at a table near the window. "I remember how much you like windows", Harvey comments. "It's interesting", I defend myself. "I'm sure it's a blast watching strangers pass by", Harvey laughs. "Don't judge me until you try it", I argue.
       "Can I tell you about something?", Harvey asks. "Or I can instead. Something is a word to describe what you're thinking of. I'm not very good at describing something so you tell me instead", I say. Harvey laughs and shakes his head. "I want your advice." "I'll give you the best advice I've got." "I like this girl." I fight the urge to interrupt and ask who it is. "She just got out of a relationship. I think it was toxic for her but she didn't listen to me. Now she's single and I really want to ask her on a date but I don't know if it's the right time. What should I do?" "Harvey, you are an extraordinary person. This girl would be lucky to have you! You can show her what a real relationship is. Talk to her when you feel like it's the right time", I explain. "Thanks Mia", Harvey thanks me flashing me a smile.
       "Tell me about her", I say. Harvey looks reluctant about it. "She's absolutely beautiful. I don't think there is one flaw on her. She's really funny and nice. I think she deserves the world", Harvey says. "Tell me more." "She's got these beautiful eyes that make me fall deeper in love with her", Harvey adds. "That's so romantic!", I coo. "Should I say that to her?", Harvey questions. "Definitely", I agree. "I really like her, Mia", Harvey says. "I can tell", I chuckle. "She deserves the world." "Who is it?", I ask. "You'll know soon."
        When we finish eating we get back on the road. Harvey drives us to Houston. It was a long drive which was definitely a lot of fun. We sang along to songs on the radio and shared horrible jokes. I really missed having my best friend with me. Harvey is a lot of fun and I love him. I'm glad that we're friends because I would be missing out on a lot of laughing without him.
       When we arrive there is no one home. There are no cars in the driveway. I assume Noah is at soccer practice, my mom is at work, May is at work and Miami is at day care. I take my things into my room and flop on to my bed. "Nap time?", Harvey asks. "Good night."
       I wake up and hour later and see Harvey sitting on my bed. "Hey!", I chirp sitting up. I put my hair into my signature messy bun. Which happens to look like a racoon nest most of the time? Do racoon's make nest? I'm sure Google knows. "Zach has been calling you for the past thirty minutes", Harvey says. I sigh and frown taking over my face.
       "I should call him back", I say reaching out for my phone. Harvey stops me. "Mia, you deserve a lot better than him", Harvey says. "Don't say that", I say shaking my head. "Why not? It's the truth." Harvey shrugs. I furrow my eyebrows. "He deserves the universe and that's something I couldn't give him", I mumble. "He hurt you, Mia. He took your heart and stomped all over it", Harvey explains. "He can dance all over my heart with muddy shoes and that wouldn't change the love I feel for him", I explain. "You're letting him hurt you. You need someone to show you what it feels like to be in a healthy loving relationship", Harvey argues. "I don't care because my feelings for Zach were healthy." I shrug. "You're in pain and don't say you aren't because I see it right through you. He hurt you and it'll be worse if you crawl back to him." "What is this about?", I question. "I don't want you to get hurt because of his stupidity is all", Harvey says. "I don't care what anyone has to say. Zach is the person who has shown me what it feels like to be loved and cared for", I fight back.
       "I'm not letting him hurt you", Harvey says. "It's not up to you." Harvey suddenly presses his lips on mine.

Word count: 936
I don't know if people have noticed but the chapters are getting shorter. This fanfiction is going to go up to around 83 chapters. I think I've made it way too long but there are more ideas I have. THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL! I PROMISE!! I've got so much ideas and I'm so excited to share them with you guys.

I'm going to be inactive today because I've got a lot of homework and I start school next week.

I LOVE YOU NUGGETZ! I'LL TRY TO REPLY TO COMMENTS! I PROMISE I READ THEM ALL!! Except the ones where people have conversations in. Those make me feel awkward and kinda like I'm sticking my nose in someone else's business.

GABBIE IS OUT!!! *Drops puppies in cute baskets into all my Nuggetz arms*

*You missed out on my face*

I can't be a pterodactyl so I decided to be a bee instead.

Since there are a lot of new people that's what I look like. Only being kept up for a day.

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