Chapter 49

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*Mia's point of view*
       I walk upstairs to Zach's room. He was talking to someone on the phone. He had a big smile. I chose to ignore it and sat on his bed waiting for him to get off the phone. I sit on his bed scrolling through my phone for twenty more minutes. I sigh and decide he isn't going to stop talking to whoever he's talking to. I leave my phone on my bed and walk down the hall to Jack's room. "Hey Jack", I greet him. He pauses the movie he was watching. "Hey", He says smiling at me. "Can I watch the movie with you?", I ask. "What about Zach?", Jack asks raising his eyebrows. "He's on the phone", I shrug. Jack pats the spot next to him. I smile and lay on his bed next to him. Jack let's me choose a movie. I choose Mean Girls and lay my head on Jack's shoulder.
       The movie ends and I yawn. "Are you sleepy?", Jack asks. "Yeah but I heard Christina's laugh so I'm going to go try and set her up with Daniel", I say setting off his bed. I start to walk down the hallway and turn to look into Zach's room. He has my phone in his hands and he looks like he's thinking.
       "What are you doing?", I ask furrowing my eyebrows. "Nothing!", Zach quickly answers. "You were obviously trying to do something", I say walking into the room. "I was just checking the time", Zach lies. "You must have been very focused on the time then", I snap. "I was staring at your lock screen", Zach explains. "My pass code is 6217", I say before leaving the room.
       I can't believe Zach. He completely ignores me because he's on the phone and then he tries to get into my phone. He should know the he can trust me. There's nothing on my phone that's bad. I don't text any guys as more than a friend way. I'd never do anything that could hurt Zach. It hurts that he doesn't trust me. I trust him. Maybe I did something that made him loose trust? Maybe I should apologize. Although he was the one on my phone without permission. I groan in frustration and put hands over my face.
       "What's wrong?", Jonah asks. "Nothing", I lie. "I can basically see the steam coming out of your head so tell me what's wrong", Jonah says. I sigh and uncover my face. "Zach was trying to get into my phone", I explain. "Why?", Jonah asks. "If I knew I wouldn't be so agitated." I roll my eyes. "I'll be right back", Jonah says.
*Zach's point of view*
       I felt really bad for not trusting Mia. I really wish I didn't try and go on her phone. When I did go on I found nothing bad. She even told guys to back off because she was in a relationship. Some were even better looking than I am and had more followers. Her camera roll were pictures of herself, me, us together, baby goats, her with friends and puppies. I knew I shouldn't have doubted her loyalty. I just wish I had listened to myself. I felt even worse because I was on the phone with Samantha when I was the one to ask her to come over.
       Jonah storms into the room and slams the door shut snapping me out of my thoughts. "What the hell is wrong with you?", Jonah snaps. "What?", I ask confused. "Why would you check Mia's phone?", Jonah asks. I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. "Well?" I might as well tell him. "I was on the phone with Samantha and I saw Mia's phone. I was going to take it to her and I went to Jack's room. I was outside of the door and saw Jack with his arm around Mia. They were watching a movie and laughing together. I told Samantha what I saw and she got me thinking. Mia's really close to you guys and maybe she likes Jack or maybe even you. Samantha told me she could be cheating and I should check her phone. When I was trying to get in she caught me", I explain with a frown forming on my face as I realized how horrible that sounded.
       "Are you serious?", Jonah laughs shaking his head angrily. I wait for him to start yelling at me. "Mia is in love with you! It's so obvious! How have you not noticed? She looks at you like you're the best thing in the world. When I took her with me to get food for all of us a guy texted her and was flirting with her. She asked me what way she should tell him to leave her alone", Jonah explains. "Really?", I ask suprised. "Really but you can't let go of Mia. I know for a fact she's the only one that's going to make you happy. You need to stop listening to Samantha. She's really only trying to break you two up. Trust me, that's the last thing you want", Jonah says. "I do love Mia." "Then start acting like it because there are lots of other guys who could treat her amazing. They could treat Mia like their everything. Something you've been lacking since you started talking to the snake. Take care of Mia. You're my best friend but she's like my little sister and I will not think twice about hurting you." I run out of the room and downstairs. I look around and see Mia on the couch. I quickly run up to her and smash my lips on to hers. She was suprised but kissed back after a few seconds. I pull away and see tears rolling down her face.
       "What's wrong?", I ask. She hands me her phone.
675-547-2690: Hey dude here's the video
675-547-2690: *insert video of dog repeatedly getting run over*
675-547-2690: Haha Julian ran over him so bad
       I click on the video and see a dog get run over about six times. I frown and look at Mia who is extremely upset. I sit down and pull her on to my lap. She cries into my chest. "How could they do that to a dog?", Mia sobs. "I don't know", I mumble rubbing her back. "I hope Julian swerves and kills the guy and the guy he was meant to send it to. I hope Julian hits his side on furniture. Then I hope Julian goes skydiving and forgets a parachute." "That's a little harsh." "You're right, I hope they all get shot before everything and can't do anything about it."

Word count: 1124
I'm upset and in an extremely bad mood. I seriously want to bang my head on the furniture. I accidentally published chapter 51. I was trying to get ahead of writing because I wanted to update twice everyday for 2 weeks. It was meant to be a thank you for all the support. It sucks because now I have to rewrite it since people read it. I'm just in a really horrible mood. I took my dog to the groomers and his fur looks dumb because the lady obviously didn't know what she was doing. Before I rant about ky dog's fur here's this chapter. I hope you enjoyed.

Gabbie isn't out because I want to strangle someone at the moment.

^I swear I won't strangle anyone though. Just complain a lot.

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