Chapter 29

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*Mia's point of view*       I search the airport for Kylie and Corbyn

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*Mia's point of view*
       I search the airport for Kylie and Corbyn. I look around and see familiar black hair and blond hair. "Corbyn!", I scream. "Mia!", Corbyn shouts back. I jump into his arms. "I missed you!", I exclaim. "I heard you've been talk to Christina." "She's such an amazing person best friend." "What about me?", Kylie asks. "You're one too", I reply. Kylie smiles at me.
       "Psychopath!", I hear Daniel's familiar voice call. I let go of Daniel and turn around. Daniel stands with open arms smiling at me. "Dani!", I squeal jumping into his arms. "It's been three weeks!" "Three weeks too long", I correct. I decided to stay in Texas for a week instead of three days. "Shorty!" Jack opens his arms out. I hug him with a huge grin. "I didn't know you guys were coming", I say. "We have really missed you", Jonah explains. I hug him and see Zach on his phone. I turn my gaze away from him. "I've missed you guys too", I ask. "I believe we have a pool party to attend in your backyard", Jack says with a goofy grin. "Then to the pool party we shall go!" "Your luggage", Kylie reminds me. "We shall get my stuff!" We get to the car. Somehow I get stuck between Jack and Zach. I don't have a window to look out so I expect this car ride to be awkward.
       "It's a long car ride so let's play truth or dare", Jonah says. "Mia truth or dare?", Kylie asks. "Dare." "I dare you to sit on either Jack or Zach's lap", Kylie dares with a smirk. I take off my seat belt and climb on to Jack's lap. Kylie gives me a confused look. Kylie doesn't know Zach and I aren't talking. She's been so busy with Jonah that I haven't gotten the chance to talk to her.
       "Corbyn truth or dare?" "Truth." "When are you putting a ring on Christian's hand?", I ask. Corbyn shrugs. "Jack truth or dare?" "Truth." "What do you think about Mia?" I look at Jack. "I think she's an adorable little bunny." "Thanks Poodle", I laugh ruffling his hair. "You're also the greatest best friend there is. Zach truth or dare?" "Dare." "Make out with the window", Jack dares with a devilish smirk. I laugh at Zach. "Are you serious?", Zach asks raising his eyebrows. "Very serious." "Tounge and everything", Jonah adds. Jack nods agreeing with Jonah. Corbyn records Zach. I laughed harder when I saw the saliva on the window.
       "Daniel truth or dare?", Zach asks. "Dare." "Tweet out that you're dating the last person you texted." Daniel pulls out his phone to find his last text. "My last text is Mia", Daniel says with a blush spreading on his face. "I woke you up to send you selfies of myself", I laugh. "I was a very supportive best friend and complimented you like twenty times." Daniel tweets out that we're dating and our phones immediately start to blow up. We continue to play. By the end of the game I'm sitting on Zach's lap with my legs on Jack's lap. When we pull up to my house I immediately get of Zach's lap. "We're going to go change", Kylie says dragging me upstairs.
       She shuts my door and locks it. "Why didn't you sit on Zach's lap?", Kylie asks. "Because we aren't talking anymore", I answer with a frown. "Why didn't you tell me?", Kylie asks. "You were busy with Jonah." "I'm never too busy for you!", Kylie exclaims. I raise my eyebrows at her. "Are you serious? When I was in Texas and wanted to talk to you we never could because you were on dates", I explain shaking my head. Kylie's face falls and then becomes a mixture of different emotions. "I'm in a relationship. The world doesn't revolve around you. Why can't you be happy for me? Is it because Zach doesn't like you? I'm sorry that I blew you off and that Zach got sick of you!", Kylie snaps. I stare at Kylie in shock. "Get out!", I hiss. I slam the door behind Kylie.
       Why does this happen to me? I just got back and somehow I managed to loose my other best friend. "Mia what's wrong?", Daniel asks knocking on the door. "I don't want to talk right now", I say as the tears start to come down. I stop myself from sobbing. "Let me help you", Daniel says softly. I open the door for him and let him in. "What's wrong?", Daniel asks wasting no time to engulfe me in a tight hug. "Zach hates me and I got in a fight with Kylie. I'm not even sure why Kylie is mad. I miss talking to Zach and we don't even look at each other. It just sucks", I hiccup. "Zach doesn't hate you." "You don't have to protect my feelings. I'm sure he wants to hit me in the face with a chair." "He doesn't hate you. I know he doesn't. He actually really loves you." "I doubt it." "And Kylie has been in a bad mood all day. She probably just took out on you." "What if I loose you too?" "No! Not in a million years! I love you so much." Daniel shakes his heads. I give him a small smile. He smiles back and wipes away my tears.
       "I'll pick out your swimsuit. That is what girls do, right?" I laugh and open my closet for Daniel. "It's like you have a mini mall in here", Daniel says in awe walking in. I laugh and show him all my swimsuits. He chooses one and goes downstairs to change. I go inside my bathroom and change. I throw my hair into a messy bun. I walk out of the bathroom to see a person I least expected.
Word count: 984
I can't believe this has 200 votes and 7k reads. All of you are incredible. I'm thinking about writing another fanfiction. Maybe about Daniel or Jack. I'm not sure yet.

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