Chapter 71

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*Mia's point of view*
       "I'm bored", I complain. "How do you feel about tulips?", Zach asks. "I think they're cute", I answer. "Put your shoes on." I do what Zach says and slide my white Vans on. He gets what he needs and we leave. We get into the car. "How long is this drive?", I ask. "About an hour", Zach answers. "I can't last an hour in a car without water so I'll be back", I say. I get out of the car and go inside I grab snacks and water. I put everything in a bag and get back into the car. "I thought you were just getting water", Zach chuckles. "So you don't want the Doritos?", I question. "Nevermind."
         I roll down my window and prepare for a long drive. "We're going on tour", Zach says. "When?", I question putting the radio down. "In November", Zach answers. "That's in less than four months." I frown. "It's a three month tour. We're going to a lot of different places", Zach says. Three months without Zach sound like the most miserable thing ever. Three months. That's a really long time. It's also three months without my best friends. "But there's something I need to ask you." "What is it?", I ask nervously. "Do you want to come with us? I talked to my manager and he agreed", Zach asks. He has a hopeful look on his face. "Seriously?" I'm shocked that Zach would want me to go on tour with him. "We could explore together and do a lot of fun things", Zach explains. "I'll talk to my manager but I would love to travel with you", I reply.
        Zach grins and grabs one of hands and drives with the other. "As much as I love holding hands you suck at driving and I'm trying to live long enough to see Christina and Daniel date", I laugh. Zach gasps. I roll my eyes at him but can't help to smile at the thought of the dramatic boy.
       "I have a feeling you're really going to enjoy this", Zach says. "What exactly are we doing?", I question. "I'm not ruining this suprise", Zach states. "Well, how do you expect me to be happy about it if I don't know what we're doing?", I ask. "I expect you to be happy because you get to spend time with your boyfriend." I smile. He's 100% right. We can do anything together because I'm happy just thinking about him and the dorky smile he has when he flirts with me.
        "Mia!", Zach yells. "What?", I ask. "You've been quiet for so long it was strange. You've never been quite for three whole minutes", Zach explains. "That's a new record", I mumble. Zach chuckles. "What were you thinking of?", Zach asks. "The dorky look you have when you try and flirt", I say. "You mean this one?", Zach asks. He flashes me a dorky grin. "That's the one", I laugh.
       "How come you don't flirt with me?", Zach questions. "Because I can't come up with cheesy pickup lines like you can." "If you were a McDonald's burger, you'd be a McGorgeous", Zach flirts. "Are you calling me fat and greasy?", I question. (A/N DON'T TAKE OFFENSE TO THIS! I BASICALLY LIVE OFF OF MCDONALDS!!) I stiffle a laugh. Zach's face is priceless. "No! No! You have beautiful sparkling skin and you're not fat", Zach assures. "So now I'm a vampire!", I exclaim. "No! That's not what I meant", Zach says struggling to explain what he meant. I let giggles escape my mouth. "You were so worried", I laugh. Zach frowns. "That wasn't funny", He mumbles. "I'm not an Organ donor but I'd gladly give you my heart", I say with a goofy grin. Zach laughs. "That was good", He admits. We say stupid pickup lines for about fourty minutes until he comes to a stop.
        "We have to walk five minutes to get there", Zach says. I get out of the car. Zach intertwines our fingers and we start to walk on a path. I see a sign that says "Tulip picking $2 for stem." "Aw we're getting flowers!", I squeal.  "I think I win the best boyfriend award", Zach says. "I think you did", I agree. "Come on", He says. He leads me to a variety of different colored tulips. "So many colors", I mumble. "How about one of each?", Zach suggests. I agree. We start to collect different colored tulips. This has probably been one of the cutest things Zach has done. We pick out flowers and Zach pays for them. "Thanks", I say. "Kiss?" I put my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. Zach deepens the kiss pulling me closer to him. We pull away for air. "I love you", Zach says. "I love you too", I say smiling like an idiot. "I've got a special dinner planned so we're going to go home and get ready", Zach says. "Is it fancy?", I ask. "Yeah and this time I'll be the one to propose for the free cake", Zach jokes. "I mean it would only be fair."
Word count: 859
I'm trying really hard to update everyone but I have no time. School is already taking up all my time. It sucks because I don't get to come on her and talk to you guys or update as often. Please be patient with me. These past days have been really stressful and I'm trying my best.

I can't wait to come home later and read comments and reply to messages. It's 6 AM and I woke up an hour ago so maybe this note thing doesn't make sense.

Have a wonderful day!! I love you Nuggetz!!

GABBIE IS OUT *Drops cement house on the people who have been mean to any of you*

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