Chapter 25

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*Mia's point of view*
       "Can I drive your car?" , I ask Logan. "I don't trust you", Logan denies shaking his head. "Why not?", I whine. "Because you go crazy", Logan answers. I raise my eyebrows at him. "Good point", He states and gets out of the car. "Yes!", I cheer. My phone vibrates and I immediately know it's Zach. I get in the driver's seat and put on my seat belt. I wait for Logan to do the same. I start to drive way over the speed limit. "You're going to get us killed!", Logan yells. "It'll be a great way to die", I laugh slowing down. I drive us to his apartment and we go upstairs. "Kong!", I yell walking inside. I'm greeted by the fluffy pomeranian. Logan starts to vlog while I play with Kong.
       "I'm here with my cousin, Mia", Logan says pointing his camera towards me. "All my social medias will be in the description because Logan has to be a good cousin", I say. "No, they won't", Logan shakes his head. "I'll call aunt Pam", I shrug. "Fine", Logan groans. I smirk satisfied with myself.
       "I don't like what you're wearing", Logan says. "Like you have such great fashion choices", I scoff. "You need to wear merch." "Free merch", I shrug. He opens his closet and gives me a hoodie. "It's so hot and you're making me wear a hoodie", I complain. "Be a Maverick!", He shouts and breaks a plate. "I'm not cleaning that up", I say. "Neither am I", He says. I shrug and sit down in the living room with Kong on my lap.
       Someone knocks on the door. "I'll get it", I say. I get up and open the door. "Alya!", I yell excitedly. "Mia!" I give her a hug and let her in. "Ayla, guess what?", Logan asks. I already know what he's going to do. He pulls out a plate and throws it on the ground. "I feel sorry for you. You have to see his ugly face more often than me", I say giving Ayla a sympathetic smile. "I'm not ugly!", Logan argues. "Are too!", I yell back. "You're so mean to me!", Logan exclaims. Logan picks me up and throws me on to the couch. "Can I take a nap?", I ask. "I'm going to take some business calls and let you nap for an hour because I have some people I want you to meet", Logan says throwing a blanket over me. "Thanks Logan." "Good night." I fall asleep in less than a minute.
*Zach's point of view*
       "Stop being so sad that Mia can't hang out", Corbyn says. I roll my eyes and get in the car. "We have to meet up with Logan and his cousin so you can have fun there", Daniel says. I check my phone to see if Mia texted me back.
        She has me going crazy. I can't get her blue ocean eyes out of my head. Her beautiful smile that makes everything seem better. Her contagious laugh. It's crazy how much Mia has an effect on me. I just can't help feeling so attracted to her.
        "I'm going to ask Kylie out", Jonah announces. "Really?", Daniel asks suprised. "She's cool", Jonah says. I could see a smile tugging at him lips. "You probably are just as lovesick as Zach but you're good at hiding it", Jack laughs. "Hey!", I yell. I smack him upside the head. He rubs his head and glares at me.
       We go up to Logan's apartment. We could hear screaming. I knock on the door and Ayla let's us in. The screaming was coming from Logan's room. I turn and see Mia run out with a blanket tied around her neck. "Not the plates!", Ayla yells. Mia throws one of the plates on the ground. It shatters as soon as it touches the ground. "That's my girl!", Logan screams highfiving Mia. "Mia?", I ask. "Oh hey guys", Mia greets us. "I thought you were with your cousin", I say. I was hurt that she lied to me. "Logan is my cousin", Mia explains. "You know them?", Logan asks. "There's Daniela, Flippy Hair, Corbean, Poodle and my favorite person Zach", Mia says pointing at all of us. "My name is Daniel", Daniel corrects. "Whatever you say Daniela."
       Mia walked up to me and hugged me. "I missed you Herron." "I missed you too babe." "Babe?!", Logan yells his eyes widening. "They aren't dating", Jack says. Logan throws Mia over his shoulder. "But babe?", Logan asks. "Chill Logan", Mia says rolling her eyes. Logan throws Mia on to the couch. "This is my baby cousin! I don't know how to feel!", Logan exclaims sitting down. "Drama queen", Mia laughs and throws a pillow at him. We all sit down and start to watch a movie.
        "Can I play with your hair?", I ask Mia. "That's basically a marriage proposal. Please play with me hair", Mia nods vigorously. I chuckle and start to play with her hair. It's extremely soft. "No proposals!", Logan shouts. "Why not?", Mia asks. "Because!" "Please?", Mia begs. "Okay so this is how babies are mad-" "No!", Mia yells covering her ears. "I have gone through enough horror in health class!", Mia yells.
       There's pounding on the door. "You're probably getting kicked out", Mia says. "True", I agree. Logan opens the door and Jake runs in. He grabs Mia and throws her over her shoulder and runs out the door. "Mia!", Logan yells. "I'm being kidnapped!", She screams. "Let's go get her", Logan sighs. We pile up into our car.
       "So you like Mia?", Logan asks. "Yup!", Jack answers. "He's madly in love with her", Daniel adds. "Completely head over heels", Jonah adds. I groan and roll my eyes. "That's my baby cousin we're talking about. I want her to be happy but if you hurt her I'll throw you off my balcony", Logan says calmly. "Relax she doesn't like me", I assure. "You're both so oblivious", Corbyn sighs. "She obviously likes you", Jonah says. "True", Jack agrees.
       We arrive at Jake's house. Logan pounds on the door. "Give us Mia back!", Logan shouts. Someone opens the door and we all rush in. We see Mia jumping on the trampoline wearing Jake's merch. "Get the horrible merch off!", Logan yells. "Hey guys!", She greets us. "You're acting really calmly for someone who was kidnapped", Jack laughs. "He fed me so it's cool", Mia shurgs. Jake comes downstairs and talks to Logan. Next thing I know Logan and Jake are taking me outside.
       "So you like our baby cousin?", Jake asks. He doesn't look too happy about it. "Yeah?", I say but it comes out make like a question. "You have my permission", Logan says patting me on the back. "She's basically our little sister so if you date her you have to treat her like a queen. You need to be a gentleman and be there for her. If you don't we'll have problems", Jake explains.
       "What's happening here?", Mia asks. "We're just talking." "Yup." "Let's go get ice cream."
Word count: 1186
3.58k reads and 107 votes is insane to me!! I'm going to really try updating every day.

☆I wonder how a few months ago Gabbie would react if I told her how far this fanfiction got☆

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