Chapter 32

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*Mia's point of view*
       I'm currently wearing a onsie I just got delivered. I ordered one for all the boys, Kylie and myself. I'm bringing the onsies to them. I think Jack will be the angriest because I'm interrupting his sleep. Zach agreed on coming to the store with me. I grab a bag of Doritos on my way out. I run to my car and quickly get in the car instantly locking the doors. I'm not trying to die today.
       By the time I get to the Why Don't We house half the Doritos are gone. I grab my Doritos and box of onsies for the boys. I text Zach to let me in. I see the door open. I run out of my car and into his house. "I'm safe!", I exclaim. "Food!", Zach exclaimed taking the bag of Doritos from me. "I have a suprise for you and the boys and you're naked", I say. "They're all asleep and thanks for noticing my bare chest", Zach says. "How should we wake them?", I ask. "Let's perform for them." "Sounds fun", I agree. Zach grabs two microphones and turns the volume all the way up.
       "Jack woke up the mean green giant named Daniel", I narrate dramatically. "Jack covered his face because Daniel was so ugly", Zach adds. "Jonah shoves his finger in Daniel's ugly face and called him hideous." "The big ugly Daniel got mad and slapped Corbyn." "Corbyn only wanted to save the princess." "The boys all battled with their yellow smelly hands." "If you don't shut up your about to catch these hands!", Jack yells running down the stairs. The boys come running down the stairs. "The giant is behind you Jonah!", I yell into the microphone dramatically. "Why are you waking us up?!", Jonah asks.
       "I have a suprise!", I chirp. "Why couldn't it wait?", Daniel asks.              
"Waiting is for the lame people."
"What are you wearing?", Corbyn asks. "You like?", I ask posing. "I love", Zach chimes in. "That's good." I grab the box that contains the onsies. "I didn't want to model this bear onsie alone so I bought you guys some too!", I chirp throwing onsies at the boys. "You're kidding, right?", Jonah asks. "Nope!" "I'm never going to be able to fall asleep now", Corbyn whines. "Sucks for you", I say with an innocent look on my face. Zach gets up and leaves. He comes back a minute later with the onsie on. "Aw Zachy", I cooe. "I'm only doing this to make you happy so shut up." I smile at him. The rest of the boys go and put there onsies on. They come downstairs looking adorable. "What do we do now?", Jack asks. "We're going grocery shopping", I say. "At 4 AM?" "I'm coming." The boys rush to find their shoes.
       "What's your suprise?", I ask turning to Zach. "We leave in three weeks to Texas." "I'm meeting your family?", I ask in shock. "Yup!" "This can go terribly wrong or amazingly right", I sigh. "Please?", Zach pouts. "Only to make you happy", I reply with a small smile. "Yes!", Zach cheers. He picks me up off the ground and spins me around. I giggle and hide my face in Zach's chest. "We're ready!", Jonah exclaims. We get in my car. Jonah wanted to drive so I let him. I think he was just scared I'd crash the car and kill them all. Zach wraps his arms around me. I smile at him with a blush on my cheeks. I hide my face in his chest.
       We arrive at Walmart. The only store that is still open. I grab a shopping cart. The boys follow behind me like lost puppies. Jonah takes the cart away from me. I shrug and continue walking. I jump on to Zach's back. He almost looses his balance but somehow manages to keep his feet on the ground. "What have we come to get?", Zach asks. "Groceries." I lead the guys into asiles. I put things in the cart. "You need to stock up on popcorn", Jonah says. "We ate all of the snacks when we had the movie night at your house", Daniel says. "More snacks is a need", I laugh. "Grocery shopping is boring", Zach complains.
       "How about I carry you?", I ask. "I doubt you can", Zach laughs. "I think I can", I say. "I bet $20 she can", Jonah says. "I bet $20 she can't", Jack says. "I'll be a good piggy back giver", I insist. Zach jumps on to my back. I balance him and continue walking. "I can't believe it", Corbyn laughs. "Have a little fate in me", I laugh. "Can I be let down now?", Zach asks. I let Zach off of me and lead the boys to the snack section. I grab everything that looks good. "You cleared the candy stock", Daniel laughs. "Candy is something I need in order to survive", I state.
       "The floor is lava!", Corbyn yells. I lay on the ground and watch the guys run around looking for a safe place. Daniel climbed into the shopping cart. Jonah threw bags of chips on the ground to clear a spot. Jack climbed on one of the shelfs. Corbyn stood on the top of the shelfs with Zach. "Mia you died!", Corbyn points out. "I'm just pretending the floor is rainbows and In-N-Out", I explain. "I want McDonalds", Jonah comments. "I'm done grocery shopping it turns out I'm not very good at it", I say looking at the cart that mainly had cookies and snacks for movie nights. "At least you tried!", Daniel chirps. "You're right, Dani!" I say and we climb back into the car. Daniel drives us to McDonalds. We're the only ones there. It's most likely because it's 5 AM. We order our food and go back to my place. We sit in the living room and eat our food. After awhile I fell asleep with my head on Zach's lap.

Word count: 1002
So they sold out of the ticket I was going to get for the concert in less than 24 hours. I'm upset but there's always next time! There's still some time left before the day is over so I give to you this weird and all very the place chapter. Baiii!

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