Chapter 37

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*Mia's point of view*
       I hear the door ring and then open. I quickly spray on some perfume and run downstairs. I trip on the last step and hit the ground. "Are you okay?", Zach asks. "I'm good", I laugh. He pulls me up on to my feet. "You look beautiful as always", Zach compliments. "You look like a full course meal as always", I laugh. "I look like four full course meals", Zach sasses. "Of course you do", I laugh, shaking my head. "Okay bye have fun", Kylie says, before shoving us out the door. "Well that's one way to get rid of us", I mumble. Zach opens the passenger door for me.
       "Would your mom be proud of you for being a gentleman?", I ask. "I talked to her earlier and told her we're together now and she said if I didn't treat you like a queen she was flying here just to ground me", Zach laughs. "You're mom is awesome", I say. "She really wants to meet you", Zach says. "Do you want to meet my mom?", I ask. "I do", Zach answers with a grin. I smile at him. We've been together for a day and I already can't believe I got so lucky.
       We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes. "Where are we going?", I ask. "We're getting pizza first and then we're going to the fair." "That seems like the best date ever." "It will be." "How are you so sure?" "Because you're spending it with me." "That's true." We pull up to my favorite pizza place. Zach opens the door for me. "You either just really like me or you're scared of your mom", I joke. "My mom is very scary", Zach jokes. We go inside and sit at a table. We order the pizza we always get.
       I feel Zach's gaze on me. I look up to meet his brown orbs. He has a goofy grin on his face. "What?", I ask with a blush spreading on my cheeks. "I have a good pickup line!", Zach exclaims excitedly. "Shoot", I laugh. "I'll give you a kiss and if you don't like it you can return it", Zach says with a big smile. "You're a dork", I laugh. "So how about that kiss?", He winks. "I don't think the other people would appreciate it", I say. "You're right", He agrees. Our food arrives and we waste no second in eating the delicious Italian carb.
       "I want to marry pizza", I mumble. Zach gasps and has an offended look on his face. "What?" "Are you cheating on me? With pizza!", Zach exclaims dramatically. "Pizza tastes so good and you probably taste like blood and a Michael Kors purse." "Michael Kors?", Zach laughs raising his eyebrows at me. "It's the first thing I thought of!", I defend myself.
       "Want to know what I think of when I see you?", Zach asks. "Sure", I shrug. He gets out of his seat and stands up. "Hey people! Listen up! This girl right here is my beautiful girlfriend and one day she will steal my last name!", Zach announces. I feel my face heating up. "Remember when we were like that?", I hear an elder woman ask the man in front of her who I assume is her husband. "I still love you", The elder man says smiling at her. "Aw", I cooe. "Let's leave before we get kicked out", Zach says. I grab his hand and we exit the pizza place.       "Are we going to the fair now?", I ask excitedly. "I like when you get excited", Zach says, with a smile. "I just really love the fair", I say, blushing.
       Shortly we arrive at the fair. I basically run out of the car. "I was going to open the door for you", Zach pouts. "But the fair is right there! No time to be a gentleman Herron!", I exclaim, jumping up and down. Zach shakes his head but I see a grin tugging at his lips. I pull him to the entrance where we buy tickets. "Where are we going first?", I ask. "You lead the way", Zach answers.
       I look around for the scariest ride I can find. I spot one and smirk. This is definitely going to be fun. I lead him to the line. We wait in line and I wait for his reaction for the ride to start. I can tell when it has started because his expression quickly changes to a fearful one. "What have you gotten me into?", Zach groans. "It's not like I would kill you", I laugh. "I'm not so sure I believe that at the moment", Zach mutters. "It'll be alright", I assure. It soon is our turn to get on. When I clip on my belt I turn to look at Zach. He told me he loved roller coasters but who knew a fair ride would scare him. As soon as the ride begins Zach is screaming his head off. I couldn't help but laugh at his shrieks. When we're let off the ride Zach grabs my hand and runs to the exit. "I can't believe you would do that!", Zach explains putting his hand over his heart. "It was fun", I laugh. "You were laughing at me", Zach shakes his head. "You have a nice scream." Zach shakes his head.
       Zach pulls me to a dart game. "I've never been good at these", I say. "That's what I'm for. I can win you stuffed animals even though you have millions of them", Zach explains. "I have twenty two", I correct. "I'm not suprised you counted them", Zach chuckles. I try and pop a balloon with a dart but miserably fail. Zach on the other hand was good at playing. He hands me a pink stuffed bear. I hold it close to my chest and smile. "Twenty three", Zach says. "What?" "You have twenty three stuffed animals." "Not suprised you counted them", I mimick.
       We get on a few more rides. Zach didn't scream as much on them. Most likely because I let him pick them. He was afraid I would get him killed on a ride. We get ice cream after the rides. "Can we go on the Ferris Wheel?", I ask. "Anything for my queen." I smile at Zach. We get in line and wait for out turn.
       Zach is on his phone. I look and see him looking at his homescreen. It's a picture of me on his lap laughing and him looking at me with a big smile. "I think yours is cuter", I comment showing his my homescreen. It's a picture of him carrying me bridal style. "Yeah that girl is the biggest cutest dork", He says,  smiling at me. "Your lips look lonely", I say. "They would love to meet yours", He says. He presses his lips on to mine. My heart flutters and butterflies start having a crazy party in my stomach. After a few seconds we pull away. He wraps his arm around me while we wait for our turn. After a few minutes we get into a cart.
       "How come you always sleep on my bed and I never sleep on yours?", I ask. "You always want to make forts in the living room and insist on sleeping there. You can sleep in my bed anytime you want", Zach laughs. "Fine then I want to sleepover", I say.
"That's perfect because it means I get to be around you for longer which is the greatest gift anyone could ask for." "Could you get even more romantic?", I tease. "You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall, is in love with me", Zach says looking down at me. "Joke is on you I already fell off a tree and in love with you", I say. Zach chuckles and kisses my forehead. I smile at him and turn my attention towards the view. It was truly a beautiful view. It was even better to be in Zach's arms.
       After we got off the ride we decided to go home. I was falling asleep so Zach insisted on carrying me to the car. I didn't argue with him. We drive home and open the door. The guys all greet us but we go straight up to his room. He hands me some of the clothes I've left. I go into the bathroom and change. I see Zach's hoodie on the floor and pull it on.       
       "You and your obsession with my clothes", Zach laughs. "They're soft and they smell like you", I shrug. "It's a good thing because when I get them back they smell like you." "How much more romantic could you get?", I laugh. Zach and I both yawn. We look at eachother and nod. I go under the covers and hide my face in Zach's chest. I fall asleep to the beating of his heart.
Word count: 1497
Zach and Mia are cute together. I don't have anything to say today so byeeeee.

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