Chapter 50

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*Mia's point of view*
      "I want to take you out to an expensive dinner", Zach says. "What?", I ask looking up at him. Zach came over to watch Netflix with me. I've been having a lazy day. Yesterday the boys, Christina and I  stayed up until about 4 AM. We were taking pictures and watching movies. I couldn't fall asleep and when I did fall asleep Zach came over. He let me sleep. Since I woke up we've been watching movies and eating all the snacks I have.
       "I want to buy you expensive luxurious food." "By expensive food I'm guessing you mean pizza", I say. "I mean go get ready to go to a fancy restaurant", Zach says. "We don't have to buy expensive food, Zachary." "I'm buying it, not you", Zach corrects. "I'm not letting you do that." I shrug. "You don't really have a choice." "But I want to go on a date before we go to Texas", Zach whines. "Then you can help me pack." "But I want to spoil you." "Then spoil me with your love." Zach smirks and gets up. "Why do you have that look on your face?", I question.
       Zach starts to tickle me. I immediately start laughing. "S-stop", I beg. He continues to tickle my sides. He had a smile on his face as I continued to laugh. "Zach", I mange to say. Tears started falling from laughing so hard. Zach doesn't stop tickling me. I manage to push him off of me. We both fall of the couch. I quickly get up and grab a pillow. I start to hit him with it. A laugh escapes his mouth. He grabs the pillow closest to him and starts hitting me with it. "Pillow war!", I scream. I run upstairs to my room. I quickly run into my room and grab a pillow off of my bed. I search for a can of silly string. I find it and grab it. I tip toe downstairs. I walk into the living room and see all the cushions are no longer on the couch. They are now being used as a fort.
       "Zachary?" "Yes?" "What are you doing?", I laugh. "Hiding in my castle", Zach answers. "Hiding from what?", I ask. "The scary monster. They call her Mia. I heard she can blind you with her beauty", Zach explains. "Really?", I ask. "I can't risk it so be gone peasant!", He exclaims. I laugh and shake my head. I take the can of silly string and start to spray it all over Zach's fort. "I'm under attack!", Zach shrieks. Zach comes out of the fort and starts to throw pillows at me. I shriek and run behind the couch. Pillows fly past me. I peek and see Zach with a pillow taped on his chest. I laugh and grab a pillow. I throw it at his head. He smirks and starts to walk towards me. My eyes winden in fear. I run upstairs and hide behind my bedroom door. I hear Zach's foot steps. He walks into my room and looks around. I jump on his back suprising him. He looses his balance and falls. I fall on top of him.
       "That was fun", I remark. Zach chuckles. I get off and lay on the floor next to him. He smirks at me and starts to tickle my sides. You and Me At Christmas starts blaring through my speaker. I scream the music scaring me. Zach looked suprised. I get up and walk to my phone that was connected to my speaker. It was Christina calling me.
       Before I can answer Jack is climbing in through my window. I rush to the window and pull him inside my room. Corbyn walks into my room. "The back door was open", Corbyn informs. Daniel walks into my room holding a watermelon. "Can I eat your watermelon?", Daniel asks. "How did you get in?", I ask. "I heard screaming outside! Is everything okay?", Christina asks running into my room. Jonah walks in after her. "I got in through the living room window", Jonah answers. "Your window", Jack replies. "Back door", Corbyn shrugs. "I have a key", Christina says. "I followed Christina." "So why we're you screaming?", Jonah questions. "We were having a war", I answer. "So can I eat the watermelon?", Daniel asks. "Can I Christina move in with me?", I ask. "What?", Christina asks suprised. "Too much space for only me", I explain. "So I can eat the watermelon." "You can eat the watermelon", I laugh.

Word count: 761
Thanks for all the support!! I appreciate every single one of you. I seriously adore you guys or whatever species you are. I have made so many new friends because of this fanfiction and it makes me sad that it has to end at some point. It's not ending yet though!! Still have a ton of chapters with a lot of crazy stuff!!

Have an amazing day!!

GABBIE IS OUT!! *drops microphone on my foot and gets laughed at by injured flamingo*

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