Chapter 61

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*Mia's point of view*
       I call Harvey and ask him to pick me up. It's a three hour drive from Houston to Dallas but hopefully I'll be gone before Zach is back. I can't stop the tears from coming down. The only thing I want to do is hide under a blanket and let the warmth and comfort of it suck me in. My heart aches in pain. There's makeup running down my face. I pack and cry at the same time. I hang up clothes I took from Zach. He's probably going to want it back.
       I can't believe we broke up that fast. I really thought we would last. What I really can't believe is Zach believes Samantha. I know what she's doing but he chooses her. I can't do anything about that. I rather he be happy than be stuck with me. I don't want him to feel trapped.
       I'm the only one who's at Zach's house. It sucks that I don't get to say bye to his family because I enjoyed spending time with them. I finish packing and sit on the floor against the door like in the dramatic movies. I never understood why they were so dramatic. They were good at acting the sob wall slide scene because I was feeling as heart broken as they looked.
        I lost Zach to a person who doesn't deserve his love. I don't think I deserved it either. Maybe his love is like a really special diamond that I can't afford. I don't want to hurt Zach with my storm hidden behind the rainbow of happiness. It doesn't mean I'm over Zach. I really don't think I'll get over him. Idiot! You broke up with him! I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. I hope Zach sees Samantha's true intentions before he gets hurt.
        Harvey should be here in about two hours if he doesn't make any stops. I can't wait to just cry on his shoulder. I wonder if Zach is crying in Samantha's shoulder or even crying. I space out and stare at the wall. My thoughts trickle away when my phone starts to play the familiar ring tone. I grab it and answer the call. "Hello?" "I'm outside of the house", Harvey says. I'm confused for a second but then remember Harvey is picking me up. I quickly write a note for Ryan and Reece.
Dear, little monkeys I adore
        I had so much fun with you monekys. Ryan you've got some crazy arcade skills. I had so much fun with you. I have an Xbox at home so we can play together when you want to. Reece you're a queen and I absolutely love you. I loved trying on dresses and getting our nails done. The bright pink on your nails looks beautiful! Getting ice cream and playing in the park was something I won't forget. Probably because of the scratch on my finger from falling. Love you guys!

Mia is out :)
        I take the note and put it where I know it'll be found. I sigh and wipe away my tears. I take my suitcase downstairs. I open the door and see Harvey opening the trunk. I pull the suitcase towards him. He immediately greets me with a hug. "It's so good to see you again", Harvey mumbles. "It's so good to be getting a hug from you." I try to smile but miserably fail.
        Harvey puts my stuff in the trunk. I sit in the passengers seat and sigh. I should be leaving with Zach. "What's wrong Mia?", Harvey asks. "Nothing", I lie. "You're probably just as tired as I am", Harvey chuckles. "Yeah", I say not really paying attention. My mind kept traveling to thoughts of Zach. The smile he always has on his face was glued into every thought.
         When Harvey hugged me it felt like it's what my brain wanted. My brain wanted me to latch myself into Harvey's arms and never let go. My heart wanted me to run to Zach's arms and let him comfort me. I don't know what he would be able to do. I did break up with him. Yet what I did is causing me more pain I've ever been. That says a lot considering I fell off a tree and broke my leg in three places. All I want to do is reach out for Zach.
        "So what happened with Zach?", Harvey asks. When Zach's name comes out of Harvey's mouth I completely loose it. Sobs I didn't know I was holding inside escape my mouth. Harvey parks at a gas station. "What's wrong?", Harvey asks, wrapping his arms around me like he used to do when I was upset. "I broke up with Zach", I sob into Harvey's chest. "Why?", Harvey asks, rubbing my back. "We got in a fight and I'm dramatic so I broke up", I explain, the tears running down faster than before. My eyes seemed like a waterfall the past few days. Tears just ran and ran out of them. I wonder how my body could let all that water out from my eyes. "Are you sure it was just a fight?", Harvey questions.
       I tell him everything. I give a specific details about everything. I tell him everything about Samantha. I describe her with the worst words I can think of. Anger boiled inside at just saying her name. It was like venom rolling off my tounge. During the whole thing I couldn't come to hate a single fiber in Samantha's body. I can't hate her because I feel sorry that she's that type of person. That she has to spend her life being cruel and dark. I can't hate Zach either. I can't feel any anger towards him. I can't get angry because he chose Samantha. Each part of me is too busy loving him to even get close to the the thought of hating him.
       When I can't cry anymore my breathing slows down. I fall asleep imagining Zach's laugh and huge smile looping.

Word count: 1012
SO WHAT SHOULD I CALL YOU GUYS??? These are some suggestions and if you have more leave them in the comments. You can comment if you like one of the suggestions. I want you guys to agree on something because honestly without you all this fanfiction wouldn't be successful.

I love you guys so much! Thanks for getting this fanfiction to #19!! I'm beyond happy!! I really didn't expect this fanfiction to do very well.

If you want to use my characters or kinda use one of my chapters (not word by word) you HAVE TO ask!! You cannot steal any ideas from me! It's rude and annoying because I work really hard on this fanfiction. Some people have asked to make books about killing Samantha. If you ask me and I give you permission then you are more than welcome to stab her in the face.



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GABBIE IS OUT!!! *Drops bricks on Samantha's head*

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