Chapter 21

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*Zach's point of view*
       "Mia! Why are you throwing stuffed animals in the cart?", I ask trying to put all of the stuffed animals back. "Stop putting them back!", Mia yells trying to pull the stuffed animal in my hand away. "You can't have all of them", I say shaking my head. She pouts and holds one against her chest. She's too cute to say no to. "You can have one", I sigh. "But the stuffed animal will get lonely", Mia whines still pouting. One part of me wants to give in and let her have two stuffed animals and the other part wants to kiss her. "Okay", I agree. She cheers and takes the stuffed animal from my hands away. She climbs back into the shopping cart. "Where to next?", I ask. "The tent section", She answers. I raise my eyebrows at her. "We need a tent for the sleepover because it makes it way more fun", Mia explains. "You're crazy." "Thanks."
       We get the rest of the stuff we need and some stuff Mia said we needed but I don't think we actually needed it. I start to pull out my wallet to pay. "You're not paying", Mia says. "Yes, I am." "I'm not letting you pay for stuff I threw in the cart", Mia argues stubbornly. "I'm paying", I say. "Is that Corbyn?", Mia asks pointing behind me. I turn to check. "It is", I say turning my attention back to Mia. She had slid her card. "Mia!", I exclaim. "That's me", Mia says. I groan and roll my eyes annoyed. "Sorry that I'm not sorry", Mia apoligizes. "I'm sorry you aren't sorry", I chuckle. We leave the store and see Kylie by the entrance with Daniel.
       "Kylie!", Mia yells dramatically running to Kylie. "The floor is lava!", Kylie yells. Mia shrieks and jumps into a lady's shopping cart. Which was still moving so I'm not sure how she did it. The lady looks at Mia and stops. Mia gives the lady a grin but the lady looks annoyed. I pull Mia out of the shopping cart and give the lady an apologetic smile. "I'm going to die! The floor is lava!", Mia yells trying to find somewhere to go. I laugh at how frantic she looks. I pick her up bridal style. "You're my hero Herron", Mia says grinning. "Well this hero thinks we should go to my house and have the sleepover", I say.
       "We don't have a car", Mia reminds me. "We'll take you", Daniel says. "Or you can take Kylie with you and I'll drive Kylie's car", Mia suggests. We all agree. I help Mia put the stuff we bought in the car. I start to drive to the house.
       Mia takes the aux cord and Something Different comes on. "My favorite!", She gasps and starts to sing along. I glance at her and see her jamming out. When my part comes on she stops and listens. "Your voice has blessed my future children", She mumbles. I laugh and sing with her. She starts to record me singing. She starts to dance around in her seat to Air of the Night. I glance at her.
       Her eyes hold the ocean in them. They sparkle as she dances around with a smile. Her smile is huge and gorgeous. She looks like she's having the time of her life and her smile says it all. She's absolutely gorgeous. A lot more than gorgeous or beautiful. She's Mia and that's the best there can possibly be.
       "You suck at driving", Mia laughs. "What?", I ask looking at her. "The light has been on green for the last thirty seconds", She laughs. I look and sure enough the light is green. "And you couldn't have told me thirty seconds ago?", I ask. "Sassy Herron", Mia laughs. We arrive at the house. I open the door for her and she's instantly greeted.
       "We're playing truth or dare", Daniel says. "Want to join?", Jonah asks. I look at Mia waiting for a response. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the group. We sit down. "Kylie truth or dare?", Jack asks. "Dare", Kylie says. "I dare you to make out with the person on your right or left", Jack dares. Kylie turns to her right and sees Mia. "Nope!", Mia yells scooting closer to me. I put my arm around Mia. "Sorry Jonah", Kylie says before pressing her lips on to his. "He said make out not eat!", I yell. "My poor brain can not handle that mature content!", Mia yells hiding her face in my chest. When Kylie and Jonah pull away they have lipstick smudged all over their lips.
        "Zach truth or dare?", Kylie asks. "Dare", I choose. "I dare you to tell Mia you love her", Kylie dares with a smirk. "I said dare not truth", I say. "Aw", Kylie cooes. "My heart can't take it!", Mia yells dramatically falling on to my lap with her hands over her heart. I smile at her and kiss her forehead. "Just date already", Corbyn says. I wish. I blush and look at Mia who is turning reder by the second. "Okay fine your dare is to give Mia a peck", Kylie says. Mia sits up and glares at Kylie. I look at Mia and she gives me a reassuring smile. I grab her face and peck her lips.
       I feel a million little things and one big thing. It really makes me realize something. I realize from something small that probably doesn't matter to Mia something really big that means the world to me. I love Mia Cassidy Evans.
       "They both can't stop blushing",  Jonah laughs. "Look at Mia's face", Daniel teases. "Shut up", Mia mumbles. "Mia truth or dare?", Corbyn asks. "Dare", Mia chooses. "I dare you to jump in the pool", Corbyn says. "But I don't have extra clothes", Mia frowns. "You can borrow some of mine", I offer. She agrees. She takes her shoes and socks off. I run upstairs and grab a towel and clothes for her. I go outside. I watch her jump into the pool. She comes up to the surface and I help her out. "Can we order pizza?"

Word count: 1039

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