Chapter 70

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Dedicated to my best friend livelovejessa
*Mia's point of view*
       I get in my car and drive to the mall. I jam out to music on the way. I park the car and walks towards the entrance. I haven't been shopping in a really long time and it's mainly because I'm not patient enough. I need new clothes though. Well, I don't actually need it. I just want new clothes. I walk into a few stores and get some stuff. I met a few fans inside Victoria Secrets. I start my way over to Forever 21. It comes into a view and a girl stands there holding something while the lady says something to her. As I get near I hear what's going on.
       "I can't allow you in the store with a bowl of cereal", The woman says. I thought I was crazy for food but this girl seems crazier. It reminds me of an old best friend I used to have. She moved to Canada and we lost touch. I wonder how she's doing. "I'm going in with my cereal", The girl states. "Please don't make me call mall security", The woman pleads. My old friend was crazy about cereal. No one could get in the way of her and cereal. I hope they make it legal to marry cereal in Canada."Do you feel threatened by cereal? Is me cereal threatening you?", The girl questions. "I think her cereal is safe", I chime in. The woman sighs. She looks extremely annoyed to be fighting with a teenager about a bowl of cereal. "Eat your cereal out here", The woman says. "Why are you holding back my rights?! I can eat cereal!", The girl exclaims. "Eat your cereal out here", The woman repeats. The woman nods to a security gaurd and goes back into the store.
        I patiently wait for her to finish her cereal so I can talk to her. I know how annoying it is for some people. At least the ones who take cereal seriously. She finishes her cereal. "What's your name?", I question. "I'm Erika Sull", The girl answers. I squeal and pull her in for a tight hug. "Who are you?", Erika questions. "The girl that thought it was a good idea to make pizza cereal." Erika gasps and hugs me back. "Mia!! You're so gorgeous!", Erika exclaims. "You are slaying my life! I'm so happy to see you again!", I say excitedly. "Since we're here how about we do some catching up and shopping?", Erika suggests. "Still in love with cereal I see", I chuckle. "Still in love with pizza. I can't see anything but I know you wouldn't give pizza up", Erika says. I laugh and pull her into the store. We talk about everything there is to talk about.
        Erika was my first best friend. She moved away in the 5th grade and it broke my heart. We didn't keep in touch like we promised. Now here we are shopping and complaining about people who interrupt your eating. It's crazy how I still remembered her. Erika is almost seventeen.  She's the biggest savage I know and I'm Logan Paul's cousin so she takes it to a whole another level.
       "I have some awesome friends I think you'll like", I say. We have shopped for three hours. It has been pure laughter which is always the best. "Then let's go show them the best duo there is", Erika says. She starts to walk to the right. "My car is straight ahead!", I yell. "I knew that. I just wanted to show you the incorrect way to get to your car", Erika explains. I laugh and lead Erika to my car. "I want to meet your boyfriend", Erika says. "You'll meet him in ten to twenty minutes", I say. Erika cheers and asks me more about Zach. On the way I tell him how sweet he is. I had a huge smile telling her about Zach. He's such an amazing person it's insane. Erika looked happy when I told her about him.
        We get out of the car and I swing open the door. "I brought a friend!", I announce. "Where'd you get her?", Corbyn questions. "I found her on the side of the street talking to a dead fish", I answer. "That's cool", Jonah says. "Hi, my name's Jack", Jack introduces himself. "The gift I was given at birth is the name Erika and oxygen from the trees", Erika introduces herself. "I like her already", Christina comments. "Me too", Jack agrees. Erika blushes and gives him a small smile. "So where is your boyfriend?", Erika asks. "I am right here!", Zach yells rushing over to me. He pecks my lips and hugs me. "Erika this is Zachhairy", I joke. "Nice name", Erika comments. She has the face expression I know. She's trying not to laugh. "My name is Zach", Zach corrects rolling his eyes.
       "So are you single?", Jonah asks. "I can't legally marry cereal yet so sadly yes", Erika answers. "Great! Jack is single too!", Jonah informs. "Yeah!", Daniel says pushing Jack towards Erika. Erika looks at Jack but then her eyes travel to his curly hair. "It's fake", I say. "Disappointment", Erika mumbles. "Does someone want to go climb on to the roof?", Corbyn asks. "Me!", Erika volunteers. "Me too", Jack agrees. Erika and Corbyn find a way to get on top of the roof while Jack agrees. When Erika and Corbyn were on the roof it was now Jack's turn. "Why did I agree to do this?!", Jack yells. "Because you have a crush on my best friend!", I shout. "That makes sense", Jack says. He finally manages to get on the roof with the help of Corbyn and Erika. "How am I supposed to get off?", Jack asks. "While we call the fire department to come and get you down you can practice flirting with Erika." "I'll give you pick up lines", Zach offers. "Your pick up lines suck!" Zach gasps offended. "Stop being so dramatic princess and call the fire department", I laugh.
Word count: 1010
It's 5:43 AM and I don't want to go to school. Wish me good luck in hell :)


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