Chapter 72

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*Mia's point of view*
       I run upstairs to my room. I have two hours before Zach picks me up so we get dinner. I hear Erika and Christina screaming lyrics. I prepare myself for the disaster they made in my room. I open the door."I want you to love me like I'm a hot pie!", Erika screeches into my curling wand. "It doesn't say hot pie, idiot!", Christina scolds. "Hot pies are better", I chime in. "That's true", Erika agrees. "Today's your big day!", Christina chirps. "What's happening?", I ask. "You'll find out later but right now we need you to get in the shower", Erika demands shoving me in my bathroom. Christina shoves clothes into my hands.
       I get in the shower. I don't hear Christina and Erika. Weird. I know my best friends and they are always loud. One second with them is never quiet. Especially with Erika. I know Jack has taken a very big liking to Erika this past week. The first day they met Jack spent the night on the phone with me rambling on how cute she is. Erika hasn't said anything about Jack. When Christina and I questioned her she tried to change the topic. I can write a book about her. I know for a fact she has feelings for Jack. I hope Daniel and Christina start dating before tour. They're so blind and oblivious about each other's feelings for each other. I wonder if Zach and I were like that.
       "These dresses aren't right!", Christina huffs annoyed. "Raid your closet while I do Mia's hair", Erika suggests. "That's a good idea", I agree. I sit on my chair and Erika starts to curl my hair. "I like Jack", Erika confesses. "I know", I say. "Do you think he likes me back?", Erika questions. "He does", I assure. "You're the queen and all, but how are you so sure?" "I can't betray his trust", I say. "Does that mean he does like me then?", Erika asks. "Whatever doesn't betray his trust but can assure you is what I said", I explain. "Like three hundred years later and you're still confusing", Erika sighs. "Like three hundred years later and you're still in love with cereal."
       "At least I eat other things! You only eat pizza!", Erika argues. "But pizza can be anything!", I defend. "We'll test that in a few minutes when I finish curling your hair." Erika finishes my hair and takes me downstairs. She grabs a slice of pizza and puts it on the counter. "Are you positive that pizza can be anything?", Erika asks. "Yes", I answer confidently. "Let's test it." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Erika points her finger at the pizza. "Be a submarine!", Erika demands. We both stare at the pepori pizza. "You lied!", Erika accuses. "Never!", I gasp. "Okay", Erika gives in. "I found a dress!", Christina announces. I get dressed and do my makeup. We're all ready with ten minutes to spare.
       We sit down on the couch and watch SpongeBob. The door swings open and Jack walks in wearing a suit. "You're not supposed to be here for another minute! Get out!", Christina snaps pushing him out the door. Erika and I laugh. Christina watches the time waiting for it to be exactly 7 PM. When the clock hits 7 she opens the door. Jack glares at her. His glare quickly vanishes when his eyes meet Erika's. Zach walks in.
       "Someone catch me", Zach mumbles. He falls back and lands on the floor with a loud thud. "Why'd you fall?", Corbyn asks stepping over his body. "Why didn't you catch me?", Zach asks. Corbyn shrugs. "It's just my beautiful girlfriend looked amazing as always and it was so overwhelming I fell", Zach explains. I blush and move over to him. I help him up. When he's on his feet I'm quick to give him a kiss. "You look handsome", I compliment. "But don't you wish your boyfriend was hot like me?", Jonah jokes. I roll my eyes and laugh. "You all look handomse", I rephrase. "I know", Daniel sasses. "Let's go", Zach says. He holds out his hand for me to take. We exit my house. There is a limo parked. "You rented a limo?", I question suprised. "I told him to rent a party bus but he didn't want to", Erika sighs. "We could have just taken our cars", I laugh. "It's your big day though", Jonah says. We all get in the limo. "You look beautiful as always", Zach compliments putting his arm around me. I blush and smile at him. "And you look very handomse."
       I get a Facetime request from Logan. I answer it and his face appears on the screen. "Today's your big day!", He yells. "Why does everyone keep saying that?", I question. "It's your big day!" "That doesn't answer my question", I say. "Come visit soon and I'll buy you pizza", Logan says. "You make it sound like you're kidnapping me", I snort. "Today's your big day!" Logan ends the call.
       The limo driver turns on the radio for us. All My Love starts to play. "All of my love!", I screech. Soon we're all screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. When the song is over we're out of breath. "Since we're underage I got a great idea", Erika says. "What is it?" "We can drink juice boxes in the fancy limo", Erika explains. She pulls out a packet of juice boxes from her bag. "How did that fit in there?", Daniel asks. "I'm not sure", Erika answers truthfully. She passes the juice boxes around.
       "We've got everything in this limo. We've got noodles, a kid from the future, juice, savages, candy and most importantly oxygen", I say. "Really?", Jack mumbles rolling his eyes. "You know you love me." I shrug. "You know you care", Christina adds. "Just shout whenever and I'll be there", Erika chimes in. Like the strange people we are Christina, Erika and I start to scream Baby by Justin Beiber. "You should leave singing to the professionals", Jonah jokes. "I don't see any professionals and we're the next big thing", Erika says with a smirk. "Straight savage", Daniel laughs. I lay my head on Zach's shoulder.
       "I love you", Zach says. "I love you too", I say with a big grin. While the Jack and Erika argue about ducks wearing top hats Zach hums Free. I listen, still astonished on how amazing his voice is even though I've heard it millions of times. I see a flash go off. I look at Erika who smiles sheepishly. "Send it to me", I laugh. Erika nods. I can't believe I got lucky enough to have a caring boyfriend and group of amazing best friends. "What are you thinking about?", Zach asks. When he asks that my thoughts evaporate and I start to think of a bowl of cereal. "Cheerios", I answer. Zach chuckles. "We can have a sleepover and eat Cheerios", Zach suggests. "Sleeping and Cheerios sounds perfect", I agree. Zach and I talk about tour.
       I haven't talked to my manager yet but I'm really hoping my schedule is clear. I don't want to be far from Zach for even a second. I'm already so attached to him. Anywhere he is I want to be there too. It sounds clingy but life is brighter with Zach.
       We get out of the limo. The restaurant already screams expensive. "How expensive is this place?", I ask. "Let's just say it took a lot to make a reservation", Zach answers. "We really don't have to eat such expensive food. I live off of pizza and pancakes", I say. "But I want to", Zach shrugs. I sigh. Why does Zach have to be such an amazing boyfriend? The waiter leads us to an elevator.
         "I hate elevators", Zach groans. "Is Zachy scared?", Christina teases. "Yes", Zach answers. I grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. "This elevator once fell and killed ten people", The elevator guy says. I glare at the scrawny man. "Stop being an asshole", I hiss. The guy chuckles and presses the button with the number ten on it. The elevator dings when we get to the floor. "Tip", The elevator guy reminds. He holds out his hand. "Right", Erika says. She pulls out half of a penny and puts it in his hand. "Keep the change", Erika snickers. I smirk. "Jack calm your girl down", Zach laughs. "She might get us kicked out with her savagery", Jonah chimes in. "True", I agree. "I would never do it on your big day", Erika assures. What's so important today? Did I forget something? I know it isn't any of our birthdays and I haven't signed anything important. What else can be so important?
        The waiter sits us at a table. This is the top floor and it has no roof. We can see all the stars and have a beautiful view. It must have cost Zach a lot. I'll have to make it up to him. The rich people give us strange looks. They must be wondering how a group of teenagers got in here. The waiter gives us menus. Nothing looks or sounds familiar so I have to read what the little summary of the dish says. We all decide what food we're getting.
        "Are you going to propose again?", Daniel asks. "Not today", I shrug. "So no cake?", Jonah asks. "Nope." "Maybe one day I'll actually really propose and we'll get free cake", Zach laughs. "That would be a good idea", I say with a goofy smile. "I think it's the best idea", Zach says. "You never know Herron. I might suprise you and propose before you have the chance", I say with a smirk. Zach rolls his eyes with a smile tugging at his lips.
        "We've got a question", Jack says. "Please take this into consideration", Corbyn pleads. "You'll enjoy this a lot", Jonah assures. "And we'll love you", Daniel adds. "My answer is yes", I say. "We haven't asked anything yet", Corbyn says. "Yes", I agree. "We could have asked you to lick the floor!", Daniel exclaims. "Was that your questions?", I ask raising my eyebrows. "We want to know if you'll come on tour with us", Daniel says. "Zach already asked and I agreed. I'm going to talk to my manager. If she says I can then I will be annoying you on a bus", I explain. "You're leaving?", Christina asks. A frown takes over her smile. "The question is for you and Erika", Jonah says. "I want to come!", Christina exclaims excitedly. Daniel cheers and hugs her. Christina and Daniel both blush. We wait silently for Erika's answer. "I'll think about it", Erika says. Jack sighs in relief. I get his attention and wiggle my eyebrows. He winks and smiles at me. I'm 100% sure Erika and Jack will soon be together. "Imagine all the dates we can go on", Zach says. "Imagine all the good food", I say. "All you care about is food", Zach laughs. "No, I care about you and dogs", I correct. "Well, right now you should care about the fancy food the waiter is carrying towards us", Christina says.
       The waiter gives us our food. It turns out I ordered some time of pasta thing. "Why couldn't the just have said spaghetti instead of some fancy thing I can't pronounce?," Erika asks. "I think that if it sounds expensive it costs more", Corbyn explains. "That sounds right", I agree. "What is that?", Christina asks staring at Jonah's plate. "I don't know", Jonah answers truthfully. "It doesn't look appetizing", I mumble. Zach agrees with me. We all eat our food in peaceful silence. It was extremely good pasta. "I think it's safe to say I have never had such good whatever this is", Daniel says.
       "I love you", I say to Zach with a smile. He smiles back and pecks my lips. "I love you my queen." "Okay just because you guys are in a relationship doesn't mean all of us want to hear your stuff", Jack says. "You're just salty that Erika has to make the first move because you're too scared to do it", I sass. Everyone but Jack breaks out into a fit of laughter. "Don't worry I won't eat you", Erika jokes. "I'm not scared!", Jack defends himself. "Fine we dare you to kiss Erika", Daniel says with a smirk. "Daniel, you're the last person to be talking. All you do is blush when Christina is around. I'm not sure she's ever seen your skin color because you're so busy turning red", Jack argues. Daniel blushes obviously embarrassed. "I believe in you Erika and Daniel", I encourage. Daniel sighs but I see him flash me a small smile. Christina was busy blushing.
       "Let's not ruin Mia's big day", Corbyn says. "What's so important?!", I exclaim. "You'll find out soon enough", Corbyn assures. I groan in frustration. Zach grabs my hand and moves my chin so I'm looking at him. "Just be patient", Zach says. My frown flips upside down. "Okay", I say calmly. "Do vegans and vegetarians eat animal crackers?", I question. "I don't think this so", Zach chuckles. "Do you want to watch a chicken get beheaded?", The man at a near table asks. Tears start to well up in my eyes. "It's a stuffed animal", Daniel assures glaring at the man. "Desert?", The waiter asks. "Come back in a few minutes", Zach says. "Are we actually getting desert instead of faking a propsal?", I ask. "Yes, because last time was awkward", Zach chuckles.
       I look up at the clear view of stars. They look so pretty. For some reason the stars calm me down. The way that they shine in the dark sky has always been something I'm fond of. In a way it's soothing to know that they're there to make the dark look better. I think Zach might count as a star. Life is so bitter without him. My life has just gotten a whole lot brighter.
       My thoughts are interrupted when Just To See You Smile starts to play. I gasp excitedly and look towards Zach. He's no longer in his chair. Instead he's on one knee in front of me holding a velvet box. My heart skips a beat. This has to be a joke.
        "Do you actually want chocolate cake?", I joke. "Just please listen", Zach says. I look around confused. "Are you being serious?", I whisper. "Listen", Zach pleads. I nod and he takes a hold of my hand. "We're young and crazy. I'm crazy in love with you and it's insane. I spend every night imagining waking up next to you in our own house. Maybe I'm too young to be thinking about that but I really am in love with you. We can cook dinner together and have pillow fights. It's a perfect dream that I will do anything for so it can become a reality. I'd willingly loose an argument with you just so my dream can become a reality. I only want to be with you. I only want to wake up with you. I only want to be happy with you. I want an endless about of time with you", Zach says. Tears start to well up in my eyes. My heart has suddenly become a professional tap dancer.
        "I truly believe that without you I wouldn't be me. Just one second with you makes me the happiest. Everyday I spend with you is a new ray of happiness. You complete my whole life, Mia. You're the strongest, most caring and beautiful person I know. You've taught me things in such a short matter of time. You're something so different and beautiful. I love you so much that I'm going to promise so many things to you. I promise that you are the only one with the key to my heart. You'll forever be the only one in my heart. I promise to without a pause, doubt and in a heart beat I will always choose you. I promise to value and treat you like the queen you are. I promise that one day I'll trade this promise ring for something that will make me the happiest person ever. Most importantly I promise to continue to love you unconditionally." Tears start to fall down my cheeks. He opens the box. In the box is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.
      "I love you so much", I manage to laugh. "Are you laughing at him or are you happy?", Jack questions. Daniel smacks him upside the head. Zach slides the ring on to my finger and gets back uo. I press my lips on to his. I don't think there could have been a more perfect moment. I pull away. "You're stuck with me now", I joke. "I could spend forever with you and I wouldn't mind", Zach says. "What did I ever do to get so lucky?", I question smiling up at him. "I really wish I knew the answer on what this world could have possibly done to deserve the most amazing person", Zach says. I kiss him again. "That was so cute", Christina sobs. We all turn to her. She's wiping away tears. I laugh and wipe mine away too.
       What did I do that was so good that I got to meet Zach? All the words he said explain how I feel about him. The list on why he means of much to me never stops. Zach and I sit back down. I have a huge smile into my face. You would think from smiling so much your face would hurt.
       "When did you get so romantic?", I laugh. "I've always been like this but I think it's come out because I'm deeply madly in love with you." "Or maybe you're in love with cake", I joke. "I'm definitely in love with cake too." "How big do you think the real diamond will be?", Christina asks. "Knowing the way that Zach is it'll probably be bigger than my head", Corbyn says. "For sure", Zach laughs.
       "Congratulations", The waiter says bluntly. He comes out with so many different deserts. "Is it possible to get a promise ring for cake?", I ask. Zach laughs and kisses my cheek. Chocolate cake and Zach. There isn't a more perfect way to end the night.

_________________________________________Word count: 3052 It is 11 PM and I'm exhausted

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Word count: 3052
It is 11 PM and I'm exhausted. I spent all day writing this chapter and I'm not happy with it. I made it three hundred decades long. I miss daily updates because I would be more active with Nuggetz. I'm going to try and bring them back.

I don't know if you guys knew but I read most of your fanfictions. I don't read when you ask me to read them most of the time. Like sometimes I'll get bored and click on your profiles. I GOTTA SAY THAT YOU NUGGETZ ARE EXTREMELY TALENTED!! LIKE WOWOWOW!! WAY TO OUT SHINE ME!! lol I'm kidding but you guys are great!!

I'm sad that this fanfiction is coming to an end. There will be a sequel but it still makes me sad. I've met so many and started an army with this piece of whatever it is. It's insane. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. Your comments always make my day. I love being spammed lol.

I don't know what this note has turned into but I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep now.

GABBIE IS OUT *Drops mattress and flops on to it*

GABBIE IS OUT *Drops mattress and flops on to it*

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