Chapter 69

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*Mia's point of view*
       "Baguette!", I scream. I jump on Jonah's bed trying to wake him up. "What do you want Mini Muffin?", Jonah mumbles sleepily. "I want you to reassure me I'll have a stable job", I say. "You'll have a stable job", Jonah assures not bothering to open his eyes. I sit down next to him and start to poke him. "What do you want for breakfast? It's your turn to choose", I ask. "Donuts", Jonah says finally opening his eyes. "Your wish is Corbyn's command", I say. I get off his bed and run to Corbyn's room. "Let's go buy donuts", I say. "Okay", He agrees. He grabs his keys and we go downstairs.
      "You're not going", Daniel says stopping me. "Why?", I ask. "Because the last time you went anywhere alone with Corbyn you bought a rat", Daniel says. "Puffington didn't have the funeral he deserved!", Corbyn yells. "Yeah!", I agree. "And you tried to plant an army of Corbeans", Jack adds. "I am a grown woman and I can do what I want!", I huff. Daniel raises his eyebrow. "I'm a grown princess", I correct. "You're staying here", Daniel says. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulders. "I'll miss you!", Corbyn yells wiping away fake tears. Jack drags him out of of the door. Daniel puts me down on the couch. He starts to walk away.
       If he's keeping me away from my favorite bean then it's only fair I annoy him. I jump on to his back and start singing horribly. Daniel sighs and goes up to his room with me on his back. "Who's singing so beautifully?", Christina yells. "Me!", I yell back. "Continue!" "I will!" Daniel lays down on his bed squishing me. He gets up and leaves me there. I run back to him and latch myself on to him like a koala. "Don't let him go", Christina says. "I wasn't planning on it", I say. Christina jumps on Daniel. The weight of both of us was getting too much. "If I take you guys our for ice cream tomorrow will you let me go?", Daniel asks. "Okay", I agree jumping off of him. I go upstairs to Zach's room.
       "We leave to go to the aquarium in an hour", Zach says. "You gave your suprise away", I tease. Zach frowns realizing what he did. "Just be ready by then", Zach sighs. "I am ready", I say. Zach looks down at my pajamas. There are little kittens on my shorts and shirt. Zach shrugs and goes back to doing his hair. I grab clothes that I've left in Zach's room and change into that in Jack's room. I brush my hair and braid it. I already had makeup on. I put some on before waking Jonah up.
       I go downstairs and into the living room. Christina and Jonah are fighting over the control. "Sponge Bob!", I scream. "Yeah!", Christina agrees. Jonah nods and puts Sponge Bob on. We watch Sponge Bob until Corbyn and Jack swing the door open.
       "Corbyn!", I shriek. I jump into his arms almost knocking him down. "Mia! It's been so long! It was a good thirty minutes. I missed you so much! Are you pregnant?", Corbyn asks. Jonah and Christina snort. "Like Zach would get Mia pregnant", Jack laughs. "Hey!", Zach exclaims hitting Daniel's arm. "Don't worry buddy I believe in you", Daniel assures. I roll my eyes. "I'm not trying to get pregnant right now", I say. "What about in the future?", Corbyn asks walking to the living room with me still in his arms. "Sir Corbean when will you understand to not question me?", I ask. "Never", Corbyn answers dropping me on to Zach's lap.
       "Zach! It's been so long! Are you pregnant?", I ask planting a kiss on his cheek. "No one would get Zach pregnant even if he offered to pay them", Christina teases. "I bet Mia would get him pregnant", Jack chimes in. "I'm not a sea horse and I am extremely attractive", Zach says rolling his eyes. "You tell them Zachy", I encourage. "Yeah Zachy!", Corbyn joins. Zach huffs in annoyance. "Donuts", Jonah remembers. We all run into the kitchen like we always do when we hear anything about food.
       "So when is the Christina and Daniel ship going to sail?", Jonah asks. Daniel grabs a donut and shoves it in his mouth. "My turn!", I screech. Daniel chooses a donut and shoves it in my mouth. "Time to go", Zach says grabbing my hand. "No", I whine. I reach out for Jack's hand and he grabs it. "My Mia!", Zach yells. He pulls Jack's hand off of me and throws me over his shoulder. "Bye Mia", Corbyn says waving. "Come for me Bean!", I plead. "Have fun on your date!", Christina chirps. "Thanks and have fun making Daniel blush!" Daniel turns bright red. He shakes his head at me. He acts like he's mad at me but we both know he loves me too much.
       Zach puts me down and I climb into the passenger seat of my car. "Don't crash my car", I say handing him the key. "I won't." "You're a horrible driver so that isn't reassuring." "I want to argue about it but it's true." Zach starts to drive to the aquarim. The peaceful silence bothers me and I turn on the radio. Something Different starts to play. I immediately start to sing along. I stop when Zach's part comes on. "Why'd you stop?", Zach asks. "Your voice is so much better than mine", I say. "You sound great so please continue this Broadway car show", Zach says. I laugh and sing my heart out with Zach the entire car ride to the aquarium.
       I'm quick to get out of the car and drag Zach to the entrance. "I'm paying", I announce. "No, you're not and you know you aren't", Zach says. "I'll race you there", I say. I take off running to buy our tickets before Zach fully understands what's happening. "Two tickets", I say to the man working there. Zach runs up to me and tries to push me out of the way. "Here here", I say shoving my debit card in front of the man's face. "No!", Zach exclaims pulling his out. He looks at both of us holding our cards. He takes Zach's and swipes it. I groan and glare at the man. Zach smirks at me. "Not fair", I mumble. "I planned the date so it's fair." Zach shrugs. "But you never let me pay", I whine. "And I never will", Zach states. He grabs our tickets and grabs my hand intertwining our fingers. We go inside the aquarium. I can feel the excitement buzzing off of me. It's been a long time since I've been in an aquarium.
       "Jellyfish!", I squeal dragging Zach towards the jellyfish. "They're so pretty", I mutter staring at them in awe. "They stung Dory", Zach comments. I frown. "I suddenly take a disliking for jellyfish", I say. "They have sharks", Zach informs. "I love sharks!", I squeal. "Really?", Zach asks suprised. "Yeah! I really want a little shark and a want to name Gred and another shark Feorge. "Why would you want a shark?", Zach questions. "Why wouldn't you?" Zach starts to lead me to the sharks.
       I see a colorful fish and it immediately catches my attention. "Look", I say. Zach stops and looks where I'm pointng. "Want to go see them?" I nod. We walk over to the colorful fish. "They're cool, aren't they?", A guy about my age asks. "Yeah", I mumble not really paying attention to them. "You're pretty", The guy comments. "Thanks", I say still not bothering to pay attention to him.
       "Can I have your phone number?", He asks. I'm not sure if he's stupid or blind but I'm clearly holding Zach's hand. "No but if you have business inquires you can talk to my manager", I say. "Why not your personal phone number?", The guy asks. "I don't have one", I lie. My phone starts to ring the familiar ring tone of Zach's beautiful voice singing. "You don't have one?", The boy questions. "It's my grandma's", I lie. "Are you sure?", He questions. "Back off she's taken and she doesn't want your number", Zach hisses. I think he's finally had enough of this guy flirting with me. It doesn't really bother me. "Come on Zach let's go see the sharks and turtles", I say. Zach glares at the guy one last time before taking me to see the sharks.
       "The most annoying this is when people flirt with you", Zach mumbles annoyed. "Put a ring on it", I joke. "That's a good idea", Zach says. "I was kidding", I say. "I'm not." Zach shrugs. "Aren't we a little too young to get married? We've still got a lot going on. I don't think that would be a good idea", I explain. "We don't have to get married now. We can married later", Zach says. Finally I come face to face with a shark. "It's so pretty." Zach looks at me confused. "Pretty?" "Right, I mean beautiful." After that we walk around looking at more of the sea animals. One of the turtles reminded of me of Daniel because he acts like an old man. I took a picture with the turtle and send it to Daniel asking him when he transformed into a turtle.
        "There is one more thing", Zach says. I look around to where he's pulling me. There are less animals. "Are you ready?", Zach asks. "Is a shark going to eat me?" Zach chuckles and swings the door open. It's a penguin exhibit. "Penguins!", I gasp. I immediately run over to the glass. "It's a baby!", I squeal pointing at one. There was excitement in every part of me. I love penguins so much. They're so cute. "Are you crying?", Zach asks. I turn to him with tears rolling down my cheeks. "They're just so cute", I say. Zach laughs and puts his arms around my waist. Considering he towers over me he could enjoy watching the penguins too. I record the penguins to make sure I can watch them forever. That sounds creepy.
       After I cry about the penguins Zach drives us home. On the way I kept watching the video of the penguins and I was a crying mess. Zach didn't know if he should laugh or comfort me. I walk into the Why Don't We house sobbing. "What happened?", Corbyn asks. Zach walks in after me. "Was the date so bad you made her cry?", Jonah asks. "It wasn't bad", Zach says shaking his head. "Are you sure? She's crying", Daniel asks. "The baby penguins were so cute", I explain. "Let me see!", Christina exclaims. I sit down on the couch next to het. We end up crying about baby penguins together while the boys laugh at us.

Word count: 1829
I start school tomorrow and I don't know how my updating schedule will be like. I think every other day might work and when I can I'll update more. I'll figure something out.

So I've been getting a lot of hate for defending myself lately. I honestly don't care what people think of me. I've learned to not care and just be happy with who I am. If you really want to you can keep calling me rude things but it won't really bother me. It shouldn't bother anyone because they are just words. They are words people who are unhappy with themselves use.

THIS IS ALMOST A 200K READS!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!? I CAN'T!! Current rank is #16 so thank you!!

Thank you to all the people who have defended me and helped me get my fanfiction off that girl's page. I truly do love you guys. If you ever have a problem talk to me.  Have a great day Nuggetz!!


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